Worship is not confined to songs. However, there is something about music that moves us to praise the Lord in our hearts and words. Not only can songs turn our attention to our Savior, but they can also minister to us.
I have witnessed this in my life. Worship music has often been a source of comfort and encouragement, reminding me that God is greater than anything I face and that He is good. The song “Home” by Chris Tomlin ministered to me after the death of my mother when I was nineteen, reminding me that she was with the Lord and that one day I would see her again. Similarly, “Highlands (Song of Ascent)” by Hillsong United became an anchoring anthem in a stormy season when I faced a health crisis at twenty-one. Although all I could see was darkness, pain, and grief, the song pointed me to the One who is the answer to suffering in life.
No matter our age or the season we find ourselves in, worship music can turn our focus back to the Lord. With eyes on Him, our troubles and struggles do not seem as consuming. And those moments when we offer a quick song of praise to our Savior transform the ordinary into something more beautiful and holy.
Some of the songs listed here may be familiar or new, but they are all worth adding to a worship playlist. May they bring renewed hope and focus on Christ.
Photo Credit: © Unsplash/Shaun Frankland

1. “God You Are” by We Are Messengers featuring Josh Baldwin
We Are Messengers is a contemporary Christian band originally from Ireland. They have written many songs that deal with struggles that resonate with people, including “Maybe It’s Ok” and “Come What May.”
In “God You Are,” the theme is who God is and what He has done for us. He is not a faraway God who has left us in our sin, but who entered our dark world to save us (John 1:14; 3:16). This great and awesome love is shown in the evidence of the cross where Jesus died and the empty tomb which He left after rising to life (1 John 3:16).
Central to the song is the holiness of God. He is the Living God who is holy and far above anyone and anything else (Isaiah 6:1-5). This is the Lord who the Bible proclaims – a holy, loving God who does not desert us or leave us hopeless.
This song can speak to those who have questions about who God is or to those of us who need a reminder of His character. Our Lord is not a distant and heartless god. He is the true and pure God who entered our broken world to heal and redeem it. When we finally understand who He is, we cannot help but add our voices to sing, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty” (Isaiah 6:3, NIV).
Watch now on GodTube.
Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/deanmillar

2. “Boy On The Moon” by Benjamin William Hastings
Benjamin William Hastings is a singer-songwriter whose music is emotionally in-depth and authentic. He is not afraid to delve into difficult topics within the context of faith, such as doubts or depression. The song “Boy On The Moon” is representative of this style as he grapples with trusting God even when he does not understand or faces a tragedy.
Scripture does not always give us the answer as to why certain things happen in life. When we consider the example of Job, he was never told about Satan’s involvement in his life or why God had allowed suffering. Instead, God pointed Job to His glory and majesty as revealed in creation (Job 38-41).
Even when we suffer or lose those we love, we can trust that God is still good. No darkness exists in the Lord (1 John 1:5). However, His thoughts and ways are higher than our own (Isaiah 55:8-9). There may come a time in life when He reveals why certain situations occurred, or we may have to wait until eternity. Either way, the Bible reminds us that God is trustworthy and good (Deuteronomy 7:9; Nahum 1:7).
During times when we are struggling to understand what God is doing, we can listen to this song and lean into the mystery of the Lord. He remains our loving Lord even as we ask the hard “why” questions.
Photo Credit: ©Nathan Mullet/Unsplash

3. “In Everything” by Paper Horses
Combining the talents of four singer-songwriters, Paper Horses is a Christian folk group based in Nashville, Tennessee. The band was formed in 2023 and consists of Jess Ray, Taylor Leonhardt, Leslie Jordan, and Sandra McCracken.
Their song, “In Everything” is a beautiful declaration that God’s loving presence is found in all areas of life, from the nature we observe to the relationships we cherish. Scripture affirms that all creation testifies to the glory of the Lord (Psalm 19:1; Romans 1:20). His love is also demonstrated through the good things in life He gives us, including the beauty of creation or a mother’s hug (James 1:17).
How we show our love to God may seem miniscule in the way He has revealed Himself. Such acts of love, though, like Mary of Bethany’s offering of perfume to anoint Jesus, are enough and received by Him (John 12:3-8). When we give of ourselves and our lives, we show our love for Him.
If we ever feel as if God is not present in our everyday lives, then this song can show us that everything bears the mark of its Creator. We can witness God’s love around us when we are willing to pay attention.
Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/MangoStar_Studio

4. “How Deep The Father’s Love” by Celtic Worship
Celtic Worship is a unique band from Scotland. They are known for setting traditional hymns and psalms to Celtic music, though they also write modern hymns and worship songs. Some of their most popular songs are “Come Thou Fount” and “Because He Lives.”
In the modern hymn, “How Deep The Father’s Love” they sing of God’s great love in sending His Son to die for us (John 3:16; 1 John 3:1). Jesus endured suffering and the pain of the Father turning away from Him at His crucifixion (Mark 15:34). Yet, He did all this for us, transforming sinners into His treasure. His wounds have brought us healing (1 Peter 2:24).
None of us can boast about anything we have done to save ourselves. Our salvation and new life are only possible because of the grace of God. Like the Apostle Paul, may we “never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ” (Galatians 6:14, NIV).
This song can minister to us whenever we feel as if God does not care about us. Through the words and music, we are reminded of His great love in coming to die for us and suffering the punishment we deserve. No greater love exists.
Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/AntonioGuillem

5. “Be Still My Soul” by Page CXVI
Page CXVI is another band known for modernizing traditional hymns. They have adapted beloved songs of the church into music that appeals to younger generations, making the timeless truths found in hymns accessible to more people. In addition to their volumes of hymns, Page CXVI has created selections of music that cover key events on the church calendar, such as Lent, Easter, Advent, and Christmas.
In “Be Still My Soul,” the band updates the lyrics of the original hymn and sets it to modern and tasteful music. The song upholds the biblical emphasis on quieting our souls and waiting patiently for the Lord (Psalm 37:7; 131:2). Things in life may shift and cause us suffering, but we can trust that He will act and make all things right in His perfect timing. Soon, our troubles and grief will be turned to joy (Revelation 21:4).
During those times when we are struggling with anxiety and changes in life, this song calls us back to the instruction to be still and to find rest in the Lord (Psalm 46:10; 116:7). Our future is in His control and one day soon we will be with Him. In our waiting, we can praise Him.
Photo Credit: Peter Fazekas/Pexels

6. “Is He Worthy?” by Andrew Peterson
Andrew Peterson is a singer-songwriter, author of multiple books, and founder of The Rabbit Room. He is well-known for his beloved Resurrection Letters and Behold the Lamb of God tours, which take place during Easter and Christmas.
“Is He Worthy” comes from his album, Resurrection Letters, Vol. 1, and draws on the picture that the Apostle John gives us in Revelation 5. No one in all of heaven, earth, or under the earth was found to be able to open the scroll, prompting the Apostle to weep (Revelation 5:1-4). However, he was told that there was one worthy – Jesus, the Lion of Judah who triumphed over death (Revelation 5:5). He is the Lamb who was slain, offering His blood to redeem people from every tribe and nation to make them into priests and a kingdom for Himself (Revelation 5:6-10).
This song speaks to the hope that we have in Christ. So easily, we can feel defeated and overwhelmed by the darkness in the world, as if sin has won. But our Lord conquered, for He came to save us and renew creation. He is worthy of our worship.
'Is He Worthy?' - Andrew Peterson from Andrew Peterson on GodTube.
Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/Prostock-Studio

7. “Trust in You” by Antoine Bradford
As a Christian artist, Antoine Bradford brings a refreshing blend of sounds into his music with honest lyrics. His songs speak into the places of struggle that many Christians face in their walk with Jesus.
One such struggle is found in “Trust in You,” which expresses our tendency to fear. We know that God’s love drives out fear and that He is always with us (1 John 4:18). Yet, we still become afraid. In those times, Scripture encourages us to trust in the Lord: “I trust in God, so why should I be afraid? What can mere mortals do to me?” (Psalm 56:11, NLT).
In Hebrews 13:5-6, we find the promise that God will never forsake us. The truth of God’s constant presence can encourage us whenever we are afraid. He will be with us as our loving Shepherd (Psalm 23; John 10:11). In that promise, we can find rest.
May we allow this song to minister to our souls whenever we feel afraid. It can remind us to turn to the Lord and trust in Him, for He is faithful and will not leave us.
Photo Credit: ©Unsplash/priscilla-du-preez

8. “God Song” by Hillsong United
As a worship collaboration focused on producing music for the church, Hillsong United has created many songs that are sung by believers across the world. From their popular “Oceans (Where Feet May Fail),” “From the Inside Out,” and “Lead Me To The Cross,” their praise songs are used in numerous churches as mainstays of worship.
“God Song” is rooted in the truth that the Lord created us to be in a relationship with Him. In the beginning, God walked among Adam and Eve in fellowship (Genesis 3:8). He formed them and made them for Himself (Genesis 2:7; Isaiah 43:7). Sin broke this relationship, but in Christ, we can know, love, and worship Him.
If He is the One who made, sustains, and saves us, then our proper response is praise (Psalm 100; see also Hebrews 1:3). The Lord is so much greater than anyone or anything. There is no other God except for the Lord God (Isaiah 45:5). Knowledge of His glory should lead us to worship.
During the times when the world and its problems press in on us and make us lose focus on who God is, this song reminds us of His proper place in our lives. He is the only true God, who deserves our worship and love. We were made to know Him and bring Him glory.
Watch on GodTube!
Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/freedom007

9. “At All Times” by Mandisa
Mandisa was a contemporary Christian singer who passed away on April 18, 2024. She loved Christ and is now with Him, singing songs of praise to Him in person. Believers will surely continue to listen to and use her music in worship of the Lord.
Her song “At All Times,” is upbeat and danceable, yet reminds us of the importance of blessing the Lord in every circumstance. As David wrote, “I will bless the LORD at all times; his praise shall continually be in my mouth” (Psalm 34:1, ESV). No matter what situation or season we are in, we can always give thanks to the Lord (1 Thessalonians 5:18).
Our future is secure since Jesus paid for our sins on the cross and defeated the work of the devil (Colossians 2:14-15; 1 John 3:8). We have victory because of our Savior. For this, we can be thankful and sing praises to God.
Regardless of what is going on in life, whether good or bad, this song can remind us to return our focus to Jesus. He has defeated sin and death, and our hope is assured in Him.
Photo Credit:©GettyImages/Simon Lehmann

10. “You Love Me Anyway” by Sidewalk Prophets
Sidewalk Prophets is a Christian band that has created many impactful worship songs. Among American believers, some of their best-known songs include “Live Like That” and “Prodigal.”
“You Love Me Anyway” is another classic Sidewalk Prophets song with heartfelt lyrics that point to the love of Jesus. We were rebels against God, willingly disobeying Him. Yet, even in our sins, God loved us and chose to enter our world to save us (Romans 5:8; 1 Timothy 1:15). Like those who betrayed Him, handed Him over to be crucified, and nailed Him to the cross, we are all guilty of the death of Jesus. For on the cross, He bore our sins (Isaiah 53:4).
There are times when we all feel ashamed and as if no one could ever love us. Perhaps our past is filled with mistakes and hurt. Or we have done something so terrible that we think forgiveness is impossible. In those moments, this song reminds us of God’s saving grace and love. Jesus knows all about our past and the sins we have committed, but He still came to free us from the power and shame of sin.
His love is available to all – a love that changes everything.
Photo Credit: Unsplash/Jackson Simmer
Originally published Monday, 05 August 2024.