12 "This is God's Message: "'You're a burned-out case, as good as dead. 13 Everyone has given up on you. You're hopeless. 14 All your fair-weather friends have skipped town without giving you a second thought. But I delivered the knockout blow, a punishment you will never forget, Because of the enormity of your guilt, the endless list of your sins. 15 So why all this self-pity, licking your wounds? You deserve all this, and more. Because of the enormity of your guilt, the endless list of your sins, I've done all this to you. 16 "'Everyone who hurt you will be hurt; your enemies will end up as slaves. Your plunderers will be plundered; your looters will become loot. 17 As for you, I'll come with healing, curing the incurable, Because they all gave up on you and dismissed you as hopeless - that good-for-nothing Zion.'
Matthew Henry's Commentary on Jeremiah 30:12-17
Commentary on Jeremiah 30:12-17
(Read Jeremiah 30:12-17)
When God is against a people, who will be for them? Who can be for them, so as to do them any kindness? Incurable griefs are owing to incurable lusts. Yet, though the captives suffered justly, and could not help themselves, the Lord intended to appear for them, and to punish their oppressors; and he will still do so. But every effort to heal ourselves must prove fruitless, so long as we neglect the heavenly Advocate and sanctifying Spirit. The dealings of His grace with every true convert, and every returning backslider, are the same in effect as his proceedings to the Jews.