17 if not, as God did distribute to each, as the Lord hath called each—so let him walk; and thus in all the assemblies do I direct: 18 being circumcised—was any one called? let him not become uncircumcised; in uncircumcision was any one called? let him not be circumcised; 19 the circumcision is nothing, and the uncircumcision is nothing—but a keeping of the commands of God. 20 Each in the calling in which he was called—in this let him remain;

Matthew Henry's Commentary on 1 Corinthians 7:17-20

Commentary on 1 Corinthians 7:17-24

(Read 1 Corinthians 7:17-24)

The rules of Christianity reach every condition; and in every state a man may live so as to be a credit to it. It is the duty of every Christian to be content with his lot, and to conduct himself in his rank and place as becomes a Christian. Our comfort and happiness depend on what we are to Christ, not what we are in the world. No man should think to make his faith or religion, an argument to break through any natural or civil obligations. He should quietly and contentedly abide in the condition in which he is placed by Divine Providence.