The Mission of the Seventy

101 And after these things, the Lord did appoint also other seventy, and sent them by twos before his face, to every city and place whither he himself was about to come, 2 then said he unto them, 'The harvest indeed 'is' abundant, but the workmen few; beseech ye then the Lord of the harvest, that He may put forth workmen to His harvest. 3 'Go away; lo, I send you forth as lambs in the midst of wolves;

Matthew Henry's Commentary on Luke 10:1-3

Commentary on Luke 10:1-16

(Read Luke 10:1-16)

Christ sent the seventy disciples, two and two, that they might strengthen and encourage one another. The ministry of the gospel calls men to receive Christ as a Prince and a Saviour; and he will surely come in the power of his Spirit to all places whither he sends his faithful servants. But the doom of those who receive the grace of God in vain, will be very fearful Those who despise the faithful ministers of Christ, who think meanly of them, and look scornfully upon them, will be reckoned as despisers of God and Christ.