Sadly, there are many times when we don't feel like going to church anymore. I have personally been in this position many times because of different things that have happened.
After the pastor left the church my family and I had attended for years, we stepped away because the new pastor was going in a different direction. This direction wasn't a good direction and was full of anti-biblical teachings as well as racism.
Another time this happened to me was when I first started recovery from anorexia. Since I didn't have any friends to reach out to or to care about my well-being, I didn't feel like going to church. In my town, at each church, I did know someone who went there, and when I tried to reach out to them during my hour of need, they ignored me.
As you can see, there are many things that can cause a person to not feel like going to church anymore, and each of these reasons is valid. Never diminish your pain or the reason why you are stepping away.
No matter why you stepped away from church, there is no reason to feel ashamed. Most of us have been in a position where we don’t want to go to church anymore. In fact, there are more people who feel this way, but they are not going to be willing to admit it.
By being willing to admit you don’t feel like going to church anymore, you are taking a great first step at knowing what to do next. Through being aware and taking steps, you can know what to do next.
Most of us don't step away from church for no reason. There is normally a reason why we don't feel like going to church anymore. If you are finding yourself in a place such as this, know that you are not alone.
There are many people who have been in your place before. I have been there, too, and I know it is hard to try to get back into the practice of going to church when you just don't feel like it. Here are five things to do when you don't feel like going to church anymore.
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1. Try Watching a Television Sermon
One thing you can do when you don't feel like going to church anymore is to try watching a television sermon. Dr. Charles Stanley is a wonderful pastor you can watch on the television.
His teachings are biblical, and they truly help you in your walk with the Lord. His ministry is called InTouch Ministries, and it is available to be seen across the world.
Dr. Stanley teaches in a personable way that reflects Christ to his listeners. He never comes across as rude, judgmental, or harsh. If you are tired of going to church, checking out one of his sermons on the television might be just up your alley.
You can watch his sermon without having to leave your house. This is very appealing to many of us, especially introverts. Maybe you don’t feel like going to church for this very reason.
By being an introvert, it can be exhausting to go to in-person service every week. Trying out a television pastor or watching a sermon on the television could help you continue to grow in your relationship with God.
If you choose to watch a television sermon instead of going to church, you also need to be aware of many individuals not to watch. Joel Osteen teaches in accordance with the prosperity gospel, and it is something you need to steer clear of.
There are many other individuals who teach in accordance with the prosperity gospel as well, and it is something you need to be aware of.
If any pastor comes across as caring more about your money than your actual walk with Christ, you can know that they are not a good pastor who follows the Lord. I recommend Dr. Charles Stanley; however, you have the discernment to choose who you want as well.
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2. Listen to a Podcast by Your Favorite Pastor
A second thing to do when you don’t feel like going to church anymore is to listen to a podcast by your favorite pastor. Personally, I enjoy listening to sermons from Timothy Keller, David Platt, and Francis Chan.
Each of these pastors has podcasts that have their recorded sermons on them. I haven’t heard a podcast of theirs that I have not enjoyed. Each of the sermons is impactful and helps me in my walk with the Lord.
I challenge you also to try to listen to a podcast by your favorite pastor when you don’t feel like going to church anymore.
By listening to your favorite pastor, it can help you regain the desire to listen to sermons again. Maybe your present pastor at your church wasn’t keeping you engaged, or maybe he was teaching things that you didn’t agree with.
If this is true, know that it is okay to step away from the church and to be able to listen to a sermon that is actually going to help in your growth in Christ. You don’t want to be stagnant in your walk, as this will only curtail your growth.
Instead, try to listen to a podcast of your favorite pastor and see if that helps you feel more prone to listen to sermons in the future.
You could even step out of your comfort zone and listen to a pastor you have never heard before. Or you could listen to a specific ministry, such as Voice of the Martyrs.
Anything you choose could help you grow in your walk with Christ. By being able to pick out specific sermons, you will also be more prone to find sermons that actually relate to you or what you are going through.
This can help you greatly as you will no longer feel like you have to listen to a sermon that doesn’t apply to you as you would have to do in church. Instead, you can have the freedom to listen to a sermon that you truly need to hear.
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3. Join an Online Church
A third thing to do when you don’t feel like going to church anymore is to join an online church. This was an idea of my sister’s a while ago after we stopped going to the first church we attended.
Covid came shortly after that and through going to an online church, we were still able to hear an impactful sermon each week. Maybe joining an online church is just what you need to help you start having a hunger for Christ again.
The main problem behind not feeling like going to church is possibly having the feeling of not learning more about the Bible. Sadly, many people can suffer from this if they had a bad experience with a church.
If this is true for you, my heart goes out to you. Churches should not make you feel bad about yourself, nor should they make you feel not welcomed.
Instead, they should be supportive of you and excited for you to be there. Sadly, not many churches do this, and this can cause many people to want to stop going to church.
If a church or multiple churches have made you feel bad or like an odd one out, join an online church. You don’t have to physically be at a church in order to attend an online church.
Yet again, you can watch the online church from the comfort of your own living room. You don’t have to get dressed up nor do you have to interact with others. Instead, you can just stay at home and stay within your own comfort zone.
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4. Have a Small Bible Study
A fourth thing you can do when you don’t feel like going to church is to have a small Bible study. Granted, you do have to interact with others when you have a small Bible study, but maybe this is what you need at the present time.
It could be you want to interact with others, just not the people at your church. As someone who isolates myself a lot, it is best to be around others instead of distancing yourself from others.
God wants you to be in communication with others, but He doesn’t want you to have communication with people who will hurt you.
When you have your small Bible study, choose a select few who will be there. Maybe you could choose a few close friends or your family. My sister and I have a small Bible study each night and it has helped us in our walk with the Lord even without attending church weekly.
Many people believe you have to go to church weekly in order to grow in your relationship with Christ, but this isn’t true. A person could go to church every week and never actually have any growth.
In the same way, a person could have great growth in Christ by just having a Bible study with a few close friends.
If you are a person who doesn’t enjoy big crowds, this could be the perfect idea for you. It provides you with a sense of community without being overwhelmed. By being involved in a small Bible study, it will help you learn more about Christ as well as others.
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5. Invest More Time in Your Walk with God
A fifth thing to do when you don’t feel like going to church is to invest more time in your walk with God. Investing more time in your walk with God will bless you with many benefits. You don’t have to go to church in order to grow in your relationship with Christ.
What matters is your personal time with the Lord. Truly knowing Jesus comes from spending time with Him. You can spend years in church, only to discover you know little to nothing about Jesus Himself.
By investing more time in your walk with God through prayer and Bible reading, you will learn more about God, grow in your walk with Him, and develop the fruits of the Spirit.
Personal time with God matters the most as it helps you with knowing more about the Lord and His nature. Sadly, the church can overlook the personal side of knowing the Lord.
Talking with God in prayer will help you be more genuine with Him and grow closer to Him, which is hard to do in a physical church building.
You can hear back from God by reading the Bible. This can be done completely on your own as you don’t need to be in a church to read the Bible. Learn about Him through your reading and find comfort in the Word.
God’s Word contains everything you need, and it can help you grow in your faith. Without having the Word, you are not going to be able to serve and worship God as you should. By investing time in your walk with God, you will be able to serve, worship, and love God fully.
Never feel ashamed of not wanting to go to church as there are several things to do when you don’t feel like going to church anymore.
For further reading:
Why Do People Stop Going to Church?
Is it Okay to Be Bored in Church?
Photo Credit: ©iStock/Getty Images Plus/Sinenkiy
Originally published Wednesday, 30 August 2023.