What You Should Know about Dr. David Jeremiah

Laura Lee Leathers

Several years ago, Dr. David Jeremiah wrote Forward: Discovering God’s Presence and Purpose in Your Tomorrow. In the introduction, he wrote, “I’ve written this book to encourage you to push forward, whatever your age or circumstances. To help you get on with your life and chase your unfolding future—and do it with focus, faith, and fervor.” 

In his introduction, Jeremiah says the book was inspired by musician Tommy Walker visiting Shadow Mountain Community Church in 2019, and sharing a song about the importance of moving forward. More than that, it fits one of Jeremiah’s key values. In his sermon Finish: You're Not Done Until You're Done,” Jeremiah addresses the importance of flourishing until the finish line. No one knows the day or hour in which they will die or when Jesus will return. Until that day, we are to keep on keeping on.

Why is this message especially needed today? The U.S. Census Bureau reported that the estimated population over age 65 would reach some 54.1 million by July 1, 2019. Now, three years later, add another million or two. Many consider the American dream of retirement a way of life. Individuals may retire from years invested in a particular occupation, but that doesn’t mean they are to withdraw from ministry, missions, and evangelism. And unfortunately, some individuals have the mindset that retirement also means from the church.

Referencing Archippus, who completed the ministry that God gave him (Colossians 4:17), Jeremiah says, “I hope God lets me continue doing what he’s called me to do.”

David Jeremiah's Lesson: Keep Growing in Christ

We must all remember whatever our age, God doesn’t want dropouts. A genuine Christ follower has committed to serve Jesus until the finish line, whatever the calling of God is on their life. With the focus being to “Know God and Make Him Known.” Some of the most significant work done for the kingdom of God has been completed in an individual’s later years.

A few biblical examples would be Abraham, Sarah, Anna, and Simeon. Think about the writings of the Apostle John, exiled on the island of Patmos, who penned the book of Revelation. Who comes to your mind when you think about men in the past 50 years? Perhaps it is Billy Graham or Corrie Ten Boom, but often it is the pastors, missionaries, friends, and family you have known who continued to serve faithfully until the Lord called them home.

David Jeremiah continues to move forward at age 81 with no signs of slowing down. In a recent Crosswalk article about his life, he makes the following statement about his life since his cancer battle in 1994.

“When God gave me my life back, He didn’t do it so I’d go sit on a beach somewhere. He gave me my life back to serve Him. I feel such great joy in being able to do what I do at this stage of my life and know that I have preserved and granted these extra days by a gracious loving God and I’m so thankful.”

To this day, Jeremiah continues as Senior Pastor at Shadow Mountain Community Church. Turning Point, an international ministry he founded in 1982, offers a monthly magazine, sermons, information about books and additional ministry endeavors. He continues to host the 30-minute radio program heard daily on more than 2,200 radio stations.

He has also written over 50 books (some making the New York Times bestselling list), and won a Gold Medallion, a Retailers Choice Award and a National Religious Broadcasters’ Broadcaster of the Year Award. Since 2012, he has served as the Honorary Chairman of the National Day of Prayer Task Force.

The Jeremiah Legacy of Faith

In many ways, David Paul Jeremiah’s life parallels that of his father, Dr. James Thomas Jeremiah. Both were involved with Cedarville College, pastors of churches, and presidents of Christian colleges. Also, notice their biblical names; most importantly, they are known as men of faith.

James Jeremiah was born in 1914 in New York. After high school, he attended churches in Panama, New York, and then in 1938, Emmanuel Baptist Church in Toledo, Ohio.

In 1953, while serving on the Board of Trustees with the Baptist Bible Institute, James played a significant role in Cedarville College’s merger with the Baptist Bible Institute of Clevelan. Soon afterward, James was faced with the decision to leave his pastorate and work at Cedarville College. He became the seventh President of Cedarville College (now Cedarville University), serving from 1954 to 1978. The university reports that during his almost 25 years as President, debts diminished, and enrollment grew from 255 students in 1959 to over 1,200. During this period, James Jeremiah pursued a Master of Arts degree in history, and in 1974, Cedarville awarded him an honorary Doctor of Letters. After he finished his presidency, he moved into the role of Chancellor, serving in that position for 25 years, until his death in August 2000. Today, the Cedarville College Dixon Ministry Center contains the Jeremiah Chapel, named in his honor.

David Jeremiah graduated from Cedarville College in 1963 and later served on its board of trustees. On January 28, 2016, he delivered a sermon in the Jeremiah Chapel.

If you want to learn more about James Jeremiah, you may enjoy G. K. Belliveau’s book Say to This Mountain: The Life Of James T. Jeremiah.

Top 10 David Jeremiah Quotes Encouraging You to Finish Well

David Jeremiah has written some inspiring words over the years about following God and discovering our potential. Here are some of his many encouraging words. Unless otherwise noted, these quotes are from his book Forward.

1. “Everything in your past has prepared you for what’s next, and every promise of God will provide what’s needed.” — Forward

2. “This is the most important fact in your life. God loves you. The eternal, self-existent Being who created and sustains everything that exists dearly loves you. The profound thought of God’s love should begin and end your every day. It should define your every goal, your every action.” — God Loves You: He Always Has—He Always Will 

3. “God has given us everything we need for life and godliness. And He has given us the indwelling strength and guidance of the Holy Spirit. The rest is up to us.”— A Life Beyond Amazing: 9 Decisions That Will Transform Your Life Today

4. “In spite of all the perils we encounter, the mountainous crags and the desert wastelands, we can trust the Lord.” — Shelter in God: Your Refuge in Times of Trouble 

5. “You’re not finished until you’re finished. You’re not done until you’re done. Therefore, stay focused all the way through because it isn’t over until it’s over.” — Forward

6. “Retirement is simply God’s way of freeing you up for further service.” — Forward 

7. “It’s hard out there. Sometimes it feels like the world is ripping apart at the seams. Sometimes it feels like your heart can’t take any more hurt. But no matter what the world throws at you—anxiety, fear, confusion, temptation—you have a choice on how to respond. You can concede defeat or live in the victory God promises you.” — Overcomer: 8 Ways to Live a Life of Unstoppable Strength, Unmovable Faith, and Unbelievable Power

8. “We need not cower in fear of the future or worry about the present. Instead, we have a heavenly Captain who has overcome the world and knows the way to lead us through any storm.” — God Has Not Forgotten You: He Is with You, Even in Uncertain Times

9. “Which giant is giving you grief? Perhaps Fear has your number. Maybe Loneliness has locked you out. Whatever giant may be bullying you, the message of this book is that God is the greatest Giant of all. He goes before you like a consuming fire.” — Slaying the Giants in Your Life: You Can Win the Battle and Live Victoriously

10. “Revelation teaches us that regardless of what happens in this life—no matter how depressing the world news appears or how difficult life becomes—life in Christ has a joyful ending. When the heartache of this present world weighs heavily on us, we have only to look up and look ahead at the radient end of one story and the joyous beginning of a new story that will never end.” — When Christ Appears: An Inspirational Experience Through Revelation

Top 10 Books Published by David Jeremiah

1. The Jeremiah Study Bible, NKJV What It Says, What It Means, What It Means for You 

2. The World of the End: How Jesus’ Prophecy Shapes Our Priorities

3. Christ Above All: The Book of Colossians - From Turning Point and Dr. David Jeremiah 

4. After the Rapture: An End Times Guide to Survival

5. Forward: Discovering God's Presence and Purpose in Your Tomorrow

6. Everything You Need, 8 Essential Steps to a Life of Confidence in the Promises of God

7. Overcomer: 8 Ways to Live a Life of Unstoppable Strength, Unmovable Faith, and Unbelievable Power 

8. Shelter in God: Your Refuge in Times of Trouble 

9. Hope: Living Fearlessly in a Scary World

10. Why the Nativity: 25 Compelling Reasons We Celebrate the Birth of Jesus

4 Encouraging Devotions from David Jeremiah

In the Turning Point Column on Crosswalk, you can find devotions from David Jeremiah. The following were chosen for encouragement to finish well.   

- 4 Steps to Pursue Your Dreams with Godly Excellence

- 4 Steps to Finding God's Will for Your Life

- Encouraging Psalms Hope Through Hard Times

- Called to Witness till Jesus Christ Returns

Live Events Coming Soon with Dr. David Jeremiah 

In 2022, David Jeremiah will host live events in the following cities:

- Raleigh, North Carolina  (October 6)

- Orlando, Florida  (October 13)

- Greenville, South Carolina (October 20)

- Buffalo, New York (November 11)

For additional information, click on the following: Get Your Tickets Now

Check out the resource links to learn more about David Jeremiah

10 Things You Should Know About Dr. David Jeremiah

Dr. David Jeremiah, Author

5 Birthmarks of the Born Again Christian

David Jeremiah Answers Your Top 11 Questions About Heaven

5 Ways You Can Be Sure of Your Salvation

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons/Gage Skidmore

Laura Lee Leathers is a writer and speaker. Imagine Lois Lane, over sixty-five, and living on a farm. Her metropolis is the area of freelance writing. Her primary love interest is the Word of God. She digs for information, interviews fascinating people, offers a cup of biblical hospitalit-tea, encourages, and helps others with the ‘how-to’s’ of life. To sign up for her newsletter, connect with her at http://lauraleeleathers.com - - - “Helping You Flourish in Faith & Finish Well by His Word”

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