The study of Eschatology, also known as the End Times, is a scary subject for many. The thought of the end of the world is frightening and can cause many people to be uncertain of the future. Before I understood the End Times, I was paranoid and anxious about it.
However, once I studied Eschatology and the events that happen within the End Times, I was not as paranoid nor scared anymore. If you are paranoid about the End Times, know that it is normal, but you do not have to be paranoid any longer.
As believers, we know that in the end, we will be with Jesus. This provides us with the truth that there will be eternal peace, safety, and love within Eschatology.
While there are many things that will take place before this, we know that our final destination is in the New Heaven and New Earth (Revelation 21-22).
For everyone who places faith in Jesus, they will one day spend eternity with the Lord. There will no longer be any pain, death, or tears (Revelation 21:4).
This is radically different from anything we are familiar with in our present life. To know that one day we will no longer have any fears should give us hope, not paranoia. Sadly, many of us have been presented with a frightening view of the End Times that causes us to stay up at night.
If you are a believer, there is absolutely no reason to be afraid. You are God’s child, and you will never fall out of His hand. He will keep you safe and one day, you will be with Him for eternity.
If you are someone who is not a believer and are interested in learning more about the End Times, our hope and prayer is that you will also come to know Jesus as your Savior and also get to spend eternity with Him.
While nobody can force anyone to believe something they do not believe, we can share our own faith and belief surrounding the Bible, God, and the End Times.
Most people are interested in the End Times, even if they are not spiritual. This is a great way to show what the Bible actually says concerning the End Times.
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1. We Will Spend Eternity with Jesus
One reason Christians should not be paranoid about the End Times is because we will be spending eternity with the Lord. This is a wonderful promise that we can look forward to.
As we can see, there is no reason for us to be paranoid or frightened by the end times because we will be with Jesus.
By placing faith in Jesus during our earthly lives, we have been given redemption, forgiveness, and eternal life. This means that we do not have to be afraid of the wrath of God because we are completely forgiven.
We do not have to stand before God as those whose sins were never forgiven. Instead, we are standing before the Father as those who were given forgiveness because we placed faith in Jesus.
For those who fail to place faith in Jesus during their earthly lives, there are reasons to be paranoid concerning the End Times and eternity; however, for Christians, there is only forgiveness and redemption. Allow this to give peace to your heart today.
There are many pastors and individuals who try to scare us when it comes to the End Times, but we do not have to listen to them. As Christians, we should actually be looking forward to the end times because we know that this is when true joy and happiness will begin.
We will never have to worry about sin again, nor will we have to be worried about death. We are given the promise that we will be with Jesus forever, and this includes all eternity.
Whenever you start stressing over the End Times, remind yourself that this is when we will finally get to spend all eternity with our great Savior.
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2. There Will Be No More Death, Pain, or Crying
A second reason Christians should not be paranoid about the End Times is that there will be no more death, pain, or crying (Revelation 21:4). Revelation 21:4 specifically talks about the New Heaven and New Earth, which is part of the End Times.
In fact, the New Heaven and New Earth is the last event of the End Times. There are some scary parts of the end times; however, they do not apply to us as Christians.
Christians do not have to undergo the tribulation, the Great White Throne Judgment, or the Lake of Fire. These things are specifically for those who choose not to place faith in Jesus.
As Christians, there is hope in the end times because our final destination is with the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit in the New Heaven and New Earth.
While there will be many difficult times before then, we can look forward to the day that there will not be any more death, pain, or crying.
In our present life, we have all had our fair share of seeing loved ones pass away, feeling pain, and spending countless nights crying.
When we look at the future, we see these things being eradicated. We will never have to go through these hard times again.
As someone who has a difficult family life and multiple mental health struggles, I am looking forward to the day when there will not be any more problems.
Maybe you are in a similar situation, and you cannot wait for the day when all of the awful and terrible things are gone.
Instead of being paranoid of the End Times, we can rejoice because, as believers, we will no longer have pain, crying, or death. Each of these things will be gone with the eradication of sin.
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3. Sin Will Be Eradicated
A third reason why Christians should not be paranoid about the End Times is because sin will be eradicated. Sin will finally be destroyed at the time that the devil, antichrist, and all those who rejected the Lord will be thrown into the lake of fire (Revelation 19:20, 20:10).
If we die before the rapture of the church, our sin nature will be eradicated at the time of our death. However, if we do not die before the rapture of the church, our bodies will be transformed into our glorified bodies, in which our sin natures will be eradicated.
In other words, sin is not destroyed unless we die, or we are transformed into our glorified bodies. All believers who are in heaven no longer have a sin nature just as one day we will not have a sin nature when we pass away or when the rapture happens.
However, this is not the end of sin. Despite our sinful nature being eradicated at the moment of death or at the time of the rapture, there will still be sin in the world throughout the tribulation and thousand-year reign of Christ.
Sin will not be fully eradicated until God destroys all of His enemies in the Lake of Fire. Once all sin is eradicated, there will finally be peace. This cannot happen apart from the End Times.
This is one of many reasons why Christians do not need to be paranoid of the End Times. There are many great things that will happen in the end times and one of these things is sin be eradicated once and for all.
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4. We Will Be Living in the New Heaven and New Earth
A fourth reason Christians should not be paranoid about the End Times is because we will be living in the New Heaven and New Earth at the end of the eschatological timeline. The End Times timeline starts at the moment of the rapture.
After the rapture happens, the seven-year tribulation will occur, followed by the thousand-year reign of Christ.
After the thousand-year reign of Christ occurs, the Great White Throne Judgment will be carried out and then the lake of fire will be the end of all evil.
However, for believers, our final destination comes after the end of all evil when God will establish the New Heaven and New Earth.
The Bible tells us this will be the home of righteousness (2 Peter 3:13). This will be a beautiful place where God will dwell with mankind. It is the final destination for all of us as Christians and it will be paradise.
Even though the Bible does not tell us exactly what our day-to-day life will look like in the New Heaven and New Earth, we know it will consist of glorifying God and worshiping Him. In a way, things will go back to how God intended them to be from the beginning.
We will never not remember our sins, nor will we forget the death Jesus died in order for us to be redeemed. Our days will be spent in service to God, but it won’t be anything that is dreadful.
Often, we think of work and service as gruesome; however, that is not how God designed it to be. Rather, we will be joyful and praise the Lord through our work and service to the Lord. We will be doing exactly what God created us to do — to love, serve, and worship Him.
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5. We Will Never Be Scared Again
A fifth reason Christians should not be paranoid about the End Times is because we will never be scared again. There are many things in this world that scare us. Disease, theft, and murders all can keep us up at night.
These scary things happen because we live in a fallen world that is full of sin. During the End Times, we as believers, do not have to worry about any of these things.
We will be kept safe by God, and we will not fall out of His hand. During the Tribulation, Christians will not be present on the earth. Rather, we would have been taken into the rapture and safely kept in heaven.
In the same way, we do not have to face the Great White Throne Judgment because this is a judgment for only unbelievers. Christians will undergo the Bema Seat of Christ, which will happen after the rapture.
It should be noted that the Bema Seat of Christ is not a judgment of salvation but rather what you did for Christ during your life. Rewards will be given, yet rewards will also be taken away.
Don’t allow this to stress you out, but rather, allow it to be a sense of motivation to follow Jesus and to do so with a joyful heart.
Christians will also never have to face hell or the Lake of Fire. Through placing faith in Jesus, we will not go to hell, nor will we be thrown into the Lake of Fire.
When we know this to be true, we can rest in the peace of the End Times. There will be many scary things to happen; however, as Christians, we do not have to be afraid or paranoid of any of them.
Christians should not be paranoid about the End Times because we know our final destination is with God in the New Heaven and New Earth.
For further reading:
5 Signs That Some Believe We Are in the End Times
5 Things to Ask When You Think Something Is a Sign of the End Times
How Has the End Times Become a Moral Panic?
Photo Credit: ©Unsplash/jhc
Originally published Wednesday, 13 December 2023.