Regardless of your love language, reading words penned by someone you love and who loves you rekindles gratefulness and appreciation for that person and what you share.
Many refer to the Bible as a love letter to us, God’s people, because it’s filled with the greatest love story of all (John 3:16), promises we can count on, and wisdom that protects us.
All others flow from that love letter to us, as you’ll see below.
Further Reading: 30 Bible Verses About Marriage and Love Scripture Quotes
Photo Credit: © Getty Images/MrKornFlakes

Why Love Letters Are Still Important in Marriage
Writing love letters reminds us why we fell in love with our husbands and continue loving them despite the challenges.
Spoken words of love are meaningful and desired, but adding written words to the ways you communicate love to your husband has its advantages:
- It allows your husband to let the words soak in pressure-free and receive them at his own pace.
- Unlike fleeting (albeit valuable) spoken words, written ones can be kept and reread for years.
- Capturing the words that describe what you want your husband to know is often easier in written form.
- We’re able to write what’s hard to say.
As you read the love letters below, prayerfully consider how to make them your own, and be encouraged: Whether short or lengthy, calligraphy-like or more like scribbling, it is enough.
Further Reading: How to Stay in Love in Your Marriage for a Lifetime
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Tips for Writing a Love Letter for Your Husband
These tips will help if you are unsure where to start with your letter.
1. Pray before (guidance) and after you write (for your husband to hear your heart through the words).
2. Consider giving your husband the letter when he can read it alone, at least the first time. It allows him to savor the words at his own pace.
3. Date your letter. It may become memorable in the future.
4. Does your husband like your perfume? Lightly spritz the envelope (except for the travel letter).
“I belong to my lover, and he belongs to me—the one grazing among the lilies.” (Song of Solomon 2:16)
Further Reading: Let God Be the Author of Your Love Story
Photo Credit: © Getty Images/Elena Golotsvan

A Love Letter for Your Husband as He Travels for Business
This letter is perfect for quietly slipping into his luggage. Imagine his surprise and delight when he finds it. (Bonus tip: Write mini notes for each day he’s away instead of one letter or in addition to.)
My love,
I started missing you before you stepped out the door, and now that you are there and I am here, I miss you even more. I prayed for your protection as you traveled and will pray you find favor in the eyes of your colleagues and employer, that your love for Christ will shine brightly in all you say and do, and for restful sleep each night.
As you go through your days, know I’m just a text or call away if you want or need specific prayer. We are separated by miles, but through our love in Christ, we are one no matter where we are, and praying for you is one of my greatest blessings in life.
Your absence reminds me of the spaces in life you fill so beautifully in our home with your quick wit, laughter, and ever-ready bear hugs. I’m counting the days when you return, but in the meantime, rejoice that God has given you this opportunity.
(Husband’s name), remember, whatever happens, this matters most:
“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.” (Colossians 3:23-24)
I love you and eagerly wait for your return.
Further Reading: 20 Marriage Prayers for A Stronger, Healthier Relationship
Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/HUIZENG HU

A Love Letter for Your Husband and Caretaker
This letter focuses on long-term caretaking but can also apply to a brief illness or surgery with minor changes.
My Beloved,
When we said “I do” on our joyous day, only God knew our future and how it would test the vow to keep one another in sickness and in health, but He is faithful, and, in that faithfulness, He gave me you.
I admit there are days when I feel more like a burden than a blessing to you, but you remind me of your deep love and affection for me and how my value is not dependent on my health, whether good or bad. I hear your sweet reassurance in words, and I see it in your eyes.
Your love and care for me reflect the beauty of the gospel in ways words never could as You exemplify Jesus and His sacrificial love for the church (Ephesians 5:21-27). Thank you for the countless things you do for me, both the seen and unseen.
I thank God for you every day.
Further Reading: 10 Uplifting Ways to Care for the Caregivers in Your Life
Photo Credit: Unplash/Sippakorn Yamkasikorn

A Love Letter for Your Husband When You Think of Him
How many letters would husbands receive if we acknowledged how often we think of them?
While reading the Bible this morning, Proverbs 28:20 reminded me of you: “The trustworthy person will get a rich reward…”. Thank you for being a man of integrity who is trustworthy and wise in decision-making at home, work, and church.
Thank you for surrounding yourself with godly men who speak truth into your life, equipping you to be a man after God’s own heart.
Thank you for cultivating habits of prayer and Bible reading. The investment of time and energy continues molding you into the likeness of Christ, positively impacting our marriage, family, and, ultimately, our community. It is a rich reward, indeed.
And, finally, thank you for remaining alert to the enemy’s tactics and temptations to satisfy desires in ways that would break my heart, and especially God’s (Psalm 51:4).
Your trustworthiness is a treasure to me. I love you.
Further Reading: 20 Scripture Verses to Pray for Your Marriage
Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/Ildar Abulkhanov

A Love Letter for Your Husband on Your Anniversary
Save money by replacing a manufactured card with a heartfelt love letter.
Happy Anniversary to you, the love of my life.
It’s true, you know. Crushes come and go, but when the Lord brings two people together who love Him and each other, that love is above all others in every way.
God is the giver of all good gifts (James 1:17), and you are that for me.
Your godly leadership in our home is an umbrella of protection as you seek God for wisdom as a husband and father. When I think back to where we started and are now, I smile, knowing God has led us every step of the way. At times, the steps were rocky and uneven when trials tempted to trip us up, but He kept us steady.
So, how do I love you? Let me count some of those ways: (List as many as possible; even the smallest ways will bless your husband.)
(Husband’s name), you are a blessing to me, our children, and everyone you know.
I pray to be the wife God wants for you, and I look forward to all that awaits us as we continue to draw closer to the Lord and one another.
Happy anniversary, babe. Our best days are ahead.
Further Reading: 5 Loving Prayers for Your Anniversary
Photo Credit: © Getty Images/Eerik

A Love Letter for Your Husband Who Suffers from Dementia or Alzheimer’s
This love letter is different.
It is to be written but perhaps not given.
Its purpose is to pause and remember that the man you fell in love with long ago is still there, somewhere deep inside.
In the letter, write the fondest memories you shared over the years, the characteristics you most appreciate about him, and how you will remember the good times when he can’t.
Close the letter by writing your favorite scripture verses on strength, God’s faithfulness, and goodness.
Further Reading: 10 Things You Need to Know about Dementia
Photo Credit: © Getty Images/Bohdan Bevz

A Love Letter for Your Husband Who is Retiring
It’s a time of celebration and gratefulness, the perfect opportunity for a love letter.
My Sweet Provider,
Congratulations on your retirement! You’ve faithfully given your time and energy for years to provide for our family. I thank God for His provision through your untiring efforts to put clothes on our children and food on our table. There were many nights I’m sure you were exhausted, but you still found time to play with the kids and eat meals together as a family.
With our family grown and free time on the horizon, I look forward to starting this new chapter together by exploring new adventures and savoring the fruit of your labor.
I pray God will give us many years to enjoy it together.
Further Reading: What Does the Bible Say about Retirement?
Photo Credit: © Getty Images/Tom Merton

A Love Letter for Your Husband in Appreciation of His Support of Your Dreams
Supporting one another’s dreams is vital to a good marriage, and gratitude is too.
My love,
I want to stop on this busy day to thank you for the many ways you support me and the dreams God has placed on my heart.
When you pray for me, the words I hear reflect a husband’s selflessness who wants God’s best for his wife. Your delight in helping me become the woman God wants me to be brings joy that’s hard to contain.
I thank God for you, (husband’s name).
Further Reading: 5 Ways to Be a Supportive Wife
Photo Credit: © Getty Images/PhotoProdra

A Love Letter for Your Husband on Father’s Day
This love letter is focused on stepparents as it’s a bittersweet holiday for those with challenging family dynamics.
Happy Father’s Day, (Husband’s name),
I know it’s sometimes difficult to navigate being a stepfather to our children, but I notice how you love them unconditionally, even when they don’t. You are a father to them in ways they won’t know or appreciate until they have their own children.
God also notes how you pray for them at night, bite your lip to prevent hurt feelings, and encourage them with a simple smile or uplifting words. He is at work behind the scenes in our family’s life, and I’m grateful you lean on Him for strength, wisdom, and discernment.
Babe, I pray you will find joy in knowing you are a fantastic stepfather, and I appreciate everything you do to make our home a haven for the family.
God blessed me and our children when He sent you to us.
Further Reading: 4 Things Dads Really Want on Father's Day
Photo Credit: © Getty Images/smiltena

A Love Letter for Your Husband on New Year’s Eve
New Year’s Eve is a day we contemplate the past year and anticipate a fresh start, making it an excellent opportunity to reflect on paper.
Happy New Year’s Eve, Sweetheart!
Where did the year go? Reflecting on the events of (insert the year), I think about God’s faithfulness in the good and hard times.
Some good times included our new habit of (insert several new activities or memories from this year, like sharing quiet nights under the stars after the kids went to bed), and seeing our children grow in their relationship with God.
The year also brought challenges with unexpected financial struggles, fitting into a new community of friends, and finding a church where we can faithfully serve.
But God was with us through it all, and He is here now as we embark on a new year. What will it bring?
I don’t know that, but I wouldn’t want to fill up a blank calendar with anyone but you.
Further Reading: New Year’s Eve Prayers for Hope
Photo Credit: © Getty Images/pamela_d_mcadams

A Love Letter for Your Husband Who Will Soon Be a New Dad
What better time for a love letter?
Dear Soon-to-be Daddy,
How does it feel to read “Daddy” and know you’ll one day hear it spill from your child’s lips as they look at you and smile?
I’ve dreamed of being a mother since I was a little girl, but you may not know that when I played house with my friends, I was always the mommy who handpicked the daddy because I knew even then that parenthood wouldn’t be easy.
(Husband’s name), God handpicked you as my husband and our child’s daddy. Your love for Jesus shows in everything you do, and although neither of us are perfect people or soon-to-be perfect parents, we rejoice in knowing He will provide everything we need as we begin this new life of three.
Further Reading: 10 Tips for the First-Time Dad
Photo Credit: © Getty Images/IrinaBort
Originally published Monday, 18 September 2023.