As I was sharing Christ with one of my neighbors, he said, "Michael, it's too late for me. I'm a heathen." And I told him, "You're halfway there."
The first step towards Christ is to acknowledge that you're a sinner. Most people don't want to acknowledge their sinners. We're all sinners; therefore, we need somebody who perfectly kept the commandments to save us from our sins and consequence - which is eternal atonement forever. Salvation is two stages. We acknowledge that we are sinners, and I cannot save ourselves. We need a Savior, and we go to our Savior and say, "Forgive me." It's that simple. When we receive Christ as the only Savior and Lord, a transformation will occur on the inside—a transformation from Satan's kingdom to God's kingdom to be with him in heaven for eternity.
If you have come to the point of honesty, acknowledging you have broken the commandments of God, you can pray with me. It sounds so simple, but it's more than simple. It is real. It's serious that you can pray, "Lord, I do acknowledge that I'm a sinner, and I know the consequences of my sin is hell, so I come to you asking for your forgiveness. Forgive me all of my sins. Redeem me by the blood of Jesus Christ so that I live here for you and then for eternity.
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