Spiritual Warfare Prayers for Protection, Guidance, and Strength

Updated Jan 22, 2025
Spiritual Warfare Prayers for Protection, Guidance, and Strength

Spiritual warfare prayers are a type of prayer in Christianity to combat spiritual forces, particularly evil or demonic influences. These prayers often seek protection, deliverance, and victory in spiritual battles. Spiritual warfare prayers are rooted in the belief that there is a spiritual realm with both positive and negative spiritual forces, and Christians engage in prayer to fight against evil powers.

Ephesians 6:12 tells us we are against "spiritual forces of evil." In this spiritual battle, we must put on the "Armor of God" and pray for strength and protection. Although spiritual warfare can seem daunting, Jesus has already won the victory!

spiritual warfare prayers, warfare prayers, protection prayers

Prayers to Say Out Loud for Spiritual Protection

Prayer For Divine Help and Protection

You are our helper, Mighty One. and you are no respecter of persons. Help all your people bought with the precious blood of Christ.

You are our fortress and defender. No one can snatch us from your hand. There is no other God like you. In you we trust. Sanctify us through your truth. Your Word is truth.

Preserve us and all your people from injury and deceit, from fear of the enemy, from the arrow that flies by day, and the trouble that walks in the darkness, and grant us eternal life in Christ, your Son, our Lord and Savior. ~ Source: Liturgy of the Greek Church.

A Prayer for Protection Against Evil

Lord Jesus, evil is such a harsh word, and yet Your Word uses it frequently to describe the opposite of good. While we are all capable of sin, I ask Your protection against those who call good evil and evil good. Guard us against those who scheme against righteousness and from those who twist the truth into lies to accomplish their evil intents. May Your angels hover ever near to eradicate fear and fight against the dark, spiritual forces we cannot see. Help us cast down every imagination and thought that our enemy tries to use to exalt itself against You.

You dealt our spiritual enemy a fateful blow on Calvary when you died on the cross for us and were resurrected on the third day. While evil still roams, the power of Your name and Your blood rises up to defeat and bring us victory against every evil planned against us. While malicious actions may disturb us, we use the armor of God You have given us to stand firm. You will bring justice in due time for all the harm and needless violence aimed at Your children. Until then, we remain in Your presence, aligned with Your purposes, and we look to You as our Supreme Commander and Protector. Help us to avoid temptation, and deliver us from evil, Lord. You are the Mighty One, the One Who will ultimately bring all evil to light. With You, Jesus, we are safe. Amen. ~ Source: Rebecca Barlow Jordan

Thank the Lord for His Protection

Lord, I come before You with a heart full of gratitude for Your unwavering protection during times of spiritual warfare. Thank You for being my refuge and strength, a constant help in trouble. I am grateful for the victory and breakthroughs You have granted in my life.

God, I acknowledge that I am under attack in spiritual warfare. Equip me with Your armor and empower me to stand firm against the schemes of the enemy. Grant me discernment to recognize the strategies and tactics of the evil one.

Father, I seek Your shelter and defense against spiritual attacks. Guard me from any evil influence, temptation, or oppression. Let Your Holy Spirit dwell within me, giving me strength and resilience. Cover me with Your armor so I may stand firm against the enemy.

Thank You, Lord, for Your constant protection and for being my shield in times of battle. I trust in Your power and rest in Your peace. In Jesus' name, Amen.

spiritual warfare prayers, warfare prayers, pray for protection

Prayers to Declare Strength in Spiritual Warfare

Prayer for Strength and Guidance

Lord God Almighty, shaper and ruler of all creatures, we pray for your great mercy, that you guide us towards you, for we cannot find our way. And guide us to your will, to the need of our soul, for we cannot do it ourselves. And make our mind steadfast in your will and aware of our soul’s need.

Strengthen us against the temptations of the devil, and remove from us all lust and every unrighteousness, and shield us against our foes, seen and unseen. Teach us to do your will, that we may inwardly love you before all things with a pure mind. For you are our maker and our redeemer, our help, our comfort, our trust, our hope; praise and glory be to you now and forever. Amen. ~ Source: Alfred the Great, 9th century

Prayer for Strength against Sin

O God, in wonderful ways you created and redeemed mankind. Give us steadfast minds to resist the allurements of sin that we may attain the joys of eternal life. Hear us, O Lord. Amen. ~ Source: Gregorian Sacramentary

spiritual warfare, warfare prayers, guidance prayers

Prayers for Spiritual Guidance

Prayer for Guidance and Protection

O Lord, our redemption. Be our protection. Direct our minds by your gracious presence. Watch over our paths and guide us with your love through the hidden snares of life.

Fix our hearts on you as we go forward, and following in faith, arrive at your goal; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. ~ Source: Mozarabic Liturgy

Prayer for Light and Guidance

O Lord, enlighten our hearts by your holy radiance, Jesus Christ, that we may serve you without fear in holiness and righteousness all the days of our life.

In him may we survive the storms of this world, and by his guidance reach the country of eternal brightness; through your mercy, O blessed Lord, you live and govern all things, now and forever. Amen. ~ Source: Leonine Sacramentary, fifth century

spiritual warfare prayers, warfare prayers, hope prayers

Prayers for Hope in Spiritual Warfare

My Hope and Refuge

Ah, Lord God, holy lover of my soul, when you come into my soul, all that is within me will rejoice.

You are my glory and the exultation of my heart. You are my hope and refuge in the day of my trouble. Set me free from all evil passions, and heal my heart of all inordinate affections, cure and cleanse me within, that I may be made fit to love, courageous to suffer, steady to persevere.

Nothing is sweeter than love, nothing more courageous, nothing fuller nor better in heaven and earth; because love is born of God, and can not rest but in God, above all created things. Let me love you more than myself, and love myself except for you; and in you all that truly love you, as the law of love commands, shining out from yourself.  ~ Source: Thomas à Kempis

Save this PDF for guidance in spiritual warfareLiving By the Holy Spirit Power - A Prayer and Scripture Guide

Hope that Comes from God’s Promise

O Father in heaven, look upon all your people who struggle with anger, anxiety, doubt, frustration, guilt, hopelessness, loss, memories, lack of patience, pain, regret, sadness, selfishness, temptation, and weakness.

Your holy Word tells us “All things work together for the good of those who love God, who are called according to his purpose.” And that means that you make all these things work for your good purpose in our lives, even when we do not understand.

Remind us of your invitation, “Cast all your cares upon me,” and of your assurance that goes with it, “because I care for you.” …through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. ~ Source: Paul C. Stratman, 2017

“All things work together…” is a reference to Romans 8:28

“Cast all your cares… is a reference to 1 Peter 5:7


A Spiritual Warfare Prayer - Crosswalk.com


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This article is part of our prayer resource meant to inspire and encourage your prayer life when you face uncertain times. Remember, the Holy Spirit intercedes for us, and God knows your heart even if you can't find the words to pray.

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Christianity / Life / Prayer / Spiritual Warfare Prayers for Protection, Guidance, and Strength