4 I will record Rahab [1] and Babylon among those who acknowledge me.
Behold, Philistia, Tyre, and also Ethiopia:
“This one was born there.” 5 Yes, of Zion it will be said, “This one and that one was born in her;”
the Most High himself will establish her. 6 Yahweh will count, when he writes up the peoples,
“This one was born there.” Selah. 7 Those who sing as well as those who dance say,
“All my springs are in you.”
Matthew Henry's Commentary on Psalm 87:4-7
Commentary on Psalm 87:4-7
(Read Psalm 87:4-7)
The church of Christ is more glorious and excellent than the nations of the earth. In the records of heaven, the meanest of those who are born again stand registered. When God renders to every man according to his works, he shall observe who enjoyed the privileges of his sanctuary. To them much was given, and of them much will be required. Let those that dwell in Zion, mark this, and live up to their profession. Zion's songs shall be sung with joy and triumph. The springs of the joy of a carnal worldling are in wealth and pleasure; but of a gracious soul, in the word of God and prayer. All grace and consolation are derived from Christ, through his ordinances, to the souls of believers.