12 Beautiful Prayers for Mother's Day

Aaron D'Anthony Brown

Find a Mother's Day prayer to celebrate and honor the amazing mothers in your life! Mothers are pillars of the family structure. We often seek them for empathy and a listening ear in times of trouble. No matter who we grow up to be or how far away we roam, sometimes we need the embrace of a mom’s gentle hug. Mother's Day offers the perfect opportunity to bless your mom and pray for her!

God has given us mothers to carry, raise, teach, and mold us into godly people. Of course, no mother is perfect, and not everyone grows up with a loving mother. But every mother out there — from the one who feels she was born to be a mom to the one who struggles with the title — deserves honor and praise for the role God has given them. A role that reflects God's love in a deeply profound way.

Mother’s Day is the perfect occasion to offer this honor and love in prayer and gifts, to show we’re grateful for all they do every day.

Simple Mother's Day Prayers:

Prayer of Gratitude for Mothers

"Heavenly Father, we thank You for the gift of motherhood. Today, we celebrate the loving sacrifice of mothers, both biological and spiritual, who nurture and guide us in Your ways. Bless them with joy, strength, and love to continue their selfless devotion. May they feel deeply appreciated and honored not just today, but every day. Amen."

Prayer for Strength and Wisdom for Mothers

"Lord God, we lift up all mothers to You. Grant them the strength to face the daily challenges with courage and the wisdom to guide their children towards a life of faith and service. Encourage them when they are weary and inspire them when they feel overwhelmed. Bless them with Your peace and love, now and forever. Amen."

Prayer for Mothers Facing Difficulties

"Merciful Father, hear our prayer for mothers who face hardships and trials. Whether they deal with health issues, financial stress, or relational struggles, be their rock and fortress. Provide them with Your protection and provision. Let Your presence be a comforting reminder that they are not alone in their journey. Amen."

Prayer of Blessing for All Mothers

"Almighty God, we ask Your blessing on each mother today. Fill their hearts with laughter and joy. Surround them with love from family and friends. Grant them health, peace, and fulfillment as they pursue their calling. Let them know their value and worth in Your eyes and ours. In Jesus’ name, Amen."

8 Mother's Day Prayers

Here are eight unique, beautiful prayers for moms this Mother’s Day. These Mother's Day prayers and blessings can be used in a church service, written on a card, or spoken before sharing a Mother's Day meal. 

A Mother's Day Prayer to Honor and Bless Moms

Heavenly Father, I speak this prayer to you now in gratitude and praise for the gift of mothers. My mother, those of my friends, relatives, those I’ll never know, all mothers. Thank you for the role they play in the family unit. Thank you for their teachings, wisdom, patience, and understanding. Thank you for the physical, emotional, and spiritual gifts they possess. 

I pray that you help mothers all across the world to be a blessing to their children. Whether delivering affirmation or discipline, I pray that you help every word and action to be done in love. And I pray that children worldwide will take time to honor their mothers and that you will show them how to do so uniquely.

I pray that these mothers also act as a blessing beyond their households, reaching into their extended families, communities, churches, and schools. I pray that the impact of motherhood is revered throughout society and that these women are acknowledged for their everyday impact on the world. May you guide each of them into fulfilling their purpose here on Earth. Amen.
- Aaron D. Brown

A Son's Prayer for His Mom on Mother's Day

Lord, Thank you for Mama. Thank you for the woman who gave birth to me and has loved me ever since. I’m grateful for her impact on my life, for her presence, for her love. Thank you for every moment she was there to pick me up from school and every moment she helped me heal from heartbreak.

Thank you for every phone call, hug, compliment, even complaint. Thank you that she cares.

Thank you that despite us not always getting along, our love has endured. I’m grateful for Mama, and pray that you help me to better honor her every day. Show me how I can express appreciation for what she has done. Help me to see all that she has done. God, please help me practice patience when I feel like she’s being too much, or too bossy, or too much like a mom. Honestly God, who would I be without Mama?

I pray to you now, God, asking you to bless the remainder of her life. Please bring her comfort when sickness and body aches occur. Please give her continued direction for her life. Keep her mind renewed. God, I ask that the remainder of her life may be enriched, that she would still feel like she has purpose to fulfill, despite having accomplished so much already.

And may she not just continue to be a blessing upon my life, but also my father’s, my siblings, other relatives, friends, and anyone else who knows Mama. Thank you for her, God. Thank you God very much. Amen.

- Aaron D. Brown

A Prayer for Those Hurting on Mother's Day

Dear God, Some days feel too hard. We’re hurting. Struggling. Fighting fear and worry at every turn. Thank you in the midst of it all. You haven’t left us to fend for ourselves. Forgive us for doubting you are there. Forgive us for thinking you’ve forgotten. Forgive us for believing we somehow know the better way.

You are fully trustworthy. You are All-Powerful. You are Able. You are Lord over every situation no matter how difficult it may seem. You are Healer and will never waste the grief we carry today. You will use all things for good in some way. Anything is possible with you. Nothing is too difficult for you.

We pray for those who grieve today. We ask for your comfort to surround those who weep. We pray for the peace of your presence to cover our minds and thoughts, as you remind us, the enemy can never steal us out of your hands. He never has the final say over our lives. We are kept safe in your presence forever, whether in life or in death.

We thank you that your ways are higher than our ways and your thoughts are bigger than our thoughts. We lay it all down at your feet, every burden, every care. Believing that is the safest place for it to be. We love you Lord, we need your fresh grace. 

In the Powerful Name of Jesus, Amen.
- Debbie McDaniel

Photo Credit: © Getty Images/Dean Mitchell

A Prayer for Those Without Moms on Mother's Day

Our Father in Heaven, I know our particular situations are not lost on you. God, you are aware of every minute detail in our lives. You know every single person who is without a mother, either by choice or some other misfortune. This Mother’s Day, I pray that you can bring comfort to those individuals, the ones who may have had a mother and lost her, and the ones who never had someone to call “mother.” We are affected by every parental relationship that we do and don’t have. Yet God, I know that in spite of the hurt we may feel, you love us. You love every single one of us.

I pray that we would remind them of that truth this Mother’s Day, that you would let us know your love is ever-present and ever-comforting. Help us acknowledge that if our mother abandoned us, or if we never had a mother that you still love so dearly (Psalm 27:10).

Mothers are not to be taken for granted, and one day each of us may be without a mother. I pray that in that time we find comfort in you, that we can find someone else in our life to represent that maternal figure and that they would bless us with godly wisdom. Thank you, Lord.
- Aaron D. Brown

A Mother's Day Prayer for Single Moms

Father God, We thank you for each and every woman you have blessed with the privilege of motherhood. We thank you that each single mother is a godly steward of each of their children, and that they raise them in the ways of the Lord. Father, we pray and ask that You continue to give them grace to walk out being a single parent with kindness and generosity. We pray that each single mother has a relationship with You, and worships You in spirit and truth.

Help each of your precious daughters to remember that although they are parenting alone, You have not left them nor forsaken them. We thank You that You see each of them and love them.  Lord, if they are weary, we pray and ask that You send them a godly sister in Christ to hold up their arms in the battle, just as Aaron did for Moses. Lord, thank you that You care about every big or small thing that concerns them. Place a hedge of protection around every single mother and her children, Father. We thank you that You alone are their Provider. Where there is lack, Father, we pray that be it Your will You bring abundance.

We pray and ask these things in your name, Amen.
- Jennifer Maggio

A Prayer for Mothers After the Pandemic

God, The past year and more of life has been marked with so much anxiety, fear, even death. So much has happened in our country and across the globe. Everyone has been affected, including our mothers. Some have been unable to see their children, grandchildren. The isolation has been unreal. I pray that you bring comfort to mothers. I pray that you restore them in relationships that have been strained or lost. Help them to keep safe from the coronavirus as they seek to reestablish these relationships.

Please reunite parents and children who may have been at odds politically due to the pandemic. I ask that you help them to prioritize the relationship over being right, that they would prioritize love over winning.

Thank you God for those mothers you kept in good health. May those who passed away rest in peace.

No one is quite sure what the future of schooling or work life look like for some places. Please help the mothers affected in these areas to make smart and wise choices. God, guide them in continuing to live lives that are devoted to you and are of service to those around them.

Pandemic or not, you are watching over us. Comfort them with that knowledge today. Amen.
- Aaron D. Brown

Photo Credit: © Getty Images/Katarzyna Bialasiewicz

 A Prayer for Those Still Waiting to Be a Mom

Lord, I pray for my friend who is still waiting to be a mother. Would You touch her with special encouragement and strength today? Father, let her know You see her struggle and care about her grief. Give her faith to believe You hear her prayers; reassure her that you have plans to bless her and give her a hopeful future.

Would you reveal Your great compassion to my friend today? Pour out Your love into her heart and heal the wounds she carries inside. Remind her that You treasure her and hold her in Your hand. You have promised to show her steadfast love and faithfulness.

Lord, open her eyes to the greatness of Your power. You are able to do abundantly more than all she can ask or imagine. Give her the grace she needs to seek You first today. Help her to cultivate a strong relationship with You and reassure her that You will complete your purposes in her life.

Father, I ask that You show mercy and grant the desire of her heart for a child. Help her to acknowledge her desire before You and lay it at Your feet, trusting that you will grant it in your timing and in your way. Let her live in surrender to Your plans and purposes for her life. Lord, have mercy.

Draw her close to Yourself today and renew her joy. Open her eyes to daily blessings. Give her a steadfast heart, that she might continually look to You and Your love. Show her that the truest joy comes from your presence and give her the grace she needs today. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
- Betsy De Cruz

A Prayer Blessing for New Mothers

Dear God, Thank you for the life mothers bring into this world. There are some women among us who will soon enter motherhood. I pray that you would bless their endeavor with godly wisdom, patience, hope, faith, and oh so much love for the child they will bear.

I pray that you would bless their childrearing, that they would help teach their child to walk and stay on the path of righteousness. Though hard days will come, may you bring comfort to these new mothers, and an awareness that though raising a child will be tough at times, you will allow them to reap what they sow.

Please help them to now be afraid to sow. Help them take that chance, confidently, loving, knowing their mothers did the same for them. Amen.
- Aaron D. Brown

Beautiful Mother's Day Bible Verses

In addition to flowers and thoughtful gifts, words of blessing and love can convey the feeling you want to share. That's why Bible verses for Mother's Day offer the best words to encourage your mom!

"She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come. She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue. She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her" Proverbs 31:24-28

"Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you." Exodus 20:12

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres." 1 Corinthians 13:4-7

"Listen, my son, to your father's instruction and do not forsake your mother's teaching. They are a garland to grace your head and a chain to adorn your neck." Proverbs 1:8-9

"And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love." 1 Corinthians 13:13

Source: Read more Mother's Day Bible verses in our topical verse section.

Further Reading

10 Heartwarming Mother’s Day Prayers of Encouragement and Blessing

Beautiful Mother's Day Prayers to Honor, Bless, and Encourage Your Mom!

Photo Credit: © Pexels/Pixabay

Aaron D'Anthony Brown is a freelance writer, hip-hop dance teacher, and visual artist, living in Virginia. He currently contributes to Salem Web Network’s Crosswalk platform and supports various clients through the freelancing website Upwork. He's an outside-the-box thinker with a penchant for challenging the status quo. 

Get in touch with him at aarondanthony.com and check out his debut short story anthology Honey Dreams on Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

Now available is our new Daily Prayer devotional! An easy way to start your day with prayer: read today’s prayer and sign up to receive it by email.

This article is part of our larger Prayer resource meant to inspire and encourage your prayer life when you face uncertain times. Remember, the Holy Spirit intercedes for us and God knows your heart even if you can't find the words to pray. 

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