5 Signs That Some Believe We Are in the End Times

Contributing Writer
Published Sep 26, 2023
5 Signs That Some Believe We Are in the End Times

It is without a doubt to say that many individuals believe we are in the End Times. While this argument is faulty, many people still choose to believe we are living in the End Times.

It is true that we are closer to the events of eschatology than we were before Jesus came to the earth to die for our sins, but we cannot be dogmatic in saying that the End Times are here. Trying to predict the end times is impossible because many events of eschatology cannot be predicted.

As human beings, it seems to be that everyone always wants to talk about the end of the world. The thoughts of an apocalypse or a huge destruction to end the world is popular in movies, television shows, and books.

Why are people so interested and intrigued with the end of the world? It could be because we all know deep down that this world will not endure forever.

The present earth and heavens will be destroyed by fire (2 Peter 3:10). As much as we might enjoy the beauty of this world, it will not continue for all time.

God will create a New Heaven and a New Earth. The New Heaven and New Earth will be a place of peace, eternity, and love. Only believers will be here, and there will be no more pain, death, or tears (Revelations 21:4).

Many of us rejoice at the thought of knowing one day, we will no longer have to deal with the anxiety of pain, problems, or worrying about our loved ones passing away. This, in and of itself, could be why everyone is so quickly hoping for the earth to be facing the End Times.

Deep down inside, all of us know that we are not going to be on this planet forever. We will die, and our souls will go to heaven or hell, depending on whether we placed faith in Jesus or not. Jesus wants all people to believe in Him in order for them to be saved.

If you know Jesus and have accepted Him as your Savior and Lord, there is no reason to fear the End Times because He is always with you. Never be afraid or frightened, as the Lord is with you through every step of your life and beyond.

Photo Credit: ©Unsplash/MattBotsford

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Man in hazard gear holding a globe

1. Pandemics

One reason why some people believe we are in the End Times is because of the vast amounts of pandemics going on in the world today. We are all familiar with the horrible virus known as coronavirus.

It started in 2019 and has not been fully eradicated even now. New strands have been showing up, and they have been mutated to become even more powerful. As someone who had coronavirus, I can say with confidence that it was one of the worst sicknesses I have ever had.

I was sick for about a month, had no energy, a consistent cough, and overall felt as though I had the flu and strep throat at the same time.

Maybe you also suffered from the coronavirus, or maybe a loved one passed away from it. COVID-19 took the lives of many and left a horrible trail in its wake. While many believe we have passed on from this pandemic, there are still people being tested positive for COVID-19.

Be safe when you are traveling, and remember to keep your hands washed in order to keep yourself healthy. Even though we cannot fully eradicate the virus, we can do all we can to prevent it from spreading.

Pandemics are terrible and can cause deaths. Since the recent COVID-19 pandemic caused this, many have believed we are in the End Times.

While the first is terrible, and nothing has been seen in a century as bad as this virus, we cannot be dogmatic in saying that it is a sign of the End Times.

The COVID-19 virus is awful and causes many problems that shouldn't be minimized, yet we cannot say with certainty that it means we are in the End Times. The End Times will come on us unexpectedly and like a thief in the night.

Photo Credit: ©iStock/Getty Images Plus/Nastco

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Half a beautiful tree and half of a wilted tree

2. Increased Wickedness

A second sign that some people believe we are in the End Times is that there is increased wickedness in the world. When we look around us, it seems as though people are getting more evil and paying no regard to God.

Rather than following Him and giving Him praise, many people persecute Christians or persecute their teachings.

Believers who live in communist countries have felt the impact of what it means to follow Christ in a restricted area. It is not surprising to believe that many of these believers are under the notion that they are living out the End Times.

Without a doubt, there is increased wickedness in the world, but we cannot be dogmatic to say there is more wickedness in the world as compared to other times in history.

During the time of Hitler's rule in Nazi Germany, many people believed he was the antichrist and that the End Times was happening.

Looking back in hindsight, it is not surprising that people would believe this, especially if they were one of the individuals who were taken into the concentration camps.

With this in mind, we have to acknowledge that evil and wickedness have been around since the Fall of Man. All of us have sinned and fallen short of God's glory (Romans 3:23). There is sin in the present world, and there will continue to be sin until God destroys it once and for all.

As human beings, we have a sin nature, and with this nature, we have the ability to cause much harm, hurt, and pain to others. As believers, we need to be aware of the present state of the world, but we don't need to be quick to say the end of the world is approaching.

Photo Credit: ©iStock/Getty Images Plus/AlessandroPhoto

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An empty church, church suspends in-person services after families contract COVID-19

3. Fewer People Going to Church

A third sign some people believe we are in the End Times is that fewer people are going to church. It is not surprising to notice that fewer and fewer people are going to church. This is because many churches have left a sour taste in individual's mouths after they went to a service.

Sadly, many churches come across as judgmental, snobby, or rude to unbelievers, which can leave them feeling hurt. Instead of being one of these people, show love, kindness, and support to all people, no matter what they look like.

The new generation of Generation Z is not going to church as much as previous generations; however, we don't need to see this as a sign that we are in the End Times.

Generation Z has been shown to be more of a radical, self-accepting generation that doesn't seem to care much about religion.

This doesn't mean that there are not any believers within the Generation Z populace because I know many; however, it is safe to say that fewer people are attending church for a variety of reasons.

Instead of blaming the individuals, reflect on your own church. Is your church welcoming? Are you genuine with visitors? Are you showing Jesus in your actions?

By answering these questions, it should give you a good answer as to what direction your church needs to go.

Improvement is key to helping more people come to church and learn about Jesus. Rather than wondering about the signs of the End Times, try to focus on what you can do during the present.

Photo Credit: ©Joseph Pearson/Unsplash

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Two fists in a thunderstorm

4. More Violence

A fourth sign that some believe we are in the End Times is because there is more violence. With prejudice becoming more common in the present day, we have seen an all-time high of violence.

The Black Lives Movement as well as other movements have been making their voices known that they will not tolerate the hate being pressed upon them. Prejudice is never okay and only leads to problems. All people are made in God's image, regardless of skin color (Genesis 1:27).

Since there has been more violence, many people think this is a sign of the depravity of mankind. While nobody can argue with the depravity of mankind, we can argue that one cannot predict the End Times.

Yes, things will get worse and worse before the end, but they will be much worse than what we are seeing today. What is going on in the present day is terrible and tragic; however, it is nothing compared to what will be poured out on the earth during the final days.

As believers, we need to focus on what we can do to make things better rather than following any school of thought. We need to help in the matters of the world instead of going along with any sort of teaching we hear. It is important to be smart and to know the Bible.

In this way, we will be able to stand strong in what the Bible says rather than what people are speculating on their own. There is much violence in the world, yet it doesn't mean the End Time is upon us.

Photo Credit: ©iStock/Getty Images Plus/RomoloTavani

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Tornado blowing through a field

5. Major Disasters

A fifth sign people believe we are in the End Times is the major disasters that have been going on. There have been earthquakes, volcano eruptions, and other natural disasters that have happened all within the recent year.

When I was in sixth grade, my science teacher told the class that the world was going to end in a few years because the sun was going to burn up, all the volcanoes would erupt, and there would be a massive earthquake. Running home, I asked my dad if this was true, and he also agreed with my science teacher.

As you can imagine, this was scary for a sixth grader because I believed it was all true. It wasn't until those years passed and the world didn't end that I started to be more cautious about what I believed. This same lesson that I learned on my own, I share with you.

Don't believe everything people say. People love to talk about the end of the world or how the world will be destroyed, but your solid foundation is the Bible. It contains everything we need to know about the End Times, and it is 100% true.

While the major disasters are awful and have caused the deaths of many, they are not a sign themselves. The events of eschatology are carefully planned out by God, and they won't happen in a crazy order.

Rather, they will happen exactly as God has planned them. With this in mind, know that you don't have to worry about the End Times right now. The end will come, but the Lord will take His people out of this terrible time.

Many people enjoy guessing the signs of the End Times, but this isn't the most helpful thing to do. Nonetheless, many things have caused people to believe we are in the End Times, such as epidemics, increased wickedness, fewer people going to church, more violence, and natural disasters.

For further reading:

5 Things to Ask When You Think Something Is a Sign of the End Times

What Are the Signs of the Times?

What Are the Signs of the Apocalypse?

How Has the End Times Become a Moral Panic?

Photo Credit: ©iStock/Getty Images Plus/vchat

Vivian Bricker author bio photoVivian Bricker obtained a Bachelor of Arts in Ministry, followed by a Master of Arts with an emphasis in theology. She loves all things theology, mission work, and helping others learn about Jesus. Find more of her content at Cultivate: https://cultivatechristianity.wordpress.com/

Originally published Tuesday, 26 September 2023.