Easter paves the way to partake in the solemn remembrance of Good Friday and the triumphant celebration of the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ! He is risen indeed! Yet, between the flurry of family traditions and planning meals, to creating cute crafts and going on egg hunts with kiddos, there sometimes seems to be little room to ponder the real gift Easter brings - peace.
Maybe Good Friday just means a day off with kiddos who are clamoring for something to do on their day off school. Or the weekend of Easter leaves you trudging off to work another day of endless hours filled with utter exhaustion. Eastertime might filled with waves of grief in the absence of a loved one.
I believe the disciples knew a little something about the fleeting and grasping notion of peace. John 14:27 tells us that Christ came alongside His followers to encourage and explain that amidst discourse, exhaustion, confusion, and sorrow, He offers a gift that this world cannot give.
"I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid." - John 14:27
Although Jesus faced an unbearable fate that would come with the cost of unfathomable hurt, betrayal, and great suffering, He gave His beloved disciples (and us) a gift and lesson on peace. Eastertime can surely conjure up quite a few emotions, which often leaves us searching for that “peace that passes all understanding” (Philippians 4:7).
So, as we head into this Easter season, let’s reclaim that unshakable peace and uncover the lesson Jesus is trying to reveal to us this time of year.
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1. Seek Stillness
It’s easy to become consumed by life’s demands. Between parenting, work deadlines, and other everyday stressors, seeking stillness, much less silence, can prove difficult. Yet, Scripture tells us to do so. Psalm 46:10 tells us to be still to be able to fully know God.
“Be still, and know that I am God! I will be honored by every nation. I will be honored throughout the world.” - Psalm 46:10
The Hebrew word for be still means to “let go.” The Book of Psalms is filled with beautiful verses on how to “let go” and “know” how faithful, good, just, and mighty our God is. Seeking stillness implies we let go of the things weighing us down by stepping wholeheartedly into the divine presence of God, trusting that He is Who He says He is.
We can choose to “be still” this Easter by removing ourselves from the many distractions and setting aside time to be present before the Lord. Step outside and soak in the warmth, listen to the sounds of the wind, be mindful of your breathing and heartbeat, and hold your hands out in order to receive His presence. Being still takes a lot of humility and trust, as well as time, so be patient as you wait upon the Lord. Then embrace His peace!
Photo Credit: Unsplash/Leohoho

2. Grow a Gratitude Garden
"Enter his gates with thanksgiving; go into his courts with praise. Give thanks to him and praise his name.
For the Lord is good. His unfailing love continues forever, and his faithfulness continues to each generation." - Psalm 100:4-5
Our Lord surely deserves all our thanks and praise (Psalm 100:4-5). Thankfully, there are so many ways to do that, too. While simply saying, “Thank you, Lord, for all the blessings in my life,” is wonderful, and He loves to hear from us, Eastertime brings forth an even sweeter way to express our gratitude. That’s because we can set our eyes on the greatest gift of all: the life and resurrection of His Son!
Easter brings forth a beautiful time of year when flowers begin to bloom, and a rebirth emerges, which lends a way to show gratitude in a unique way. If you want to reclaim peace, try planting a gratitude garden.
While this can be done in several ways, one simple way is by planting a small garden with your favorite flower seeds. You can pray over each seed as you plant them, then place messages of hope or inspiration, prayers, and bible verses to ponder. These prompts will allow you to open up to God while marveling at His beauty and creation as you watch your flowers blossom and bloom. This can create a special and spiritual blessing as you draw closer to the Lord this Easter season.
Photo Credit: © Getty Images/Halfpoint

3. Share Jesus' Sacrificial Love
God's most significant message is the love poured out for us on the cross (John 3:16). We have the distinct honor and privilege of sharing that love with others. As we enter a time of year when unbelievers may ask about our faith, desire to know the hope we have, or what we are “doing” over our break, we get to share the story of Jesus with them.
"Three things will last forever—faith, hope, and love—and the greatest of these is love." - 1 Corinthians 13:13
This is where love enters the picture. Paul told the church of Corinth that we can share our gifts with others and even openly talk about our faith or try to extend hope, but if it isn’t done in love, it is pointless (1 Corinthians 13:13). So, how can we really and truly love others well this Easter and share the hope Jesus offers?
We must love as God loves. Let go of the judgments and choose to see others the way God does, as worthy to be loved! If Jesus sacrificed His life so that we can truly live, then we must be willingly ready to sacrifice our own lives, stepping out in faith to share Jesus’ sacrificial love. It may begin with a simple testimony, but this Easter, soften your heart and ask God to reveal to you those who need to be shown His love and everlasting peace, then love them as He commands (Mark 16:15).
Photo Credit: ©Unsplash/Becca Tapert

4. Harvest Harmony
Harvesting is generally associated with fall, yet I urge you to flip your perspective this spring and Easter. As flowers and colorful pastel plants spring up from the barren ground and produce radiant hues of pinks, purples, yellows, and blues, let it be a reminder to harvest some of that color and place it around your home to rejuvenate your soul. Let all the whimsical colors spark creativity as you promote harmony with a tender heart and humble mind, just as 1 Peter 3:8 calls us to do.
"Finally, all of you should be of one mind. Sympathize with each other. Love each other as brothers and sisters. Be tenderhearted, and keep a humble attitude." - 1 Peter 3:8
Friend, God commands us to pursue a life in harmony because it is a virtue that exudes peace. Let’s yearn to extend that peace by getting right with the ones we love. Check your heart for any festering bitterness, and hand it over to God. Extend forgiveness where it is warranted and let go of any negative thoughts.
Creating harmony in your home starts with understanding each family member's needs and resolving conflicts by engaging in real and honest conversations. Let this Easter season be a springboard that opens pathways to talk about how you can show kindness, honor, and respect.
Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/ProstockStudio

5. Pray for Peace
Easter time gives way to posture our hearts and pray for peace. We can pray for peace among the nations, peace and unity in our country, peace within our communities, peace that covers the church, peace in our relationships, peace that covers our homes, and peace that dwells within our hearts.
Oh, how we need to reclaim the precious gift of peace this Easter. Below are prayers of peace. Please feel free to use the prayer prompts below as you lift your heart up to the Lord.
- Lord, please place Your mighty hand among the nations around the globe and restore peace. Cleanse us and all political leaders from any harsh misunderstandings and remove seeds of fear, ill intent, or revenge. Revive and awaken us to Your great mercy and goodness. Amen.
- Lord, please watch over our land and help us unite as “one nation under You” again. We desperately need You. We need You to soften hearts and open minds to receive Your Word and get back to the foundation of the Truth. Amen.
- Lord, I lift up my community and the people within it. Open my eyes to see the needs of others so I can be of service. Grant me a heart to meet the needs of the grieving, hurting, or weary. Help me be a beacon of hope and a place of peace this Easter. Amen.
- Lord, thank you for your precious presence, mighty power, and blessings over the church. We ask for Your wisdom and discernment, guidance, and strength as we deliver a message of hope to the community. Please help us be a light on the hill. Amen.
- Lord, You are a relational God, and we are so thankful that You created us to commune and to seek fellowship with others. Please foster and nurture our relationships. Help us show kindness, compassion, and respect while being peacemakers. Amen.
- Lord, please bless my home and all who enter. Put Your hedge of protection around these walls and allow it to be a place that exudes Your grace and love. Let Your presence be known, and may it be a safe refuge for my family to grow closer together. Amen.
- Lord, I humbly ask that You come into my heart and align all my desires, hopes, and dreams to Your will. Search my heart and remove what is not of You. Help me place my thoughts on what is true, honorable, noble, and right. Amen.
Closing Thought
As Easter time draws near, may you find tender time to unwarp the gift of peace from our Savior. May it allow you to enjoy this season with your precious people while also sneaking away to be refueled by the presence of the Lord. May the peace of God flood your heart and home this Easter!
Photo Credit: Unsplash/Ben White
Originally published Tuesday, 05 March 2024.