In America, we just had a contentious presidential election, and Donald Trump won a decisive victory. Some Christians were glad for his win. Others grieved the outcome. However, no matter what we think about President Trump, believers are first citizens of heaven, a greater and eternal kingdom.
The New Testament commands the citizens of heaven to pray for their leaders and government, even unjust leaders. The early Christians lived under the rule of the Roman Empire, which could be oppressive, but the apostle Paul taught them to pray for those in authority. “I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession, and thanksgiving be made for all people—for kings and those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.” (1 Timothy 2:1-2) Paul wrote this during a time when Roman rulers persecuted Christians.
Romans 13:1 reminds us how all authority is established and chosen by God, informing us how God remains in control, whether leaders are righteous or not. God can use any person and work his power through them, and we pray for God to lead leaders to righteousness so all people, Christian or not, can live in peace and justice.
Either way, whether we support Trump or not, we reflect the love of God by praying for him as a man, and we love all people by asking God to use him for good.
Here are 10 prayers for President Trump and the US Government.
Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/Brandon Bell/Staff
No one knows everything, and President Trump’s decisions will have impacts both in the US and in other places in the world. He needs divine wisdom to make choices for the good of all people. Therefore, we ask God to grant him wisdom and Discernment. The Bible tells us to seek wisdom from God, who knows all things, and God gives generously to any who asks, even a president (James 1:5). When leaders lead with wisdom, they will make choices of truth, justice, and everyone’s well-being.
Leaders need Discernment, which goes along with wisdom. Discernment helps leaders see right from wrong and truth from deception. In a world with so many different agendas and platforms, leaders need God’s guidance to perceive the correct way forward. When praying, ask God to surround the president with wise counselors and to open his heart to godly instruction. Pray he doesn’t rely on human wisdom but seeks God’s heart and mind when making decisions.
Heavenly Father,
You are the source of all goodness and wisdom. Your Scripture promises that if we ask, you will give generously without fault. We lift up President Trump and the US government. Please grant them wisdom and discernment in every decision. Help them to seek your guidance above all. Surround Trump with good counsel, and lead them in your truth.
In Jesus’ name,
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There have been at least two attempts upon President Trump’s life, one a famous event caught on video. A president is often the target of attacks, vocal and physical, and we’ve seen this reality with Trump. Further, we now live in a world where terrorist attacks like 9/11 happen more frequently. Psalm 91:1 points us to the ultimate protection, God, saying that those who dwell in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. When we pray for the president and our nation, we ask God to place our leaders and government under his care.
First, we ask God to guard Trump’s mind and body, keeping him safe and strong during his daily activities. Second, we pray for God to frustrate the plans of the Devil and people who would seek to harm US leaders. May God expose plans of violence and assassination. Third, pray for protection over the president’s family and all those serving in government in every role. Ask God to stay near them and cover them in his presence.
Heavenly Father,
You are the only refuge and fortress. We ask for your powerful protection over President Trump, his family, and all who serve in the US government. Keep them from harm, evil schemes, and spiritual attacks. Show them how to take refuge in you and dwell in your shadow. Cover them with your wings against threats seen and unseen.
In jesus’ name,
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Winning decisive victories and leading the most powerful nation in the world, a leader is bound to be tempted with pride, as all humans are. With a great amount of responsibility on Trump’s shoulders, he needs a humble spirit before God to receive grace for his position. Micah 6:8 calls us to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with him. When a leader humbles themselves, they make choices that honor God, resulting in justice and peace for others.
Let us pray President Trump acknowledges his complete need for God’s guidance and walks in humility before the Lord. As the Father to soften his heart so he won’t lead out of pride or personal greed but to do what God deems is right. Pray for those around Trump to have the same attitude, encouraging decisions that promote justice and mercy. By extension, we pray the same for all government officials, for them to understand true authority comes from God and they serve the people.
Heavenly Father,
You call us to walk in humility before you. We pray for President Trump and the leaders of our nation to walk humbly in your ways to seek justice and love mercy. Remove their pride and selfishness and fill them with your truth and love.
In Jesus’ name,
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A president carries the responsibility to care for the whole country, not only the ones who voted for him. Additionally, the government works better when they collaborate and function effectively, when leaders try to find ways to cooperate for good laws and justice. As believers, we understand true unity is only possible through jesus christ, as he alone transcends above all. Jesus prays for the power of unity in John 17:21, “that they may all be one; even as you, Father, are in me and I in you, that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe you sent me.” Unity in the church reflects the unity of the trinity. When government leaders work together, it sets a grand vision and example for the nation and the rest of the world.
First, pray for a spirit of unity among the government, that they set aside partisan agendas to work for everyone’s good. Unity doesn’t mean no differing opinions but a commitment to respect. Second, we pray for the citizens to support, expect, and encourage unity among the leaders. God can heal the divisions within our country, especially through his church.
Heavenly Father,
We pray for unity within our government, that you bring our leaders together to work for the national good. Help them set aside personal agendas and partisanship to serve others. Grant them wisdom to understand different perspectives and find common ground. May their unity reflect your Kingdom purposes.
In Jesus’ name,
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The call of a government leader includes establishing and ensuring justice and fairness. Proverbs 21:3 gives us this wisdom: “To do what is right and just is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice.” God holds all leaders to the standards of righteousness and justice, to protect the vulnerable and make decision reflecting his truth. God blesses a just nation.
We pray for President Trump and government officials to seek justice in their interactions and choices. christians must ask God to give them hearts valuing righteousness over political agenda so their policies and the resulting systems promote what is fair and equal. Corruption undermines justice, so we further pray against corruption and that God would expose any wrongdoing, from both political parties.
Beyond Trump, we intercede for Congress and the justice system to make and interpret laws objectively with the best in mind. We pray for decisions that protect the innocent and free the oppressed. Also, pray for everyday Americans to value justice and fairness in their communities. In this, we will see God’s blessing in every part of life.
Heavenly Father,
You are God of justice and righteousness. We intercede today for President Trump and the US leaders. Give them the heart to seek justice and fairness in all they do. Let your righteousness guide their decisions. Expose and remove corruption from the government. May their leadership protect the innocent and free those who have been oppressed.
In jesus’ name,
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It becomes easy for leaders to use punishment to enforce justice. However, God also cares about compassion. Colossians 3:12 calls us to “clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.” Wisdom calls presidents and officials to lead with compassion, caring for the hurting and marginalized, and giving opportunity for redemption, not only condemnation.
We should pray President Trump and the government all inject compassion into their decisions, asking God to help them see people not as statistics or political pawns but as complex individuals made in God’s image. Pray they fight for the poor, the sick, and those in need. The immigration issue has fostered fierce debate, so we should intercede for Trump and the government to have kindness to the aliens and strangers (Leviticus 19:34). Let us pray for God to give our leaders wisdom for fair and just immigration policies that protect our country and secure the border without resorting to oppression and injustice.
Heavenly Father,
You have called us to show compassion, as you did through jesus. We pray President Trump and the US government lead with kindness and mercy. Give them the wisdom to care for those in need, treat the stranger with dignity, and govern with fairness.
In Jesus’ name,
Photo Credit:Unsplash/Aaron Burden
Leaders face resistance and constant difficult decisions that will impact millions of people. In these conflicts, a good leader needs the courage to stand for what is right. As God commanded Joshua before heading into battles for the Promised Land, “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Presidents should do what is right, even when it’s unpopular.
Therefore, we pray President Trump and the government all have the courage to make righteous decisions, even when they face harsh criticism and resistance. We ask God to give them perseverance toward truth and justice. Pray they resist the sometimes overwhelming pressures seeking to corrupt them. Particularly intercede for them to protect religious freedom, help the defenseless, and promote excellence. Let us ask God for them to act according to God’s word rather than public opinion. Finally, pray their courage inspires the nation to also uphold righteousness, as well.
Heavenly Father,
You command us to be strong and courageous in doing what is right. We intercede for President Trump and our government to stand firm in truth and justice. Give them the spirit of boldness to speak the truth and act justly, especially when the road is difficult. Protect them from fear and cowardice. May your presence stay with them and guide them.
In jesus’ name,
Photo Credit:GettyImages/OzkanOngel
God is peace, and he calls us to seek to live in peace with our neighbors (Romans 12:18). In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus says, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” (Matthew 5:9) God seeks to reconcile all to himself and each other. We act like our Father when we make peace between neighbors and nations. Leaders should also seek peace for their people.
For President Trump, we pray he pursues peace within our nation and with other countries. Trump came to power with major conflicts in the world, namely a war between Ukraine and Russia. We ask God to give our government wisdom to handle the conflicts, for their words and actions promote real peace and an end to death and destruction in the world.
Further, we intercede for God’s peace to heal divisions within the US, crucial for unity. May Trump and Congress pass laws and lead in peaceful ways. As individual citizens, let us humbly serve each other and live in peace with our neighbors.
Heavenly Father,
You are the God of peace. We intercede on behalf of Trump and our government so that they enact peace with their decisions and interactions, both here in the US and around the world. Give them the wisdom and Discernment to end conflicts and heal hatred between peoples. Let our government and leaders be the peacemakers you’ve called us to be.
In Jesus’ name,
Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/Brandon Bell/Staff
Polls show how most Americans don’t trust their government or traditional sources. Our people deserve a government they can trust to seek good and not lie to them. Therefore, we pray for integrity in the leadership of our country and a restoration of truth and righteousness on every level. Proverbs 10:9 declares,
“Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but whoever takes crooked paths will be found out.”
Integrity includes the right motivation leading to the right action. Over time, this builds trust and stability in a nation. Let us pray President Trump and government leaders walk with integrity, speaking the truth instead of lying to the people. Ask God to convict their hearts when faced with dishonesty or corruption, even admitting when they are wrong. Pray they resist the temptation to manipulate the facts or mislead people so they can look good. We should intercede before the throne for transparency in making decisions and acting openly and honestly. As with corruption, we must pray truth and lies are both exposed, no matter the political party.
Heavenly Father,
You are truth and life. Lies lead to death. We pray President Trump and all US leaders walk with integrity. Give them the courage to speak what is true and reject any lies. Let their actions be honest and transparent. Please, Lord, expose deception and raise up leaders who fear you first.
In jesus’ name,
Photo Credit: Aaron Burden/Unsplash
Jesus revealed to us the greatest way to lead as servants. He held all power and knowledge, and yet he came to earth in humility to serve all people, to give his life for their good. Mark 10:45 instructs us in this:
“For even the son of man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
In this, God rewards, and the Father gave the Son a name above all names (Philippians 2). No matter the form of government, God calls leaders to do so with humility and serving others. So we pray President Trump and the government develop and maintain a servant’s heart in each role and position. We ask God to help them lead not for personal gain or pride but for everyone’s good. Believers must intercede for leaders to hear and care about the needs of the people, especially the poor and those without a voice. God can remove the pride and selfish motives, transforming the inner person to have humility to serve.
Heavenly Father,
You have called leaders to emulate you, the greatest leader, to be a servant. We pray for Trump and our government to find ways to humbly listen and act for the good of everyone, especially those weak and broken. Help them to see their position as for others, not themselves.
In Jesus’ name,
Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/stevanovicigor