What Is Intercessory Prayer and How Should We Pray for Others?

The model of intercessory prayer is Christ’s ministry as a whole. He physically threw himself across the chasm that would have separated man and God forever. Intercessory prayer is not only a privilege but a command to “continue steadfastly in prayer” (Colossians 4:2).

Contributing Writer
Updated Jan 31, 2025
What Is Intercessory Prayer and How Should We Pray for Others?

Prayer is an essential part of a Christian’s walk with God. This is how we communicate with him, and one way he communicates with us. When the veil was torn, we were given intimate and immediate access to God, but he also assigns us the responsibility of praying for other people.

The Meaning of Intercessory Prayer

The Hebrew “paga” means “to fell,” or “attack,” but also “meet” or “make supplication.” The Greek was translated as “petition” and “intercession.” Our English word “intercession” is derived from the Latin for “to come between,” which means both “obstruct” and “to interpose on behalf of” someone. Christ stands between us and the Father. That’s why we pray “in Jesus’ name” because it’s by His sacrifice that we are made righteous and can approach the throne of God.

A modern understanding of “intercession” can include “mediation” or “standing up to” someone. This understanding makes God sound like the playground bully. Christ would be the hero, defiant towards an unloving Father, not part of the Trinity fulfilling the Father’s plans for his people. But God is love, and Christ did not defy him. Christ is one with God (John 10:30).

Furthermore, mediation suggests compromise or middle ground. However, God is right, and we are sinful. He is Sovereign, we are his creation. We owe him everything and we deserve condemnation, but by his grace we are free. Believers are able, by this gift alone, to bring the needs of other people before God through Christ.

How to Pray an Intercessory Prayer

Let's look into ways you can pray for others. Intercessory prayer is a powerful way to lift others up before God, seeking His guidance, healing, and blessings on their behalf. It is an act of selflessness and faith, demonstrating love and compassion for those in need. Whether you are praying for a friend, family member, community, or even a stranger, intercession allows you to stand in the gap and bring their concerns before God.

Pray in Jesus’ Name
Begin your prayer by acknowledging the authority of Jesus Christ. Praying in Jesus’ name is not just a phrase we tack on at the end of a prayer—it’s a declaration of trust in His power and His will. When you pray, align your heart with God’s will by asking for His guidance and clarity about what you’re interceding for. Remember, when you pray in Jesus’ name, you are standing in the authority of Christ, trusting in His power to move and act according to His perfect plan.

Pray Scripture
God’s Word is alive and powerful, and when you pray scripture, you are aligning your requests with His promises. Look for Bible passages that apply to the situation or the person you are praying for, and speak those truths over them. For example, if you are praying for someone’s peace, you might pray Philippians 4:7: “Lord, let Your peace, which surpasses all understanding, guard their heart and mind in Christ Jesus.” Scripture-based prayers are powerful because they remind us of God’s promises and keep our prayers grounded in His truth.

Pray with Hope and Confidence
Approach God with boldness, knowing that He hears your prayers and desires to act for the good of His people. Be specific about your requests, trusting in His ability to meet every need. Intercessory prayer is a way to stand in the gap for someone else, and your faith plays a vital role. Even when the answer doesn’t come immediately or in the way you expect, trust that God is working all things for good (Romans 8:28).

Pray Persistently
The Bible encourages us to pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17) and to persist in prayer, just as the persistent widow in Luke 18 kept coming before the judge until her request was granted. Intercessory prayer often requires patience and perseverance. Commit to praying regularly for the person or situation, whether it’s daily, weekly, or whenever God brings it to your heart. Trust that God’s timing is perfect and that your prayers are making a difference, even if you don’t see immediate results.

Pray Scripture Over Others

Show us your mercy, O Lord, and give us your salvation. (Psalm 85:7)

Lord, save our rulers! Answer us in the day we call! (Psalm 20:9)

May your servants be clothed with righteousness. May your favored ones shout for joy. (Psalm 132:9)

Save your people, and bless the people that belong to you. Shepherd them, and carry them forever. (Psalm 28:9)

Give us peace in our time, For there is no one who fights for us but you, O Lord. (from 2 Chronicles 20:15)

Create in me a pure heart, O God. Renew an unwavering spirit within me...  (Psalm 51:10)

Source: Attributed to the Latin Church

What Does Scripture Say About Intercessory Prayer?

Paul exhorted the church to pray that he would boldly declare the gospel (Ephesians 6:19). He told the church to pray for one another with “supplications […] and thanksgivings,” (1 Timothy 2:1), and he prayed for them too. “We give thanks to God always for all of you, constantly mentioning you in our prayers, remembering before our God and Father your work of faith and labor of love and steadfast hope in our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Thessalonians 1:2). We all need intercession, even believers. Paul was moved and encouraged by prayer on his behalf.

Paul demonstrated that the most pressing needs and desires among God’s people start with God’s glory. Paul gives “thanks to God,” and finds hope “in our Lord Jesus Christ.” He asks for prayer to do God’s will, not for an easy life.

Paul was following the standard set by Christ, who petitioned God for the sake of others even as he hung on the cross. “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do” (Luke 23:34). He spoke up for everyone: Believers who followed and then abandoned him; Pharisees, Roman soldiers, and spectators.

Why Pray an Intercessory Prayer?

God is always present in our lives and aware of our needs, but we must invite him into our struggles. Faith precedes this step, and where does it come from? Before believing in Christ for salvation, we see how others engage Jesus in their own lives. They listen to Christians talking to God. Even when believers choose to pray only in private, there is something different about those who develop a habit of heartfelt prayer.

God says, “Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear” (Isaiah 65:24). Unbelievers mistrust this statement until they witness the results of deep faith in and love for God; a life organized from the top-down, where other people matter.

A faithful intercessor is like a human chain between the Father and his prodigals. “If we are going to have the right kind of fellowship and relationship with God in prayer, we have to understand that we are in His very presence.”

When intercession impacts us personally, its power and poignancy spread outward. Life lived fully in awareness of this closeness makes Jesus famous. The people on our prayer lists are attracted to the personal impact of his power. Paul is the very picture of this change, but he was not the last sinner to be radically reformed by Christ’s intercession.

Jesus is Our Example of Intercessory Prayer

The model of intercessory prayer is Jesus’s ministry as a whole. He physically threw himself across the chasm that would have separated man and God forever, at the cross but also during his ministry. He stood between the Pharisees’ stones and the woman caught in adultery. Christ came between man and creation by calming the storm.

He restored unclean people to their communities and forgave sinners so they could be reconciled with God. Jesus invited the lost into communion with the Father, such as the tax collector and the Samaritan woman. Intercession is active and risky, and by Jesus’s life, we know how intercessory prayer should look.

Christ “bore the sin of man and makes intercessions for the transgressors” (Isaiah 53:12). He was frequently rejected. We can pray, but not everyone wants to be prayed for. And when we pray for the abused, we might be abused along with them.

A need for intercession implies that someone is weak, but not Jesus. We are strong in him; not impervious to harm physically and emotionally, but able to direct the gaze of sufferers to Christ by keeping our eyes fixed on him ourselves.

Even if those we stand up for reject our help, there is the chance their oppressors will see God at work in our lives and be changed. Matthew 8:5-13 describes the heart of a Centurion who, on another day, might have been among those to beat Jesus and nail him to the cross. In Matthew’s account, he was drawn by Jesus’ willingness to help the weak by meeting their physical needs before offering what they really needed — forgiveness of sins.

Does Intercessory Prayer Work?

Nicky Gumble describes how God answered Hezekiah’s prayers for protection against the Assyrians. “The prophet Isaiah sent a message to Hezekiah saying that God had heard his prayer. He delivered the people from the threat of the Assyrians in answer to Hezekiah’s intercession.” God also answered the king’s prayer for healing. We see God working through effective missionary work around the world.

We hear accounts of people in financial trouble suddenly receiving precisely the amount they need from unexpected sources. Church-based after-school programs backed by teams of prayer warriors lead to lower rates of crime, violence, and hunger in certain communities. Men and women frequently pray for miracles, which do occur, including healed bodies, healed relationships, and loved ones coming to Christ.

We also see people praying and being told to wait, or they receive a solid “no” from the Lord. One must remember that prayer is not a magic spell any more than a cross is a good luck charm. What do we mean “does it work?” If we mean “do you get what you want?” the answer might be “no” or “yes” depending on whether our “want” aligns with God’s “want.”

Prayer will always “work” if it lines up with God’s will, his desires, as expressed in his word. If we are praying for other people to the glory of self rather than the glory of God, if we are living in the flesh rather than the Spirit, then our prayer has not achieved the purpose to which it was given us. As intercessors, we will not be heard by God.

We will actually form a faulty rope bridge. Anyone using that bridge to reach Christ might, in fact, put a foot through a frayed spot and become stuck, fearful of moving forward or back. Onlookers will witness a transactional relationship between God and his people one in which we are frequently let down, perhaps because we don’t measure up.

Intercessory prayer is effective when we remember what it is for: Begging God with “passion” to save the lost, even though our boldness is audacious. We don’t measure up, but Christ does, and through him, God hears us. We are “hidden in Christ with God,” co-heirs to everything a child of the King receives.

If we are grateful for this lavish gift, then our prayer lives are passionate; we understand “we have both privilege and power in prayer. It is not that prayer itself has the power, but that we have access to the One who has the power.”

Photo Credit: ©Unsplash/jacksharp_photography

Candice Lucey is a freelance writer from British Columbia, Canada, where she lives with her family. Find out more about her here.

This article is part of our prayer resources meant to inspire and encourage your prayer life when you face uncertain times. Remember, the Holy Spirit intercedes for us, and God knows your heart even if you can't find the words to pray.

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Christianity / Life / Prayer / What Is Intercessory Prayer and How Should We Pray for Others?