How to Reconstruct Fractured Community

Updated Mar 18, 2025
How to Reconstruct Fractured Community

Fractured community? What is this, and what does it even mean? We’re all perfect, right? No, we’re not. The fractured community will present itself in many forms, such as broken trust caused by betrayal, conflict, or failure in leadership, causing the people or community to feel a weight so unbearable that they want to give up and walk away. Think of the fractured community as a church split, family drama, or a group of friends who can’t seem to get along anymore. 

Division has taken root, and people have disconnected from each other. As you’ve probably already discovered, it’s messy, painful, and—let’s be real—hard to fix. The fractured community isn’t something new. The Bible is full of events where communities fell apart—but more importantly, it shows how they were restored and restructured.

The Biblical Foundation for Unity

We all need a foundation, right? Without a firm foundation, everything would fall apart! Psalm 133:1 (NKJV) exalts the glory of brothers living together in harmony, and 1 Corinthians 1:10 (NKJV) exhorts them to reject division among them and to pursue unity. These are foundational, sharing that we all play the same role in unity. The church is to be unified, not because every Christian is the same, but we all serve in one accord to the Lord Jesus Christ. To experience the kingdom work of God in our communities, unity is critical. Let’s face it, God will not work where there is division and discord. Do you desire the blessings of the Lord? Yes, so do I. And when we’re walking as an unfractured community, God rains down blessings upon us which will explain why the devil seeks to sow discord among community. 

This doesn’t stop here; it’s even with the church. 1 Corinthians 1:10 (NKJV) Paul urges them to resist division among them. Sound familiar? I’m sure it does…resist the devil and he will flee? James 4:7 (NKJV). When we see the slightest fraction trying to creep in, we must resist it!  Paul wasn’t saying that they couldn’t be different but that their conviction should be one and united. John 1:10 (NKJV)

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conversation in a small group

The Need for Reconstruction

Pain is essential to normal life in this world. It is not an innovation God devised at the last moment of Creation to keep us humble. The fractured community takes its toll on multiple levels, affecting relationships and our beliefs, creating broken hearts, and is weighted against the foundation of unity. Resulting in a community suffering from doubt, disappointment, and broken trust in one another. Emotional hurt and betrayal lead to resentment, isolation, and a sluggish willingness to reconnect. Socially, fractures in the community erode communication, break down support systems, and create lasting gaps between individuals. This is where true restoration begins. Requiring intentionality and effort for community healing that fosters forgiveness and understanding.

Identifying the Fractures 

1. Spiritual Disunity

Unity celebrates our differences and uniqueness while sharing our common vision and goal. Paul’s command to make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace is not a suggestion based on whether we feel the need to do it or not. It’s a God-ordained action also connected with the work of the Holy Spirit. You may ask, “Well, what about peace?”. I’m glad you asked! How are we held together? Through the bond of peace. Peace is where like-mindedness, harmony, and being on one accord sit in their rightful place. 

2. Social and Cultural Divides

Social and cultural divides begin with generational gaps, economic differences, and racial tensions, which create barriers that fracture communities. When generations struggle to understand each other’s values or wealth disparities limit opportunities, resentment grows. Prejudice and historical injustices go unresolved, further weakening unity and ultimately widening the fracture in our community. 

3. Personal Offenses and Unforgiveness

What happens when unresolved conflict lingers? There’s danger. In Matthew 18:15-17 (NKJV), Jesus speaks about this serious concern. He instructs, “If your brother sins against you, go and rebuke him in private.” Did you catch that? It’s in private—not for gossip or public shame. If he listens, you’ve won your brother back. But if he doesn’t, take one or two others along to help address the issue. If he still refuses, bring it to the church. If he ignores the church, he is to be treated as a Gentile and a tax collector, essentially like an unbeliever. And then, the verse most people love to quote comes in: “For where two or three are gathered in My name, there am I with them.” This assures us that Jesus is with us when we seek reconciliation and handle conflict in His name. So, what do we do next? Offenses and unforgiveness are a constant challenge in our communities, but prayer is stronger. We must continue to pray and choose forgiveness, trusting that it will restore unity.

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Diverse group of friends; committing to the truth about God's creation.

Practical Steps to Rebuilding Community

Continued prayer and intersession are essential for covering a community in spiritual warfare. The reflection of the person and work of Christ Jesus is our spiritual armor. In Ephesians 6:18 (NKJV), Paul instructs us to “pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests.” Meaning that we pray in the power of the Spirit, by the leading of the Spirit, and according to His will. Serving and outreach, as exampled in Galatians 6:2, encompasses that we meet the practical needs of others to bridge the gap and strengthen the bond of the community. But is there a safe place for dialogue rooted in wisdom? Proverbs 15:1 says that a soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. What does this mean? We’re to speak in a cool-tempered manner, refusing to match fervor with fervor. Being wise, we answer gently, and that gentleness extinguishes the fervor. A cool-calm response takes a great deal of tension from a fractured community.

Lastly, the qualities of a sound church, as highlighted in Titus 2:2-5 (NKJV), are crucial for bridging the generational gap with strength and equipping future generations through discipleship and mentorship with the principles to foster continued unity and strengthen the body of Christ. 

The Blueprint for Reconstruction

Returning to God’s standard and aligning with biblical principles, as 2 Chronicles 7:14 (NKJV) urges, is the key to hearing from heaven and healing the land. Forgiving one another paves the way for reconciliation (Colossians 3:13, Matthew 5:23-24), our hands being strengthened to do this good work (Nehemiah 2:17-18). Being quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger helps close gaps and fosters unity in communication (James 1:19). 

Staying the Course

As we’ve seen through various biblical events and throughout our world, staying the course (as mentioned in a recent Relevant Magazine article) in restructuring the fractured community involves overcoming the wiles of discord. As we grow beyond today, we remember that we are not perfect. We are allowed to share the stories of triumph in our lives, and in doing so, we encourage others, giving all glory to God. Staying the course is about love and continuous progress, reflecting God’s transformation power that we are all overcomers (Revelation 12:11, NKJV).

The journey to reconstruct a fractured community is a challenge. Every person plays a vital role in the process of restoration, whether through prayer or communication. However, ultimately, by returning to God’s standards, welcoming forgiveness, and holding a strong commitment to unity, we are able to reconstruct what has been broken, separated, and fractured through the promise of healing in God’s word (Jeremiah 30:17). Let this be our prayer and our action—reconstructing a fractured community through the power of Jesus Christ. 

Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/Giuseppe Lombardo

Dr. Allman JohnsonAllma Johnson is a kidney and pancreas transplant recipient who has experienced God’s grace and healing, deepening her faith and passion for helping others transform through His Word. She is an author and a professor of Biblical Studies. Her book, Exodus to Unity: Bridging the Gap Between the Traditional Christians and Millennials, inspires generational transformation through biblical truth. In addition to her academic and ministry work, Allma is also the founder of Seed - Journey with Dr. Allma Johnson and host of The Seeds of Transformation Podcast with Dr. Allma Johnson, where she explores a myriad of topics—from healthcare to finance—all grounded in the belief that everything begins with a seed (Genesis 8:22, NKJV). Forthcoming, Allma plans to expand her ministry to help others find healing and purpose through biblical guidance. Connect with Allma on her Podcast, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube to learn more and be inspired by her message of transformation. Visit her website at for more information.

Originally published Tuesday, 18 March 2025.