5 At this time Adonijah, whose mother was Haggith, puffed himself up saying, "I'm the next king!" He made quite a splash, with chariots and riders and fifty men to run ahead of him. 6 His father had spoiled him rotten as a child, never once reprimanding him. Besides that, he was very good-looking and the next in line after Absalom. 7 Adonijah talked with Joab son of Zeruiah and with Abiathar the priest, and they threw their weight on his side.
Matthew Henry's Commentary on 1 Kings 1:5-7
Commentary on 1 Kings 1:5-10
(Read 1 Kings 1:5-10)
Indulgent parents are often chastised with disobedient children, who are anxious to possess their estates. No worldly wisdom, nor experience, nor sacredness of character, can insure the continuance in any former course of those who remain under the power of self-love. But we may well wonder by what arts Joab and Abiathar could be drawn aside.