School test-taking time reminds us that everything in our lives, including education, is under the sovereignty of God. We want whatever our students do to honor the Lord, as working for him and not for men (Colossians 3:23). We know that in their school years, that includes doing their best with their studies. In each case, that may require help from parents and teachers who are responsible for investing time, attention, and assistance to help students learn about God and about the world He created in order for them to do well on tests. The following prayers are offered to help those who pray in these specific situations.
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1. Prayer for Children Taking Their First Test at School
Heavenly Father,
I thank you that my child is able to take a test at school to determine whether they are retaining information and building upon it to learn at the next level. I pray that my son/daughter will understand that this is a tool that the teacher uses to help him/her and won’t be nervous—rather I ask that You would show that You go before them into this test and You love unconditionally, no matter how well they do. I pray that a good grade doesn’t grow haughtiness in my child. I pray that a lesser grade doesn’t open the door to the enemy who would want to taunt and make my child feel less-than. Thank you that we can come before you with this in the name of Jesus.
In Jesus name,
Photo Credit: © Getty Images/Kiwis

2. Prayer for Students Taking a Midterm Test
Heavenly Father,
Thank you for caring about every moment of the students’ lives. You are omniscient and omnipresent, so you know all that they encounter in school. As they are about to take a midterm test, I pray that You would inspire them to study what they need to do well on the test. I ask that you help them recall what they’ve studied and that you get all the glory for good work done. I pray that students who don’t do well will either take their studies more seriously or get help preparing to do better next time.
In Jesus name,
Photo Credit: © Getty Images/Sasirin Pamai

3. Prayer for Students Taking a Final Test Before Summer
Most merciful Father,
As you know, our students are taking their end-of-school-year tests to determine how well they have done in their grades that year. We humbly ask you to once again build in them a commitment to study well and think about their tests rather than summer vacation. Lord, we want our kids to honor You by doing their best, and thank you for the opportunity to do so.
In Jesus name,
Photo Credit: © Getty Images/Caiaimage/Chris Ryan

4. Prayer for Students Taking an ACT/SAT Test
Most merciful heavenly Father,
This is an important time for our students, as they are evaluated on everything that they have learned in school over the last 11-12 years. By this, they are judged for getting into a college or university, so preparing for and taking these tests can be very unnerving. Please remind them of your peace that passes understanding, and help them to know that their value does not lie in a number on a test. You know where You are leading them after high school, so I pray that they listen to your voice and walk closely with you so they don’t lose their way.
In Jesus name,
Photo Credit: © Getty Images/Chainarong Prasertthai
5. Prayer for College Students Taking Their Last Test
Most merciful Lord,
College students work so hard to get to the point where they take their final tests. They are the culmination of much study, and I pray that they can recall/recite what they’ve studied to prove they understood the material. Lord, please lead them into the next phase of their lives, whether to further education or into the work world. Let them be a light in a dark world as they follow you and teach others about you.
In Jesus name,
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6. Prayer for Students With Learning Disabilities Being Tested
Most merciful Lord,
We know that you create each one of us with different gifts and needs. As such, some of our children may have difficulty in school. This may arise from how the teacher teaches the class, from the student not understanding key concepts, or struggling socially, which may distract from their studies. Father, when someone with special needs is evaluated, it can be especially stressful for the student and parents. I pray that, since you know the situation better than anyone, you would give Holy Spirit-insight to the evaluator. We also ask that peace reign in the hearts and minds of the student—and the family who daily carries concerns about their student.
In Jesus name,
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7. Prayer for Teachers Preparing to Give a Test
Heavenly Father,
We thank you for all the teachers who have felt called to teach students—children through adults. It takes a special kind of love and patience to do so, and I pray that as we prepare to give a test to our students, we choose the right method and questions to ascertain what they are learning. I ask you to give us wisdom and insight as we are trying to raise a generation that is prepared for life but also loves you with their whole hearts and loves their neighbors as themselves.
In Jesus name,
Photo Credit: © Getty Images/Kiwis
8. Prayer for Parents as Their Children Take an Important Test
Merciful Lord,
I know that parents often experience the same feelings their children do when they are about to take an important test. I know there can be anxiety over whether the child is at grade level or above or if the child has apathy toward school. If the child is doing well, it may be because parents are not allowing their children to have small failures to help them grow (if that’s the case, I pray that you will show them how to “train up a child in the way they should go”). In any case, Lord, help parents keep their eyes fixed on You so that they know they don’t need to fear for their children but can rather enjoy how You work in their lives.
In Jesus name,
Photo Credit: ©
9. Prayer for Students After a Bad Test
Gracious Father,
As you know, our student did not do well on the last test at school. If they studied enough and did their very best, I pray that You would provide comfort and encouragement and help them to see their value in you. If they did not prepare, please prompt them by the Holy Spirit to do their best for you. Again, help them see that their value in You is not dependent on their performance, but please use this experience to show them that you love them and gave them intelligence and skills to be used wisely.
In Jesus name,
Photo Credit: ©

10. Prayer for Students Retaking a Test
Heavenly Father,
Thank you that our child has another opportunity to take an important test. Please lead them to resources to help them do a better job this time and help them feel a healthy sense of God-esteem regardless of how they do the second time around. We pray that their work is always pleasing in your sight. Please help them to feel grateful for another opportunity rather than embarrassed at having to take the test again.
In Jesus name,
Photo Credit: © Getty Images/Minet Zahirovic
Mary Oelerich-Meyer is a Chicago-area freelance writer and copy editor who prayed for years for a way to write about and for the Lord. She spent 20 years writing for area healthcare organizations, interviewing doctors and clinical professionals and writing more than 1,500 articles in addition to marketing collateral materials. Important work, but not what she felt called to do. She is grateful for any opportunity to share the Lord in her writing and editing, believing that life is too short to write about anything else. Previously she served as Marketing Communications Director for a large healthcare system. She holds a B.A. in International Business and Marketing from Cornell College (the original Cornell!) When not researching or writing, she loves to spend time with her writer daughter, granddaughter, rescue doggie and husband (not always in that order).
Originally published Thursday, 04 January 2024.