11 The proud look of man will be abased And the loftiness of man will be humbled , And the Lord alone will be exalted in that day . 12 For the Lord of hosts will have a day of reckoning Against everyone who is proud and lofty And against everyone who is lifted up, That he may be abased . 13 And it will be against all the cedars of Lebanon that are lofty and lifted up, Against all the oaks of Bashan , 14 Against all the lofty mountains , Against all the hills that are lifted up, 15 Against every high tower , Against every fortified wall , 16 Against all the ships of Tarshish And against all the beautiful craft . 17 The pride of man will be humbled And the loftiness of men will be abased ; And the Lord alone will be exalted in that day , 18 But the idols will completely vanish . 19 Men will go into caves of the rocks And into holes of the ground Before e the terror of the Lord And the splendor of His majesty , When He arises to make the earth tremble . 20 In that day men will cast away to the moles and the bats Their idols of silver and their idols of gold , Which they made for themselves to worship ,

Matthew Henry's Commentary on Isaiah 2:11-20

Commentary on Isaiah 2:10-22

(Read Isaiah 2:10-22)

The taking of Jerusalem by the Chaldeans seems first meant here, when idolatry among the Jews was done away; but our thoughts are led forward to the destruction of all the enemies of Christ. It is folly for those who are pursued by the wrath of God, to think to hide or shelter themselves from it. The shaking of the earth will be terrible to those who set their affections on things of the earth. Men's haughtiness will be brought down, either by the grace of God convincing them of the evil of pride, or by the providence of God depriving them of all the things they were proud of. The day of the Lord shall be upon those things in which they put their confidence. Those who will not be reasoned out of their sins, sooner or later shall be frightened out of them. Covetous men make money their god; but the time will come when they will feel it as much their burden. This whole passage may be applied to the case of an awakened sinner, ready to leave all that his soul may be saved. The Jews were prone to rely on their heathen neighbours; but they are here called upon to cease from depending on mortal man. We are all prone to the same sin. Then let not man be your fear, let not him be your hope; but let your hope be in the Lord your God. Let us make this our great concern.