10 He has not given us the punishment for our sins, or the reward of our wrongdoing. 11 For as the heaven is high over the earth, so great is his mercy to his worshippers. 12 As far as the east is from the west, so far has he put our sins from us. 13 As a father has pity on his children, so the Lord has pity on his worshippers.

Matthew Henry's Commentary on Psalm 103:10-13

Commentary on Psalm 103:6-14

(Read Psalm 103:6-14)

Truly God is good to all: he is in a special manner good to Israel. He has revealed himself and his grace to them. By his ways we may understand his precepts, the ways he requires us to walk in; and his promises and purposes. He always has been full of compassion. How unlike are those to God, who take every occasion to chide, and never know when to cease! What would become of us, if God should deal so with us? The Scripture says a great deal of the mercy of God, and we all have experienced it. The father pities his children that are weak in knowledge, and teaches them; pities them when they are froward, and bears with them; pities them when they are sick, and comforts them; pities them when they are fallen, and helps them to rise; pities them when they have offended, and, upon their submission, forgives them; pities them when wronged, and rights them: thus the Lord pities those that fear him. See why he pities. He considers the frailty of our bodies, and the folly of our souls, how little we can do, how little we can bear; in all which his compassion appears.