In this passage of Scripture, Jesus tells the parable of the four soils in Mark 4:1-9. Then in Mark 4:10-25, Jesus gives an explanation of the parable of the four soils.
Jesus used parables to instruct the people. Parables are brief tales utilizing recognizable scenes to clarify spiritual truth. This technique for educating urges the audience to think.
It disguises the truth from the individuals who are excessively obstinate or biased to hear what is being instructed. Most parables have one central matter, so we should be mindful so as not to go past what Jesus planned to instruct.
The seed was planted the hard way. As the farmer strolled across the field, he would toss modest bunches of seed onto the ground from a huge sack that was thrown across his shoulders. The plants did not fill in flawless lines as they do with present-day machinery.
Regardless of how capable, no farmer could hold a portion of his seed back from dropping off the radar, from being dispersed among the stones and thistles, or from being taken away by the breeze.
Notwithstanding, he tossed the seed generously and enough fell on good ground to guarantee the harvest.
What Is the Significance of the Parable of the Sower?
We hear with our ears, however, there is a more profound sort of tuning in with the heart and mind that is important to acquire spiritual comprehension of Jesus' words.
Certain individuals in the group were searching for proof to use against Jesus. Others really wanted to learn and develop. The truth of Jesus' words is for legitimate searchers.
Some individuals do not comprehend God's truth because they are not prepared for it. God uncovers the truth to individuals who will follow up on it and who will make it clear in their lives.
We should know that when we talk with people about God, they may not comprehend it if they are not yet prepared for it.
While taking whatever chance that presents itself to share the truth about God with people, we need to be patient and pray that the Holy Spirit will open their hearts and minds. Thereby, preparing them to be open to the truth and follow up on it.
The four soils address four distinct ways that individuals react to God's Word. Typically, we imagine that Jesus was discussing four several types of individuals.
However, he might have likewise been discussing the various stages or times in an individual's life, or the way that we readily accept God's message in certain parts of our lives and oppose it in others.
For instance, we might be open to God about our future, yet shut him down concerning how we spend our cash.
We might react like the good soil to God's command for worship, yet like stony ground to his command to provide for those who are in need. We should consistently endeavor to resemble the good soil in each aspect of our lives.
Common worldly cares, deceptive wealth, and the longing for things tormented the Roman disciples as they do to us today. How simple it is for our day-by-day schedules to become packed with stuff that is not important.
An existence of materialistic pursuits stuns our ears to God's Word. We really need to remain liberated from these obstacles with the goal that we can hear God when he speaks to us.
In the event that our light does not assist individuals with seeing, it is futile. Does our life tell others the best way to find God and how to live for him?
If not, we ought to ask what “bushels” have closed out our light. Carelessness, disdain, determination of our hearts, or rebellion can keep God's light from radiating through us to other people.
The radiance of Jesus' truth is uncovered for us, not covered up. Yet, we will be unable to see or utilize all of that truth at this moment.
We will comprehend and see a greater amount of truth if we put God’s instructions into practice. Our capacity to comprehend is flawed, but the truth is clear.
Our spiritual vision will be sharpened, and our understanding will grow when we obey (James 1:22-25). We are accountable to utilize what we have in the right manner. It does not make any difference in the amount that we have however we choose to manage it.
1. The Tiller
When a farmer plows for planting, does he plow continually? Does he keep on breaking up and working the soil? (Isaiah 28:24).
What do tillers do? They break the ground, stir up the soil, and prepare the ground for planting, or do they bring confusion? They are to use their tools wisely.
It could be a verbal testimony, a song, or how people see their life and witness. They are to use their tools carefully so as not to destroy the plants. What may work on one may not work on another, and some may respond more quickly.
2. The Sower
“This is the meaning of the parable: The seed is the word of God” (Luke 8:11).
Do we plant the seed and lay the foundation? Some seed must be laid in mass; the objective is to get as much seed out as possible.
Not all of the seed may grow so do not worry if it does not grow. The Lord instructed us to sow, the growth depends on the Lord and the condition of someone’s heart.
3. The Waterer
“but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life” (John 4:14).
Do we nurture, feed, and take care of what or where the seed is planted?
Too much water and the seed drowns, not enough and it dries up. Do not deprive the soil of what it needs — food and water. If the soil is receptive to what we have planted and we see it growing, we need to tend to it.
4. The Reaper
Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field” (Matthew 9:37-38).
Many are searching for the Word, looking for answers to their lives. We are to show them, Jesus, and bring them to him. Do not act hastily and overpower it, give it time to grow but do not wait too long and let it die.
- Who is the sower? We are.
- What is the seed? The Word of God.
- What is the soil? The world.
Why Does This Matter?
God will use us in one way or another, or maybe in all aspects of farming. Do not worry if the crop fails, go plant a garden somewhere else.
All who proclaim Christ as their personal Savior are to plant the good seed every day. What type of spiritual farmers are we? We all hold a farmer position. Some of us may even hold more than one position. Whatever the case, we are to find out what our position is and go to work.
Christ has called us to service. No matter where we are, we should be working and not just sitting on the pew taking what the minister gives. We should be working in some capacity to fulfill the call.
For further reading:
What Is the Parable of the Sower? Bible Meaning and Text
How Is Spiritual Growth Like Gardening?
What Does the Bible Say about Growing Good Seeds?
Photo Credit: ©Unsplash/markusspiskes