The Plot against Jesus

221 The Feast of Unleavened Bread, also called Passover, drew near. 2 The high priests and religion scholars were looking for a way to do away with Jesus but, fearful of the people, they were also looking for a way to cover their tracks. 3 That's when Satan entered Judas, the one called Iscariot. He was one of the Twelve. 4 Leaving the others, he conferred with the high priests and the Temple guards about how he might betray Jesus to them. 5 They couldn't believe their good luck and agreed to pay him well. 6 He gave them his word and started looking for a way to betray Jesus, but out of sight of the crowd.

Jesus Eats the Passover with His Disciples

7 The Day of Unleavened Bread came, the day the Passover lamb was butchered.

Matthew Henry's Commentary on Luke 22:1-7

Commentary on Luke 22:1-6

(Read Luke 22:1-6)

Christ knew all men, and had wise and holy ends in taking Judas to be a disciple. How he who knew Christ so well, came to betray him, we are here told; Satan entered into Judas. It is hard to say whether more mischief is done to Christ's kingdom, by the power of its open enemies, or by the treachery of its pretended friends; but without the latter, its enemies could not do so much evil as they do.

Commentary on Luke 22:7-18

(Read Luke 22:7-18)

Christ kept the ordinances of the law, particularly that of the passover, to teach us to observe his gospel institutions, and most of all that of the Lord's supper. Those who go upon Christ's word, need not fear disappointment. According to the orders given them, the disciples got all ready for the passover. Jesus bids this passover welcome. He desired it, though he knew his sufferings would follow, because it was in order to his Father's glory and man's redemption. He takes his leave of all passovers, signifying thereby his doing away all the ordinances of the ceremonial law, of which the passover was one of the earliest and chief. That type was laid aside, because now in the kingdom of God the substance was come.