5 Ways to Give up Worry for Lent

Contributing Writer
Updated Mar 05, 2025
5 Ways to Give up Worry for Lent

“You’re such a worrier,” she casually said over the phone after I completely poured out my heart per my usual vulnerable fashion. “You’re right,” I quickly resounded. But my thoughts held a different response, something quite on the contrary.  Sure, I was a natural worrier, but did this friend, that I trusted and highly admired, need to point that out to me?

Yes! Yes, she did. That’s because my ever-evolving worry was starting to control me, and dare I say, had even become a comforting (and sinful) habit. My friend was just being honest by calling me out, holding me accountable, and reminding me that worry is not something God wants me to carry, much less tightly hold on to. Sweet friends really are the best (Proverbs 27:9), aren’t they?

So, my sweet friend, is it okay that I call you that? I know we likely don’t know one another, but if you are a believer, then we are friends! That said, you obviously landed here for a reason. Maybe you are also a massive worrier. Well, here I am calling you out. Maybe you need to hear that today. Now, before your thoughts grow in frustration as mine did when my friend’s honesty rubbed me the wrong way (at first), let me clarify why it’s important that we pay attention to our worry. Worry, in and of itself, isn’t sinful. However, when it consumes our lives and continually takes over our thoughts, we give the enemy a foothold and are putting our faith on the line.

Truth be told, we all worry at some point in our lives, especially when faced with unexpected seasons or challenging situations. But it’s all in how we respond that makes the difference! We can either trust God and lay out our concerns, fears, and anxious heart at His feet or we can bend towards those hasty feelings, allowing them to become an unhealthy habit, and quite possibly creating a sinful pattern.

As we begin the season of Lent and usher in this beautiful and meaningful season, let’s set our hearts and minds on welcoming peace and embracing the richness of life that God has extended to us. Let’s let go of worry! Not sure how to do that? No worries, friend. I’ve got you! Below are five easy steps you can take each day to calm your mind, release the worry, and experience joy.

Photo Credit: Danijela Froki/Unsplash

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Psalm 46:10

1. Be Still and Pray

If you haven’t noticed, we live in a society that is in constant motion, and no, I am not talking about physical motion. I am talking about our wondering minds that “jog” all day, rarely getting a chance to rest. Between the continual social media feeds at our fingertips to the constant livestream of news, our minds are being fed endless information (and extra non-essential “advice”) 24/7, making it truly difficult to turn it off, tune out, and just put it down.

This is why we must be intentional about being still and quiet. And, by that I mean, it takes diligent effort, as the addictive nature of what is happening from every device and screen should be alarming to us all.

Psalm 46:10 actually reminds us to “let go” and “stop” the fear from setting into our hearts. This command was given to the Israelites when they were under attack, reminding them of God’s omniscient power and strength to help them persevere.

What are you worried about today? Put the phone down, step away from the screens, and find a quiet spot. Then settle in, get still, and invite God into those areas of your life with a simple prayer of surrender.

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Proverbs 3:5-6

2. Surrender Your Thoughts to God

Speaking of surrender, have you ever wondered what surrendering your thoughts to God really looks like? Yep, me, too. So, when I brought that up in a Bible study a few years ago, a wise woman once shared that surrendering our thoughts to God comes with five words…

Not my will, but Yours. Have you ever added those words to the end of your prayer when you are worried about something? It truly transforms the shape and pattern of our prayers and even more, the precious relationship we have with our God. Try it and see what happens.

So much of what we worry about has to do with control, which is why those words are so powerful. This Lenten season, I encourage you to take a moment to write down the things in your life you can control. For instance, what you choose to eat, when you go to bed, how you talk to your family members, etc. Next, write down the things in your life that you cannot control, like the weather, how someone will react, your past, etc. What do you notice?

Worry typically stems from life events we have no control over. However, when we relinquish control and turn it all over to God, we can proclaim, “God, I don’t understand, but You do. So…not my will, but Yours.” In doing this, we begin to realize that we may not be able to control a situation, but we can control our response to it by trusting God. His plan and purpose are far greater than what we can even imagine, so there is no need to allow worry to fester, manifest, and hijack our lives. Proverbs 3:5-6 also reminds us to trust God and not lean into our own understanding. Let’s start trusting Him today, by surrendering it all.

Photo Credit: SWN Design

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4 Scriptures to Calm Worry

3. Read Scripture Aloud 

Did you know that Satan can’t get into your thoughts, but he can surely use the words you proclaim out loud against you? Yep, what we speak into existence can be a ploy the enemy uses to condemn us, getting us to believe some pretty ugly lies. Friend, the words we speak matter so much!

Thankfully, God’s on our side, giving us a way to fight back with truth! Instead of simply reading The Word, declare those truths out loud! There is so much power and endless benefits when we read Scripture aloud. Whether you do this alone, as a family, or with your church, reading God’s Word can penetrate our hearts and transform the way we think! It can also help us memorize verses as we tuck these truths into our hearts (Proverbs 3:3), to be able to rely on them when challenging times come. Even more, speaking Scripture aloud can become a protective barrier from the lies the enemy hurls when we are prone to worry. 

Need some great passages to read when worry creeps in? Begin with these and see where God leads you.

4 Scriptures to Calm Worry

1. Philippians 4:6-7

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

2. 1 Peter 5:7

"Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you."

3. John 14:27

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."

4. Isaiah 41:10

"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."

Photo Credit: SWN Design 

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Psalm 33:6

4. Take Baby Steps and Breathe Deep

Oftentimes when worry takes hold, it comes with the emotional strings of fear and anxiety. Whether you are concerned about what the future may hold, or you are groveling to find peace with the past, God reminds us to forget the former things (Isaiah 43:18-19) and know that He holds a plan for our future (Jeremiah 29:11). Matthew 6:34 also reminds us not to worry about tomorrow, but to focus on the present day.

We can stay in the present moment by taking baby steps into our day, being led by the Holy Spirit and controlling stress with mindful deep breaths. Both of these action steps force us to calm our mind and anxious heart, then tell our body it’s safe to slow down.

While you may want (or feel the need) to jump out of bed and hit the ground running, try to pause and take a moment to tend to your physical body. Worry is often triggered by the stress we hold on to, eventually weighing us down, causing a slew of health issues. As a girl with high cortisol, I can assure you that making time in my morning to stretch and practice deep breathing (even if for a minute) has allowed me to confront the challenges of my day with more clarity.

How is your morning routine? Can you take a moment to take care of your “temple” (1 Corinthians 6:19), and practice taking baby steps to improve your overall health and breathe deeply to calm your mind and ease your restless heart?

Photo Credit: SWN Design

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Philippians 1:3

5. Express Gratitude

Does worrying actually add anything to your life? Nope! In fact, it is essentially depriving you from the joy-filled life God wants you to live out! So let’s contradict those thoughts with something that will make a positive impact. Expressing gratitude not only is an act of worship, drawing us closer to God, but it has actually been proven to increase our serotonin levels which increase happiness.

However, don’t be misled into thinking gratitude is just a feeling that brings happiness. Rather it is a choice that invites happiness to be transformed into utter joy! When we choose to express gratitude to God, it may give us a moment of happiness, but more importantly, it creates a pathway to joy. Joy that comes from trusting God in various seasons of our life, including those difficult or intense trials (James 1:2-4). Gratitude shifts our mindset and makes room for peace to envelope us knowing God is working all things out for His good (Romans 8:28).

How can you express your love and adoration to God through stillness, surrender, Scripture, and gratitude this Lent season?

Photo Credit: SWN Design 

Alicia SearlAlicia Searl is a devotional author, blogger, and speaker that is passionate about pouring out her heart and pointing ladies of all ages back to Jesus. She has an education background and master’s in literacy.  Her favorite people call her Mom, which is why much of her time is spent cheering them on at a softball game or dance class. She is married to her heartthrob (a tall, spiky-haired blond) who can whip up a mean latte. She sips that goodness while writing her heart on a page while her puppy licks her feet. Visit her website at aliciasearl.com and connect with her on Instagram and Facebook.

Originally published Wednesday, 05 March 2025.