10 Keith Green Quotes to Ponder Today

Anna Oelerich

Who Was Keith Green?

Keith Green (1953-1982) is perhaps best known for winning over the hearts and minds of music-loving Christians in the 1970s-1980s. His honest, convicting lyrics, powerful melodies, and on- and offstage proclamations of Jesus’ love still inspire new generations of believers.

But it wasn’t always apparent that Green would become a giant of “Jesus music.” Green was raised as both Jewish and Christian Scientist, and this mix of religious influences left him somewhat confused about Jesus’ place in his life. He was drawn to music at a young age, and his talent led to a contract with Decca Records in 1965, putting him on a fast track to becoming the next teen idol. (This video, excerpted from an episode of the game show I’ve Got a Secret, demonstrates Green’s prodigious piano-playing at 11).

However, Green was overshadowed at the time by teen artists such as Donny Osmond, leaving him hurt and disillusioned by the music scene. This disappointment drove him not to Jesus (at least not initially) but to the “sex, drugs, and rock n’ roll” of the late 1960s and early 1970s. Like so many other young people, Green questioned the meaning of life and sought answers from a turbulent, ever-shifting culture.

Yet a bad psychedelic trip during this time of searching made him realize something needed to change. Green and his new wife, Melody, began attending a Vineyard church and gave their lives to Christ. He turned back to music to share the gospel with as many people as possible, breaking his contract with Decca so that he could give away some of his music for free. He was adamant that performing the music God gave him was not for entertainment or to draw attention to himself. From 1977-1982, the Greens ran Last Days Ministries, and he recorded four albums, including songs still sung in churches today because of their passionate, timeless lyrics.

Then came July 28, 1982. Green boarded a commercial plane with two of his children and another family, taking an aerial tour of the Last Days Ministries property. A pregnant Melody stayed behind with their infant daughter, Rebekah. Due to various unfortunate factors—the pilot’s inadequate training, an overloaded flight—the plane crashed 20 seconds after takeoff. There were no survivors.

Green was posthumously inducted into the Gospel Music Hall of Fame in 2001. 

Top 10 Keith Green Quotes

When one hears Green’s lyrics, it should be no surprise that his most popular quotes are full of conviction and spiritual fervor. Green had no idea his time on earth would be relatively short. Still, he lived and spoke as one who knew the importance of “making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil” (Ephesians 5:16). Here are 10 must-read Keith Green quotes.

1. “Worship isn’t just singing. Anybody can sing, but not anybody can worship. Only people who know the living God, who know what and who they’re worshiping can worship intelligently and spiritually and really.” — “True Worship”

2. “We go from glorifying musicians in the world, to glorifying Christian musicians. It’s all idolatry! Can’t you see that? It’s true that there are many men and women of God who are greatly anointed to call down the Spirit of God on His people and the unsaved. But Satan is getting a great victory as we seem to worship these ministers on tapes and records, and clamor to get their autographs in churches and concert halls from coast to coast.” — “Music or Ministry?”

3. “If your heart takes more pleasure in reading novels, or watching TV, or going to the movies, or talking to friends, rather than just sitting alone with God and embracing Him, sharing His cares and His burdens, weeping and rejoicing with Him, then how are you going to handle forever and ever in His presence with no TV, movies, or singles’ retreats? You’d be bored to tears in heaven, if you’re not ecstatic about God now! How could God invite you to heaven, where the most exciting thing to do all day is gaze upon His glorious face, if you’re not in heaven right here on earth when you’re alone with Him?” — “Will You Be Bored In Heaven?”

4. “Jesus certainly couldn’t have made Himself any clearer about how upset our Father in heaven gets when, after forgiving us for an eternal debt of sin, we hold some little five-and-dime grudge against someone else for whom Christ died.” — “Forgiveness—Forgive Or Forget It”

5. “Many people want their resurrection right on the cross. Or worse, they want a padded cross with a pillow and a sun lamp. One that’s real comfortable. No way. The cross hurts so they start thinking, ‘Gee, this peace is not only passing understanding, it’s passing notice! I don’t even see it! Where’s my peace?!’” — “Grumbling and Complaining —So You Wanna Go Back To Egypt?”

6. “The main thing that God has shown me through it all is this: I’m not called to be a prophet, I’m called to be a Christian—a servant of the living God! That is the highest calling that anyone can realize. And the most beautiful thing has happened in my heart. My whole goal in life has completely changed—the only thing that I want to achieve is to have the Lord tell me when I stand before Him, ‘Well done, thou good and faithful servant!’... To be a Christian, to live up to that wonderful word—that is my only goal.” — “The Man Behind the Message”

7. “Let’s all repent of the idolatry in our hearts and our desires for a comfortable, rewarding life when, really, the Bible tells us we are just passing through as strangers and pilgrims in this world, for our reward is in heaven. Let’s not forget that our due service to the Lord is ‘... not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer for His sakeAmen. Let us die graciously together and endure to the end like brave soldiers who give their lives, without hesitation, for our noble and glorious King of Light.” — “So You Wanna Be A Rock Star”

8. “We love to poke fun at the Pharisees. We like to read the rebukes that Jesus used to level them. But we’re just as capable of misdirecting our zeal to useless religious activities. Things that are all for outward show - stuff that generates heat but not light.” — “Zeal: the Good, the Bad, the Ugly

9. “I’ve met people who were always grumbling, ‘I could be doing this, and I could be doing that.’ Listen, nobody does God a favor. Nobody has “given up” anything for God. Nothing! Everything you’ve given up is a piece of junk, a clod on the ground compared to what God has given to you. You haven’t given up anything! There is no greater privilege or calling than serving the Creator of the universe.” — “Getting What You Want From God (The Error Of Balaam)”

10. “… I do believe that the Holy Spirit is grieved by a lot of what is being passed today as ‘music ministry’ and ‘gospel music’—not so much by the beat or content, but by the lack of commitment and anointing. But just because people with darkened hearts still use rock music as a medium for rebellion and self-exaltation, doesn’t mean that the same style of music can’t be used by people submitted to God to capture the attention of sinners; and lead them away from self—and to the throne of Christ!” — “Can God Use Rock Music?”

More of Green’s quotes can be read in No Compromise: The Life Story of Keith Green by Melody Green with David Hazard. Concert videos and many of Green’s writings are also available to read or purchase through Last Days Ministries’ website.

10 Keith Green Songs that You Should Hear

Green’s impact is best understood through the catalog of Christian songs he released over five years. Here are 10 that showcase his talent and spiritual intensity.

1. When I Hear the Praises Start

When I Hear the Praises Start, Keith Green from soundingjoy on GodTube.

Within the span of three verses, Keith shares an imaginary encouragement from God to His “son,” “child,” and “precious bride. Many modern worship songs, understandably, take the vantage point of humans thanking God for what He’s done. “When I Hear the Praises Start” is a refreshing change of view that shares God’s heart about being praised, preparing His children for eternity, and reminding Christians that His sacrifice was and is sufficient.

2. Go to the Hungry Ones

An invitation to serve those in desperate need of Jesus’ life-saving message and those in physical need. Green paints a picture of the family of God multiplying due to our diligence in ministering to them. What else is the result of being the hands and feet of Jesus? That we will feel His joy, that God will work through us to find the lost.

3. Rushing Wind

Rushing Wind - Keith Green from cadborasaurus on GodTube.

One of Green’s songs written by Melody, “Rushing Wind” refers to the indwelling of the Holy Spirit as described in Acts 2. Green shares his earnest desire to “grow,” “bear good fruit,” and have the Spirit “daily change me in Your image.”

4. Your Love Broke Through

Keith Green-your love broke through from jessebob on GodTube.

A moving account of Keith Green’s shift from self-centered, ever-seeking hippie to Christ-follower, though the lyrics are practically universal and fitting for any believer looking back on the way they lived.

5. The Victor

Keith Green was not one to water down the more uncomfortable or dramatic truths of Scripture. Here, he vividly describes Jesus vanquishing Satan, offering listeners a glimpse into Good Friday and Easter Sunday. Green pairs majestic chord progressions with lyrics that keep the song feeling triumphant.

6. Easter Song

This song is so moving it’s difficult to hold off until Easter to give it a listen. Green sings about Christ’s resurrection with unfettered excitement. The instrumental arrangement and Green’s lyrics capture the urgency of telling Jesus’ followers of His resurrection.

7. Prodigal Son Suite

A longer piece inspired by Jesus’ parable in Luke 15:11-32. “Prodigal Son Suite” clocks in at about 12.5 minutes. The song switches between sweeping piano, soaring string, and brass arrangements, the lyrics telling the saga of poor choices made by the Prodigal Son. The first verse begins with the son’s apathy and ache for adventure. His father reluctantly gives his blessing to let the son go, and from there, the son’s life spirals. Per the Luke 15 parable, reconciliation between the father and son closes the song.

8. You Put This Love in My Heart

A lighter, bouncier tune, “You Put This Love in My Heart” captures the jubilance of being changed by Christ’s love. Green acknowledges that Jesus is the only way he can account for his newfound zeal.

9. How Can They Live Without Jesus?

This song captures Green’s prevailing attitude post-conversion. He wasn’t shy about encouraging others to become completely “sold out” for Jesus, as he was. Green questions why his peers are so comfortable doing their everyday life when there’s so much to be accomplished for God. Still, his early years of searching undoubtedly helped him understand those still chasing trivial things.

10. Stained Glass

In this song’s first line, Keith compares people to stained-glass windows, filled with God-given beauty. He continues the stained-glass metaphor throughout this bright, upbeat reminder of the beauty of God’s human creations.

What Do Other Artists Say about Keith Green?

While Green’s songs have been covered throughout the years by many leading voices within the Contemporary Christian Music (CCOM) movement, it takes some digging to find specific artists who explicitly mention Green as a musical influence. The artists who have cited his influence include Michael W. Smith, Twila Paris, and Rebecca St. James. In a 1999 issue of Mission FrontiersSt. James shared her thoughts about Green’s re-released album.

“Keith had a real passion for worship,” James said. “My songs are that way too. I love to be very Biblical in my lyrics and very vertical—straight to God-oriented. He was very bold about his message, too, and I really seek to be bold about my message and my love for God in music as well.”

Great Books about Keith Green

1. No Compromise: The Life Story of Keith Green by Melody Green with David Hazard.

2. The Gospel in Lyrics: A Biblical Journey with Keith Green & Rich Mullins by Frank Muni

3. A Cry in the Wilderness: Twelve Bold Messages About Uncompromising Faith by Keith Green

4. Make My Life A Prayer by Keith Green

5. If You Love the Lord by Keith Green

You can also learn more about Green in the documentary The Keith Green Story: Your Love Broke Through.

If you'd like to learn more about other figures from the Jesus Music movement or Contemporary Christian Music in general, check out these articles:

How Did Larry Norman Become the Father of Christian Rock?

Was Mark Heard Contemporary Christian Music’s Greatest Songwriter?

What You Should Know about Rich Mullins

Did Christian Rock Forget Michael Been?

Photo Credit: Image of Keith Green copyrighted by Last Days Ministries, provided under GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2.

Anna Oelerich is a Chicago-area church youth director, freelance writer, and graduate of Taylor University. She received her B.S. in Professional Writing in 2018, but has loved words—reading, storytelling, list-making, and even handwriting—for as long as she can remember. Previously, she served as the marketing and communications coordinator for a community foundation, where she shared powerful stories of generosity, and encouraged others to give. When writing an article, or developing programming for her students, Anna enjoys highlighting the historical and cultural contexts of familiar Bible passages so others feel they are living the stories for themselves.

This article is part of our larger Inspiring Quotes resource meant to encourage and strengthen your faith. Visit our most popular quotes by well known Christians and theologians to find more inspiration. Remember, the Holy Spirit can work through us when we have faith and share it with others! Please pass along any quotes that touch your heart because you never know light you’ll shine on someone else’s dark day! 

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