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The Jesus Prayer: Lord Have Mercy

The Jesus Prayer is a simple, easy prayer to recite and remember. Discover how to pray the Jesus Prayer and how it can help us.

Updated Feb 10, 2022
The Jesus Prayer: Lord Have Mercy

The Jesus Prayer is a simple, easy prayer to recite and remember:

"Lord Jesus Christ Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner."

It is also sometimes abbreviated to "Lord Have Mercy" as is used in liturgical services of Orthodox Christianity.

The Jesus Prayer according to many Church Fathers of early Christianity is "essential" to our spiritual maturity. The Jesus Prayer declares our faith and humbles us by requesting mercy for our sinfulness. The Jesus Prayer is believed to be as old as the Church itself.

Bishop Anthony Bloom says the Jesus Prayer, “more than any other,” serves us to be capable to “stand in God’s presence.” This means that the Jesus Prayer helps us to direct our mind solely on God with “no other thought” filling our mind but the thought of God. At this moment when our mind is wholly focused on God, we create a truly personal and direct connection with Him.

Pray in the Name of Jesus Christ

The Jesus Prayer's power comes from the use of our Lord's Name, Jesus Christ, Son of God. It is a confession of our faith in Him.

The Jesus Prayer Has Two Purposes

The Jesus Prayer has two essential functions. The first is worship as with all prayer. The second is a discipline to help us attain command of our wandering minds and produce calmness so the Holy Spirit can work through us and help us live the virtues in communion with God.

Using the Jesus Prayer

According to

In praying the Jesus Prayer, our holy Fathers tell us, we say it over and over hundreds of times as part of our daily prayer rule. It is best to add the Jesus Prayer to your morning prayers as this is when the mind is the quietest. Begin by saying the Jesus Prayer verbally focusing on each word. Repeat the Jesus Prayer continually for 15 minutes at first and then expand to 30 minutes. You will experience the challenge of dealing with your thoughts, the tendency for your mind to wander. Attention when praying the Jesus Prayer is important. Be sincere in your prayer and repeat it with contrition. Praying the Jesus Prayer is that simple!

However, do not be fooled by its simplicity. Jesus Prayer practice is a difficult task and like all ascetic practices, it requires the commitment of time, patience, and perseverance. Remember the Jesus Prayer's aim is not to obtain a calmness or any kind of spiritual experience but to become in communion with God and participate in His grace.

Benefits of the Jesus Prayer

According to,

In a study by George Stavos, P.h. D. “The Impact of Contemplative Prayer on Psychological, Relational, and Spiritual Well-Being: A Study of the Jesus Prayer,” found that practicing the Jesus Prayer for ten minutes a day for 30 days, sitting quietly, increases one’s perception of their closeness with God. It was also shown to decrease levels of hostility, interpersonal sensitivity, depression, and anxiety. 

In The Fathers of the Church, it is indicated that the Jesus Prayer does have a tremendous impact on the soul of the person. St. Barsanuphius the Great (6th cent.) states, “Unceasing calling upon the name of God cures one not only of passions but also of actions; and as a medicine affects a sick man without his comprehension, similarly the invocation of the name of God destroys passions in a manner beyond our comprehension."

Quotes about the Jesus Prayer

Father Nikolai Vedernikov

This short prayer – “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner” – contains our entire Orthodox confession of faith; all dogma is built on it. If you say it attentively, then the Lord will gradually purify your inner world.”

St Theophan the Recluse

"Every prayer must come from the heart, and any other prayer is no prayer at all. Prayer-book prayers, your own prayers, and very short prayers, all must issue forth from the heart to God, seen before you. And still more must this be so with the Jesus Prayer"

St John of Kronstadt

"Two completely opposing forces influence me: the force of good and force of evil, the force of life, and the force of death. Being spiritual powers, both are invisible. Aroused by my free and sincere prayer, the good force always chases away the evil one, for the evil force derives its strength only from the evil concealed in me. To avoid the chilling influence of the evil spirit, we should always have in our heart the Jesus Prayer: “Jesus, Son of God, have mercy upon me.” Against the invisible devil stands the invisible God, against him who is powerful stands He who is the most powerful of all."

St John Chrysostom

"Brothers, be always occupied with the intellectual prayer and do not move far away from God until you receive God’s mercy and pity. Never ask for anything but for His infinite mercy and this is enough for your salvation. When asking for His mercy, cry aloud in entreaty with humble and contrite heart from morning to night and, if possible, during the whole night, saying unceasingly: Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us."

St Theophan the Recluse

"Zealous Christians have a certain technique that they apply to secure the continual remembrance of God more firmly. It is the constant repetition of a short prayer, ordinarily either, “Lord, have mercy,” or “Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me, a sinner.” If you haven’t heard this, then listen now. If you have never done this, begin now."

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This article is part of our prayer resources meant to inspire and encourage your prayer life when you face uncertain times. Remember, the Holy Spirit intercedes for us, and God knows your heart even if you can't find the words to pray.

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Christianity / Life / Prayer / The Jesus Prayer: Lord Have Mercy