In Matthew 6:13, Jesus tells us “And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.” This verse is part of Jesus’ teaching on prayer. The disciples had asked Jesus the correct way to pray, and Jesus was teaching a discourse on the correct way to pray. Part of the teachings included the aspect of His disciples praying to not be led into temptation.
For the 21st-century, modern-day believer, this teaching still applies to us. Jesus Himself did not need to pray this prayer as He never committed sin. Satan tempted Jesus three times in the desert, but Jesus overcame the temptation each time (Luke 4:1-13).
Jesus included this part of the prayer as a guideline for us to pray for His help in resisting temptation. One does not become delivered from temptation by mindlessly reciting these words. God wants all believers to pray to Him genuinely out of a pure heart.
He does not listen or answer to prayers that are done mindlessly. Jesus had just told the disciples previously in this passage to not pray with vain repetitions (Matthew 6:7).
What Does it Mean to Pray against Temptation?
The clearest answer as to why we pray to not be led into temptation is because all Christians need God’s help to overcome temptation. Apart from God, we can do nothing (John 15:5). We pray to not be led into temptation because we cannot overcome temptation on our own.
If you have ever tried to overcome a temptation by your own strength, you will know that your efforts are futile without God’s help. This is why it is vitally important that we pray to not be led into temptation. Once we are in the depths of temptation, it is often hard to break free from sin’s grasp.
As believers, we have the permanent indwelling of the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 1:13-14). With the Holy Spirit’s help, we are able to resist temptation; however, without praying for God’s help, we cannot overcome temptation.
Even though believers have the Holy Spirit inside of them, it does not mean they will never have troubles with temptation and sins again because all believers will struggle with sin and temptations until they are with Christ. We pray to God to not be led into temptation, so that we will not fall into sin. Temptations almost always lead to sin unless we pray for God’s help.
We pray for God’s help to not be led into temptation to help guide us and protect us from situations that could cause us to sin (Compelling Truth, “If God Does Not Tempt Us, Why Did Jesus Instruct Us to Pray 'Lead Us Not Into Temptation’?”). When we pray for God’s help, He will help us resist temptation.
The word used translated “temptation” in Matthew 6:13 is the same word that is translated “temptation” in Matthew 4:1, which is the passage in Matthew’s Gospel on the temptation of Jesus in the desert by Satan (“What does Matthew 6:13 mean?” BibleRef). The exact Greek word used here is peirasmon which refers to “being enticed towards sin, or to being tested in a trial” (Ibid.).
God never causes anyone to be led into temptation (James 1:13). God does not want to see us fall into the trap of sin. He wants every believer to emerge victorious and abstain from sin. God would never willingly put up roadblocks or anything else that would cause us to stumble.
If a believer faces temptation, God wants us to turn to Him in prayer. Without praying to God for help in overcoming the temptation, we will not be able to resist the temptation. Each temptation we struggle with can potentially become a sin we act upon.
The best way to prevent sin is to stop the temptation dead in its tracks. When we pray to God, He can help us to not be led into temptation. He will also help us come out of the temptation without sinning if we pray for His help, guidance, and strength.
What If I’m Struggling with Temptation Today?
If you are struggling today with temptation, don’t fear! If you pray for God’s help to resist temptation, He will help you. God hears all of our prayers, and He delights to answer prayers according to His Will. God does not enjoy seeing His children sin as God hates sin (Proverbs 6:16-19). The temptation to sin is never placed in a person’s heart or mind by God.
God cannot commit sin as He is holy, perfect, and sinless (1 Samuel 2:2). If you are being tempted today, turn to God. Pray for God to help you resist temptation and stand firm in the faith. Ask Him to fill you with the strength of His love within you by the working of the Holy Spirit.
If you are genuine in your prayer and you truly want God’s help in resisting temptation, He will help you. God is faithful and He can be trusted. This does not mean that you will be delivered from every temptation as all mankind will continue to sin until we are with Christ.
The Bible tells us we are all sinners (Romans 3:23). It is only by placing faith in Christ that we are saved from eternal separation from God in hell.
God does not delight in His children being tempted and He does not cause anyone to undergo the enticement of sin. God is the exact opposite of evil, darkness, and sin. Satan, his demons, the world, and our own sinful flesh cause us to be led into temptation. These temptations can be strong, but God is stronger.
There is nothing too hard for God to do — including helping you resist temptation. Nothing good ever comes from giving into temptation as God wants you to stand firm and overcome the temptation. Praying to God will help us not to be led into temptation.
If we fail to show our dependence on God to help us overcome temptation, we will never be able to overcome temptations. We pray to God because we need His help to avoid, overcome, and abstain from temptations.
For further reading:
What Is Temptation in Christianity?
Is it True That Sin Begins in Secret?
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This article is part of our prayer resources meant to inspire and encourage your prayer life when you face uncertain times. Remember, the Holy Spirit intercedes for us, and God knows your heart even if you can't find the words to pray.
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