You’ve probably heard the phrase, “Have an attitude of gratitude.” Well, while it might be easy enough to say, it may beg the question, what exactly does it mean, look like, and how do we live it out?
As Christians, developing an attitude of gratitude or thankfulness is so much more than just a basic expression of appreciation. It’s more about being intentional in our efforts, praising and rejoicing in our God — in all things and at all times.
Let’s unpack some verses and see what God’s Word says about having an attitude of gratitude and giving thanks. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 tells us to give thanks in all circumstances. Colossians 3:17 tells us to give thanks to our Father in both word and deed.
Psalms 136:1 tells us to give thanks because the Lord is good, and His love endures forever. There are countless other verses beautifully woven throughout Scripture on giving thanks to our awesome God.
Friend, we have the opportunity and honor to rejoice in our Lord every single day. What a privilege it is to be able to commune and celebrate all the amazing wonders of our God!
If we take a moment to look around us and let it soak all in, it can be truly humbling. We quickly realize that our God deserves our praise and is worthy of thanks.
The truth of the matter is, that giving God our thanks is all about the posture of our heart. Regardless of our feelings and circumstances that are fleeting and can change in an instant, giving God our heart full of thanks, even if it carries a heavy load and burden, opens up an invitation to sense His presence and see how He is moving in our lives.
It allows us to let go of all the things we are trying to control and surrender our lives to the One that controls everything.
So, are you ready to give thanks to God today and each day going forward? Well then, here are seven things you can start with, and allow it to grow from there because we sure do serve an awesome God, and we have so much to be grateful for!
From the monumental things that God blesses us with to the minuscule things that we often take for granted, let’s open up our hearts, and be filled with an attitude of gratitude.
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1. His Selfless Sacrifice
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16).
The infamous and beloved verse by many and the heart of the gospels is declared by God in John 3:16. Take a moment to actually stew on that for a bit and let it seep into the weary parts of your heart, oh my!
Do you feel it? The gravity and magnitude of that selfless sacrifice were done in order for us to live eternally with Him. God wants you and me to be a part of His family, the lineage of Noah, Abraham, David, and Jesus.
The heart of God is clear: He sent His one and only Son to save a lost and broken world and to give them hope. The best part is that He is returning, and so now we have the opportunity to bring as many as we can into the family of God. Now, that is worth giving a huge thanks to God!
God, You are such a loving and good Father. Thank You for saving us from our wicked ways by giving us a new life, truth, and a way to be with You, as John 3:16 and John 14:6 tell us. We thank You from the depths of our hearts for Your selfless and faithful love. Amen.
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2. His Amazing Grace and Mercy
Grace, mercy, and peace from God the Father and from Jesus Christ, the Father’s Son, will be with us in truth and love (2 John 1:3).
God’s love is so powerful and all-consuming that it gives us the reassurance that no matter how far we wander off or the icky places we may find ourselves in, God reaches out, searches for us, and always gives us a pathway forward.
When we feel the tidal wave of guilt and shame, He washes us clean and grants us forgiveness in the beautiful attributes He displays in mercy and grace. Grace is the gift of giving us something we don’t deserve, whereas mercy is the gift of not giving us something we do deserve.
By grace we are saved, it is not by our deeds or actions, but by the blessing of God. Mercy is the act of compassion that is displayed in God’s love when we choose to do wrong.
We all deserve punishment for our sins, but God’s love is demonstrated in His amazing grace and mercy. Thanks be to God!
God, we thank you for your kindness and compassion for us. Please forgive us when we fail You and show us how we can better serve You. We are so thankful for Your abundant and unchanging mercy and grace. Thank you! Amen.
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3. Your Spouse and Children
That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh. Genesis 2:24 As for you, be fruitful and increase in number; multiply on the earth and increase upon it (Genesis 9:7).
Family is the nucleus of God’s plan for our lives. We see it in the very beginning with Adam and Eve. The purpose was clear to have a man and woman joined together as one under God, and then to multiply the earth, being bearers as the image of God within a family unit.
While sin entered the picture and shattered much of that plan, God’s love still remained. He offers us the blessings of family as His design for marriage never changed.
God commands us to love and honor our parents (Ephesians 6:1-3), for husbands and wives to submit to God and to honor and respect one another (Ephesians 5:22-29), and for children to obey their parents. This is the design God lays out for us, and what a beautiful design it is.
God, Your creation and design are perfect indeed. Thank You for my family and children. Please foster and grow healthy ties between us and allow us to see the many beautiful and miraculous blessings You so graciously supply us each and every day. Amen.
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4. A New Day
Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness (Lamentations 3:22-23).
Isn’t it nice to know that each new day brings forth a new and fresh start? While some days we may wake up on the wrong side of the bed or emotions may come over us that keep us from taking that first step, God promises to be with us, go before us, and help us through our day.
How encouraging is that? That right there should offer us hope and remind us that whatever we are holding on to, whatever past or challenges are tripping us up, we have the choice to let it go and hand it all over to our gracious Father.
Each new day God gives us a chance to start anew and change our perspective. So, as you are blessed with a new day to rise and wake, and to breathe this life in, take a moment to thank God for His unfailing faithfulness. Invite Him into your morning, so you can allow Him to carry you throughout your day.
God, I am so thankful that Your mercies are new each and every day. Please help me shift my perspective and place my sights on You today as I go about my tasks and get wrapped up in my schedule. I want You to be a part of it. I love you! Amen.
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5. His Beautiful Creation
For every house is built by someone, but the builder of all things is God (Hebrews 3:4).
When was the last time you took notice of the beauty God displayed right before you? I’ll be the first to admit that I often fail to take notice.
However, if we truly want to connect deeper with our God, we must make time to marvel at all the things He does, starting with His creation.
When we take a moment to step outside and feel, hear, smell, and see the nature that God created, it opens our hearts to be still and experience His presence, all while embracing His rich goodness for us.
If you live in a place that makes it difficult to seek that peace, find a place to step away, so you can be encouraged, whether that be a walking trail near your home or driving to a local park.
I realize your day may not leave much room for that, but if we do our best to schedule it, even if it’s during a lunch break, it prompts us to take notice and praise His holy name.
God, Your beautiful creation shows Your incredible and faithful love. Help us be intentional about spending time with You and take a moment to soak You in while we place our feet upon Your earth.
Grant us the heart to protect and care for Your creation and nurture the land and places You so graciously bestowed upon us. Amen.
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6. Fellowship and Community
And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers (Acts 2:42).
We are so fortunate to live in a country that allows us the freedom to worship and find other believers to connect with and grow in our faith.
God deserves all the praise for that! Knowing that we have a church or faith community to help us develop a deeper and richer relationship with one another and with God is encouraging.
It is also exactly what God wants us to focus on when it comes to fellowship. When we come together as believers placing our sights on Him something truly extraordinary happens, it allows God to move within us, equipping us to do the great task of spreading the gospel.
That being said, many struggle to find connections or do not have the freedom to worship and come together as a body of believers.
This should prompt us to seek God, asking Him how we can serve those in need of a community and His love. In a day and age where many are secretly hiding in the shadows of doubt, fear, or worry, we can seek God with our whole hearts asking how He can use us to spread hope.
God, we are so very thankful that You bring people into our lives to help us grow closer to You. While no community is perfect as it’s marked by flawed people, we ask that You soften hearts and open minds to ways to love on one another within the walls of the community and outside of the ways of the community. Help us honor You. Amen.
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7. His Word
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God (John 1:1).
God’s Word is the solid rock on which we should all stand, take refuge, and seek to answer every single question we hold in this life.
It’s our instruction manual as well as the best romance book there is, offering the greatest love of all time! As we dig into Scripture, we find peace and hope, and we often get the chance to experience the closeness of God.
However, many (including myself at one point) have found this book to be rather intimidating, daunting, or just a bunch of stories that hold names that are hard to pronounce with a lengthy set of rules.
However, take heart, because over time, as you open up the pages, you’ll find that those stories often parallel your own. The history begins to come to life as God moves tenderly throughout each book, and even more as we are introduced and come to intimately know our Savior, Jesus.
As we read, respond, and reflect on the words offered by over 40 various authors all pointing to the same message of hope, we begin to be filled with gratitude and understand the importance of showing our praise and thanks to a sovereign God. Oh, we really have so much to be thankful for, my friend!
God, thank You for Your Word that You use to reach and touch our hearts. We are so very thankful that we have Your Word to know how You call us to live, but also to know You better so we can gain a greater understanding of the plan and purpose You set for our lives. Your Word is True, trustworthy, powerful, and alive. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Amen.
So, with that, I leave you my “attitude of gratitude” and thank you for joining me in sweet and simple ways to thank God each and every day. May the Lord reveal Himself to you in mighty ways bringing you to a place of sheer gratitude.
For further reading:
3 Reasons to Give Thanks to God
Can We Really Give Thanks in All Things?
20 Prayers of Gratitude to Give Thanks to God
Photo Credit: ©Unsplash/Priscilla-du-preez
Originally published Friday, 08 September 2023.