"Reading a daily Bible verse helps you focus on God's word, offering spiritual guidance and encouragement for the day ahead."
"Set aside a few moments each morning or evening to read and reflect on a verse. You can also sign up for our daily verse email to make it a consistent habit."
"You can include the verse in your prayer by thanking God for its message, asking Him for guidance to apply it in your life, or meditating on how it speaks to your current circumstances."
6 Then my head will be exalted above the enemies who surround me; at his sacred tent I will sacrifice with shouts of joy; I will sing and make music to the Lord.
7 Hear my voice when I call, Lord; be merciful to me and answer me.
8 My heart says of you, "Seek his face!" Your face, Lord, I will seek.
9 Do not hide your face from me, do not turn your servant away in anger; you have been my helper. Do not reject me or forsake me, God my Savior.
10 Though my father and mother forsake me, the Lord will receive me.
The Bible has been interpreted in various ways to ensure its message reaches people from different languages, cultures, and perspectives. These interpretations offer unique insights into the meaning of the scripture.
How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity!
Read all of Psalm 133 NIVAnd he has given us this command: Whoever loves God must also love his brother.
Read all of 1 John 4 NIVTeach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.
Read all of Psalm 90 NIVDear friends, if our hearts do not condemn us, we have confidence before God and receive from him anything we ask, because we obey his commands and do what pleases him.
Read all of 1 John 3 NIVA man's pride brings him low, but a man of lowly spirit gains honor.
Read all of Proverbs 29 NIVGreater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.
Read all of John 15 NIVCommit your way to the LORD; trust in him and he will do this: He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn, the justice of your cause like the noonday sun.
Read all of Psalm 37 NIV
Daily Verse Reflection
Commentary on Psalm 27:7-14
(Read Psalm 27:7-14)
Wherever the believer is, he can find a way to the throne of grace by prayer. God calls us by his Spirit, by his word, by his worship, and by special providences, merciful and afflicting. When we are foolishly making court to lying vanities, God is, in love to us, calling us to seek our own mercies in him. The call is general, "Seek ye my face;" but we must apply it to ourselves, "I will seek it." The word does us no good, when we do not ourselves accept the exhortation: a gracious heart readily answers to the call of a gracious God, being made willing in the day of his power. The psalmist requests the favour of the Lord; the continuance of his presence with him; the benefit of Divine guidance, and the benefit of Divine protection. God's time to help those that trust in him, is, when all other helpers fail. He is a surer and better Friend than earthly parents are, or can be. What was the belief which supported the psalmist? That he should see the goodness of the Lord. There is nothing like the believing hope of eternal life, the foresights of that glory, and foretastes of those pleasures, to keep us from fainting under all calamities. In the mean time he should be strengthened to bear up under his burdens. Let us look unto the suffering Saviour, and pray in faith, not to be delivered into the hands of our enemies. Let us encourage each other to wait on the Lord, with patient expectation, and fervent prayer.