3 And thou hast been a crown of beauty in the hand of Jehovah, And a diadem of royalty in the hand of thy God, 4 It is not said of thee any more, 'Forsaken!' And of thy land it is not said any more, 'Desolate,' For to thee is cried, 'My delight 'is' in her,' And to thy land, 'Married,' For Jehovah hath delighted in thee, And thy land is married. 5 For a young man doth marry a virgin, Thy Builders do marry thee, With the joy of a bridegroom over a bride, Rejoice over thee doth thy God.

Matthew Henry's Commentary on Isaiah 62:3-5

Commentary on Isaiah 62:1-5

(Read Isaiah 62:1-5)

The Son of God here assures his church of his unfailing love, and his pleading for her under all trails and difficulties. She shall be called by a new name, a pleasant name, such as she was never called by before. The state of true religion in the world, before the preaching of the gospel, no man seemed to have any real concern for. God, by his grace, has wrought that in his church, which makes her his delight. Let us thence learn motives to holiness. If the Lord rejoices over us, we should rejoice in his service.