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7 Prayers to Give Thanks to God for His Blessings This Thanksgiving

Contributing Writer
Updated Sep 27, 2024
7 Prayers to Give Thanks to God for His Blessings This Thanksgiving

During the Passover meal, many Jewish homes sing a song entitled Dayenu, a Hebrew word meaning “it would have been enough.” The Passover song expresses gratitude to God for the miracles and blessings bestowed upon the Israelites when God delivered them from Egypt. Each verse recites a specific blessing and then says, dayenu, meaning if God had only done that one thing, it would have been enough. 

In a broader sense, dayenu embodies a heart of gratitude, where each act of divine work is a sufficient cause for giving thanks. Many American homes over the Thanksgiving holiday will take time for each member to give thanks for something during the feast. Kids and adults give varying answers, and it usually encourages the family. 

Christians have more reason than anyone to be thankful, and we should express our gratitude to God in prayer, entering the place of intercession in the heavenly courts. 

Here are 7 prayers to give thanks to God for his blessings this Thanksgiving.

Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/Gogu Dumitru /

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woman praying outside, pray for those who persecute you

1. A Prayer in Thanks for God's Character

God alone is worthy to be praised for all the aspects of who he is. We begin by simply giving thanks for his character, without which we would have nothing. Scripture often points to God’s attributes, inviting believers to respond in gratitude. Even approaching God in prayer requires worship. “Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name.” Before we ask for anything, we focus on God’s inherent goodness, power, love, and mercy

Through thanking God for his character, we shift our attention from our circumstances to who he is, and he never changes. God is consistently good, even during challenging situations. He is powerful, able to work and transform any situation, and loving, showing compassion and kindness to all, especially his people. His mercy is endless, offering forgiveness and grace when we fall short. 

Heavenly Father,

We thank you for your character. You alone are good, always caring for and guiding us. We worship you for your power, which makes a way even when circumstances look impossible. We’re so grateful for your abundant love and your mercies, which are new every day. We stand on the rock of your word. We trust you and give you all the glory, for you alone are worthy of praise. 
In Jesus’ name,

Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/Layland Masuda

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2. A Prayer of Gratitude for Family and Friends

2. A Prayer of Gratitude for Family and Friends

God created us in his image for connection and relationship. This Thanksgiving, we pray thanks to our family and friends. These connections provide love, support, and encouragement, reflecting God’s nature and design for us to live in relationship with himself and people. The wisdom of Ecclesiastes tells us, “Two are better than one … if either of them falls down, one can help the other up.” Our families, close friends, and church community give us strength and embody God’s love and care. 

By giving thanks for our valued relationships, we recognize how God uses them to bless us. Whether it’s the warmth of meals and gatherings, the advice of close friends, or the spiritual family and growth nurtured within the church (or all of them), these communities bring treasure to us and remind us of God’s love and presence. 

Dear Heavenly Father, 
We praise you for the gifts of family and friends. You’ve placed so many wonderful people in our lives who encourage us, lift us up, and walk through life’s journeys with us. We especially thank you for the church community, our eternal family, where we find fellowship, unity, and strength. Thank you for the relationships around us that reflect your goodness and love. We pray you continue to bless them and strengthen our bonds, so we may all grow closer to you as one. 
In Jesus’ name,

Photo Credit:Unsplash/Omar Lopez

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thankful and grateful woman smiling with eyes closed and prayer hands over heart, thanks be to God

3. A Prayer of Gratefulness for God's Provision

God promises to provide what we need, and this Thanksgiving we can thank him for his continued provision, now and in the future, especially when we feel lack. God is our provider, and even in difficult times, he meets our needs, often in ways we don’t see. The Apostle Paul tells us in Philippians 4:19: “And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.” This sure statement (he will!) is how God’s provision extends beyond our immediate circumstances. He has always provided, and he always will. 

Looking back, we can count all the times God has provided, even when we couldn’t see a way forward. Sometimes, his provision is material—like food, shelter, or money. Other times, it’s emotional or spiritual strength to endure challenges. When we thank him, we build more trust in his care. He will never leave us lacking. 

Our Heavenly Father, 
We thank you for providing for always providing what we need in the past, present, and future. Even when it seemed like we didn’t have enough, you supplied exactly what we needed, from comfort, resources, wisdom, or strength. We praise you for your faithfulness, caring for us, and, many times, working in ways we can’t see. In our current situation, we trust your promise for future provision, knowing we will see your goodness in the land of the living. 
In Jesus’ name,

Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/AaronAmat

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stack of books surrounded by pumpkins and leaves, horror novels by christians

4. A Prayer of Thankfulness for God's Creation

God’s goodness and wonder constantly surround us through his creation. Thanking God for his creation, we acknowledge his greatness and artistry. The beautiful earth and heavens reflect God’s majesty and care for what he creates. “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.” (Psalm 19:1). Nature’s seasons, the changing skies, and the diversity of life point us to the Creator who made and ordered all things with precision and purpose. 

We should pause and thank God for his creation. By doing so, we develop an awe and appreciation for the world around us. The oceans, the sunrise, the changing seasons, the mountains, and the lakes all serve as reminders of his presence. Whether through a warm summer or snowy winter, nature reflects God’s generosity and care. Even the seasons testify to his provision and design. 

Even further, since he cares for the animals and creation, the Bible declares he values us even more (Matthew 10:29-31).

Heavenly Father, 
We thank you for the beauty of your amazing creation. The earth, the skies, and all that live in it speak of your glory. We praise you for the seasons, each one bringing its own individuality and importance in the process of life. Your creation reminds us of your power, creativity, and care for us, as well. Help us to lovingly steward this world you’ve given us. 
In Jesus’ name,

Photo Credit: Getty Images/JDawnInk

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Praying in thankfulness

5. A Prayer of Gratitude for God's Healing and Protection

Scripture continually portrays God as a healer and protector, providing salvation and deliverance. As Psalm 13:2-3 says, “Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits—who forgives your sins and heals all your diseases.” Both spiritually and physically, God heals and protects us. He has done so in the past, and he remains present in our struggles today. He will save and guard us in the future. With this in mind, we give thanks to him. 

When we express gratitude for his healing and protection, we acknowledge the times God has brought us through difficult times, whether personal danger, emotional turmoil, illness, or spiritual attack. The Bible says we have been saved, are being saved, and will be saved. God’s eternal salvation constantly works in the now, not just for heaven but active in our daily lives, bringing peace, comfort, and restoration in every season. Even in moments we feel surrounded, we thank God for the ways he always shields us. 

Our Heavenly Father,
We thank you for being our healer and protector. You have cared for us, delivered us from danger, healed our sicknesses, and restored our souls when we were weary. We praise you for our salvation and eternal life, not only for heaven but here and now. Thank you for saving and healing presence in every season of the past, present, and future. We trust in your nature and protector to continue to guide us. 
In Jesus’ name,

Photo Credit: ©Pexels/Matheus Bertelli

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Woman Praying

6. A Prayer of Gratefulness for the Ability to Endure Trials

Jesus promised trouble for his followers in John 16:33. It shouldn’t surprise us, therefore, when we enter difficult times. Thankfully, in the same passage, Christ also declares how he has overcome the world. We can trust his victory and strength to overcome and endure hardships. At the same time, God uses these trials to shape and deepen our faith. “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.” (James 1:2-3) While trials test us, getting through them by relying upon God’s strength develops endurance for the future. We grow to trust even more in God’s power. 

God doesn’t leave us to face hardships alone but provides the power to overcome them. His grace leads us through even the most difficult circumstances, and when we look back and remember, we often recognize how he has worked all things for both his glory and our good. This endurance through trials deepens our relationship with him, teaching us to trust his plan. We weren’t only saved from hell but to rule with him in eternity, and we thank God for these trials, which train us to reign in heaven as sons and daughters of the Father. 

Heavenly Father, 
Thank you for giving us the strength to endure our trials. Even during hard times, we know you are with us, providing the power we need to overcome We praise you for how you use trials to grow our faith and bring us closer to you. Your grace sustains us to fulfill the promise you work all things for good for those who love you. Thank You for these trials, which strengthen our faith to rule and reign with You. 
In Jesus’ name,

Photo Credit: ©Pexels/John Ray Ebora

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Silhouette of a woman, knelt down in a field praying at dusk.

7. A Prayer of Thankfulness for the Future

God has told us the end of the story. We live in the middle now, but Christ’s eternal victory secured a good and blessed forever future. We can thank God for fulfilling his promises, both for this life and in heaven. Promises of peace, hope, and eternal life with God fill Scripture’s pages. Jeremiah 29:11 shares God’s good plans for our future. “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” No matter the current circumstance, we know what the future holds. He works for our good. 

Revelation 21:4 tells us of this great future day, where all evil and corruption will pass away, and God will bring a new heaven and earth. On that day, “He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain.” God’s love for us secures this future, and we live with confidence when we know his promises are true. 

Dear Heavenly Father, 
We are thankful you hold our future in your hands, a good and wonderful future. We trust in the eternal kingdom that awaits us in fullness with you. Thank you for the hope and joy you provide through the promise and reality of the new heaven and earth, where pain and sorrow will be no more. Thank you for giving us confidence in the good things to come. Help us trust you even more.
In Jesus’ name,

Our new Daily Prayer devotional and podcast are now available! For an easy way to start your day with prayer, read or listen to today’s prayer and sign up to receive it by email.

Let Us Pray with You

Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/Tinnakorn Jorruang

Britt MooneyBritt Mooney lives and tells great stories. As an author of fiction and non -iction, he is passionate about teaching ministries and nonprofits the power of storytelling to inspire and spread truth. Mooney has a podcast called Kingdom Over Coffee and is a published author of We Were Reborn for This: The Jesus Model for Living Heaven on Earth as well as Say Yes: How God-Sized Dreams Take Flight.

Originally published Friday, 27 September 2024.