20 "When that happens, remember this: Servants don't get better treatment than their masters. If they beat on me, they will certainly beat on you. If they did what I told them, they will do what you tell them. 21 "They are going to do all these things to you because of the way they treated me, because they don't know the One who sent me. 22 If I hadn't come and told them all this in plain language, it wouldn't be so bad. As it is, they have no excuse. 23 Hate me, hate my Father - it's all the same. 24 If I hadn't done what I have done among them, works no one has ever done, they wouldn't be to blame. But they saw the God-signs and hated anyway, both me and my Father. 25 Interesting - they have verified the truth of their own Scriptures where it is written, 'They hated me for no good reason.'

Matthew Henry's Commentary on John 15:20-25

Commentary on John 15:18-25

(Read John 15:18-25)

How little do many persons think, that in opposing the doctrine of Christ as our Prophet, Priest, and King, they prove themselves ignorant of the one living and true God, whom they profess to worship! The name into which Christ's disciples were baptized, is that which they will live and die by. It is a comfort to the greatest sufferers, if they suffer for Christ's name's sake. The world's ignorance is the true cause of its hatred to the disciples of Jesus. The clearer and fuller the discoveries of the grace and truth of Christ, the greater is our sin if we do not love him and believe in him.