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3 Ways To Renew Your Mind for Lasting Change

Author, Speaker, Bible Teacher, and Counselor
Updated Oct 03, 2024
3 Ways To Renew Your Mind for Lasting Change

It was 2:30 AM when I looked at the clock. A persistent beeping sound awakened me. Slightly irritated, since I had been looking forward to sleeping in after a long day, I woke my husband to head downstairs and investigate the noise.

"Oh, babe!"

I could hear in his voice that something was wrong. I cautiously made my way downstairs. When I got around the corner, I couldn't believe my eyes. The beeping noise I heard was from the stove, an alarm warning us that something was wrong. And not just a little wrong—we were about to have a serious electrical issue. A pipe had burst in the kitchen ceiling, and water was pouring through the AC vent, microwave oven, stove and steadily coming.

The lower level of our home looked more like a running brook than our cozy oasis. Let's just say it was not how I expected to start my week.

After the emergency plumber left, the initial shock of what happened waned. Reality set in for what was ahead. Renovations. Ugh! The next several weeks would comprise cutting out drywall, ripping up floors, and replacing our damaged belongings. Did I mention I had also recently gotten married, just a little over a month before? This was not how I envisioned my honeymoon phase.  After a nearly five-week stint of being away and finally able to settle back home, I was pleased with the final result. The transformation turned out better than I expected. But it was also during this time that I realized another transformation needed to take place- inside of me.

The Holy Spirit reminded me of the truth found in Romans 12:2: “…but let God transform you inwardly by a complete change of your mind…” (GNT). In the months leading up to the leak, I had been dealing with several personal challenges, which left me feeling apathetic and sad. It became clear that this experience was meant to impart a valuable lesson about the importance of renewing my mind and reigniting my outlook on life. If you find yourself in a similar season, I pray this encourages you.

Photo Credit: Unsplash/Christopher Sardegna

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1. The Assessment

1. The Assessment

"Real transformation requires real honesty. If you want to move forward, get real with yourself." – Bryant McGill

The next day, after the pipe burst, the insurance adjuster informed us that someone needed to come out and assess the damage to determine the next steps in restoring our home. Similarly, the first step in transforming our minds is assessing the damage that has happened internally. I committed to taking the time to look at the areas of my heart that required immediate attention. This allowed me to identify the necessary changes that needed to be made. I hadn't been feeling like myself for the months leading up to the incident that year. Like many others, I was adjusting to the impact of the pandemic, working long hours from home, while trying my best to maintain a healthy self-care routine. My surprise party and bridal shower were canceled, and I had to reschedule my dream wedding. The experience of back-to-back disappointment and stress about the future left me feeling emotionally spent. My mind became overwhelmed with anxious thoughts, and the grip of fear became tighter than I wanted. Being confined to the hotel gave me time to assess the things that were burdening my heart. It felt good to be honest with myself and say, "Keisha, you are not okay." I had a place to start.

Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/m-gucci

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calm peace woman happy sunshine calming peaceful

2. Treatment Plan: Meditate on God's Word

If the water damage in my home had not been properly assessed, the correct treatment would not have been prescribed. This could have caused significant issues, such as mold and mildew. We couldn't just cover it up. It had to be dealt with. In the same way, once I was truthful with myself about how I was feeling emotionally, I knew, with God's help, that I had to start the process of renewing my mind.  There’s a distinction that I noticed between the words "transformation" and "renewal." Transformation deals with change, while renewal is the process of re-establishing something in a like-new or often improved manner. I didn't just want to change; I wanted to move forward with my thought life being anew.

"For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he" (Proverbs 23:7, KJV).

So much of how I was feeling had to do with how I was thinking. My thoughts were everywhere except where they needed to be – on God.  “Thinketh” literally means to act as a gatekeeper. The treatment plan was to become more intentional about controlling what I let enter my mind. There’s a term I learned about when studying for my counseling degree, called neuroplasticity. It is our brain's ability to change and adapt over time through new experiences. It gave me hope. It should give you hope. It’s a reminder that we do not have to be stuck in our current mindset. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, we have the opportunity to reshape our thoughts and consequently our lives. 

I started small. For me, this meant resisting the urge to scroll through my phone and, instead, scroll through God’s Word and casting out thoughts that didn't align with God’s truth. I had to be intentional about thinking about things that were "… true, pure, lovely, worthy of praise" (Philippians 4:8) and not just what was going on around me. This doesn't mean we ignore what is happening to us, but we try our best not to dwell on things we can't control. I couldn't change my circumstances, but I could change what I was focusing on.  

You see, the Bible isn't just a book of old stories that don't relate to us today. It is alive and active. For me. For you. That's good news, friend. Renewing our mind starts with meditating on God's Word. It's the prescription for our soul. Carve out time to read it every day. Write it out. Get the promises of God in the core of your spirit. When we renew our minds with God's Word, it's like taking out the old so that it can be replaced with the new.

Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/BartekSzewczyk

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3. Communication

3. Communication

Throughout the renovation process, we maintained constant communication with the adjuster to ensure the accurate filing of claims and prompt payments. This interaction played a crucial role in ensuring things were back in order. While on our journey of renewing our minds, we, too, have to communicate, through prayer. You're not in this alone. We have a heavenly Father who loves us beyond measure. Jesus, our great High Priest, is interceding on our behalf (Romans 8:34). Through prayer we share our hearts, listen for God’s guidance, and allow the power of the Holy Spirit to do His transformative work in us. Furthermore, communicating with a supportive community of friends, family, and mental health professionals can also be helpful. Sharing our burdens and joys with others who understand and care for us helps lighten the load. Encouragement, empathy, and shared experiences can be powerful tools for renewing our minds.  

Photo Credit: Unsplash/Tim Bogdanov

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peaceful bench scene in nature with soft light, bible verses and prayers for patience

Trust the Process

Real transformation is not an overnight job, but it's a process worth taking. To renovate means to make a complete change, usually for the better. The work in my home took time and effort, but the outcome was well worth it.  The enemy of our soul would have no greater joy than to keep us mentally trapped in a web of darkness. But the Savior has come to set you free! We are changed through the process of making our minds new. When we allow God to change our thinking, He transforms our hearts, and a transformed heart can fully experience the abundant life found in Christ

I know that life can be challenging, but I'm encouraged that "even though our outer person gradually wears out, our inner being is renewed every single day" (2 Corinthians 4:16 TPT).

So, no matter where you find yourself, know that change is available to you. Renew your mind. Transform your life. Are you ready for what God has in store for you?

Photo Credit: © Unsplash/Aaron Burden

Lakeisha MaldonLekeisha Maldon is a speaker, Bible teacher, and counselor who is deeply passionate about inspiring and empowering women to lead transformed lives through the power of Christ. She has authored "Pages From My Heart: A Devotional For Women" and curated a 5-day plan titled "From Worry To Worship" on the YourVersion Bible App. Her writing has been featured in publications such as Vinewords Devotions & More, Iridescent Women, and Revell Books. Lekeisha has organized several women's ministry events, been a guest speaker for various organizations such as InterVarsity Christian Fellowship campus ministries, and led domestic and international mission trips. Outside of her ministry endeavors, she is a seasoned IT Business consultant with nearly 20 years of experience. She holds degrees in Business Management and a Master of Arts in Pastoral Counseling. She is married to her best friend, Charles, and is the proud mother to her beautiful baby girl. To learn more visit her website or connect with her on Instagram and Facebook.

Originally published Monday, 30 September 2024.