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7 Prayers to Renew Your Christmas Spirit

Updated Dec 05, 2024
7 Prayers to Renew Your Christmas Spirit

 "But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord." - Luke 2:10-11

 Oh, come let us adore Him, Christ the Lord! 

The most wonderful and beautiful time of year is upon us. As we prepare our hearts to relive the most monumental and pivotal story in history, celebrating the birth of our Savior may stir nostalgic memories or bring in a wave of sorrow. Maybe you’re faced with the harsh reality that your holiday table will hold a painfully noticeable vacant seat, or the magic of the season will seem all but lost with the kids being all grown up. 

Oh, dear friend, as beautiful as this season is, it can still hold quite a mix of emotions, especially when it becomes mangled with grief, memories of old, or a heavy heart that has lost the true meaning of this season. Yet, let me remind you that the Christmas story is still being written! It may have started over 2,000 years ago, but it is still alive and well today, and you want to know the best part? You are a part of that story!

So, this year, as you lay out the sweet baby Jesus into your manger scene and ponder His birth, will you also welcome the powerful Lion of Judah in your home and reclaim the victory of His soon-to-be return? If you are ready to tap back into the real Christmas spirit, the one that offers peace, hope, comfort, and joy, then start by setting your eyes on the things above. Shift your focus onto the absolute truth and precious promise tucked in God’s Word, declaring that one day our Lord Jesus Christ will come back, and every knee will bow, every tongue will confess, and every nation will acknowledge His holy name (Philippians 2:10-11). 

For now, as we await that glorious day, will you soften your heart and pray for God to continue to use you in the most amazing story ever? A story of everlasting love, overwhelming joy, unending hope, and remarkable redemption. A story that lives on and embraces eternity. A story we can humbly live out as we share with others!

Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/Xesai

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Christmas Ornaments, How the star of Bethlehem is helping to spread the Gospel in Russia

1. A Prayer for Peace

"Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful." - Colossians 3:15

Jehovah Shalom,
God of peace, You alone are my true source of harmony and sense of calm and offer wholeness where I lack nothing. My heart cannot even begin to fathom the depths of Your love and peace. So, I humbly ask that You guard my heart from the noise of this world and let Your peace reside in me, quieting my soul. Fill me with Your presence through the Holy Spirit, and grant me a way to share and deliver that peace with others as family and friends gather this precious time of year.
In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Photo Credit: Robert Thiemann/Unsplash

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a church at Christmas, Church services draw the largest crowds

2. A Prayer for Hope

"I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people." - Ephesians 1:18

God of hope,
Thank you for the precious promise this time of year brings through the birth of our King Jesus. Please open the eyes of my heart to not only embrace this truth but live it out as I go about my day. Between all the prepping, planning, decorating, and events, it’s easy to get distracted or consumed with materialism, so I graciously seek Your forgiveness when I lose heart and hope in the true wonders of this season. Lord, I ask You to grant me the obedience to be diligent and mindful about digging into Your Word and getting quiet before You daily. In Your timing, may that provide opportunities for Your love to shine through me as I spread Your hope with family, friends, and strangers alike.

Photo Credit: ©Andreas Kretschmer/Unsplash

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Woman decorating her Christmas tree

3. A Prayer for Comfort

"May your unfailing love be my comfort, according to your promise to your servant." - Psalm 119:76

Jehovah Nacham,
I am so very grateful that You are the God of comfort. This time of year can bring about so many emotions, oftentimes ones I cannot even begin to comprehend, much less express. So, I bring to You my heavy heart, sometimes rendered utterly speechless. I know that You know of my hurt, pain, and the real extent of my sorrow even before I do. Yet, You see past all the feelings and see me, extending Your loving hand in comfort. As memories flood my heart, draw near, and please be close, allowing me to be wrapped in Your precious presence. Thank you for loving me so much and allowing the Holy Spirit to speak on my behalf when I am at a loss for words.

Photo Credit: ©iStock/Getty Images Plus/Maryna Andriichenko

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Christmas gift; how to practice generosity at Christmas.

4. A Prayer for Joy

"Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!" - Philippians 4:4

Precious Jesus. Oh, how my soul rejoices in Your holy name! How do I even begin to express my gratitude and share from the depths of my heart the utter joy I feel in this season? My heart is exploding and so full! While we as believers celebrate and honor Your birth, we are also so very eager and grow in anticipation of the arrival of Your second coming. Lord Jesus, thank you for coming into this world as a precious baby, living as a flawless man, and sacrificing Your life on the cross so that we may live. May Your birth, life, and death never cease to amaze me and be what drives me to spread the good news, offering Your joy to the lonely and lost. Thank you for what you have done, what You are doing, and the hope for what is to come. You are so very good and faithful. I love you abundantly!

Photo Credit: ©Unsplash/Ben White

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Decorating for Christmas

5. A Prayer for Love

"And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love." - 1 Corinthians 13:13

Abba Father,
Creator and Master of love. Thank you for your unwavering, unfailing, and unconditional love. Where the world likes to sugarcoat or misrepresent love, Your love is marked by perfect honor and selfless sacrifice. This holiday season, please help me represent Your love to the best of my ability. Give me the means and provide places where I can be a faithful and humble servant. Whether that be to help a neighbor, love a friend, or volunteer at a local mission. Cleanse my heart of any deceit or righteous judgment, and allow me to show compassion and generosity to the most vulnerable and those in need. I ask this in Your precious name.

Photo Credit: ©UnsplashAnnie Spratt

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Christmas tree and Bible

6. A Prayer for Mercy

"Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful." - Luke 6:36

Jehovah Rapha,
You are a God that restores all things and heals us. You are a good Father, which is why I humbly ask for Your mercy and grace. As I come before You, I confess the sins that grip my heart and are stealing away the freedom You so graciously gave me through Your Son. O God, I desperately need You. I need You to speak truth into my heart, move mountains in my life, and conquer the enemy that has a death grip on my soul. Please forgive me and set me free from all the choices I have made that brought dishonor to Your name, to the careless words spoken, to unthinkable actions, and selfish deeds. I plead for Your forgiveness. Let this special time of year reignite my love for You and remind me of Your faithfulness to me as I lay everything down at Your feet. Thank you for being such a good and gracious Father.

Photo Credit:  ©Unsplash/Jessica Fadal

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Christmas Star

7. A Prayer for Faith

"For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God." - Ephesians 2:8

Jehovah Jirah,
You are more than enough. Your love enthralls and encompasses me, and I find it a supreme privilege to be considered a beloved child. Thank you for the gift of this season and the volumes it speaks to my heart and soul. I am so thankful for the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ and His mission to save the world. I am sincerely humbled and honored for the sacrifice of His love and faithfulness, which ultimately delivered us from all evil and ourselves. And, somehow, through my faulty faith, Your grace still abounds, continually shaping and molding me to be more and more like Christ. Oh God, keep stirring in my heart, give me discernment, chart the way, and grow me in the process. I want nothing more than to please You.

Photo Credit: ©Unsplash/Vidar Nordli-Mathisen

Originally published Wednesday, 30 October 2024.