(Written by Ed and Lisa Young)
When you think about anchors, you might picture a massive ship docked at the harbor, held steady by a thick rope and a sturdy anchor gripping the ocean floor. But what happens when the anchor fails? When our daughter LeeBeth passed away, we had a choice: let the waves of grief capsize us or cling to the only anchor that could truly hold us—Jesus.
We’re all looking for something to steady us in life. But too often, we reach for the wrong things—popularity, success, money, or even relationships—hoping they’ll keep us from drifting. These things may seem solid, but in reality, they’re like homemade anchors made of “clotheslines and Clorox bottles.” They look okay on the surface, but the second the storm hits, they fail. We learned that only Jesus’ anchor can fill the hole in our soul.
The Anchor that Holds: A Personal Story
Years ago, I (Ed) made my own anchor for my rowboat—a Clorox bottle filled with sand. I thought I’d solved my problem. But the first time I tested it, I miscalculated. The rope wasn’t long enough to reach the lakebed, and when I threw it in, the sand seeped out. Before I knew it, I was blown all over the lake.
That story is funny now, but how often do we make the same mistake in life? We create anchors out of things like career accomplishments, social media fame, or even good things like family or relationships. But when the winds of disappointment, doubt, or tragedy hit, those anchors can’t hold.
Jesus Is a Credible Anchor
Hebrews 6:19 says, “We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.” Jesus is the credible anchor—unshakable, immovable, and trustworthy. On the day LeeBeth passed away, we had every reason to feel like our world was collapsing. We had questions, tears, and unimaginable grief. Yet, even in our darkest moments, we knew our anchor was credible because our Savior is credible.
Unlike my flimsy Clorox bottle anchor, Jesus’ anchor holds firm no matter what. When life gets turbulent—whether it’s divorce, depression, or financial ruin—His anchor doesn’t let go.
Jesus Is a Compatible Anchor
Have you ever noticed that anchors are custom designed for the size of the vessel? A small flats boat like the one I use for fishing needs a tiny anchor, but a cruise ship requires something massive.
Here’s the amazing thing: the anchor of Jesus is perfectly matched to the weight of our sin and the storms we face. Whether your heart is weighed down by addiction, anxiety, or guilt, Jesus’ grace is sufficient. Just as our daughter LeeBeth battled addiction and depression, many of us carry heavy burdens. But no matter how large your “boat” or how fierce your storm, Jesus’ anchor can hold you steady.
Christ Jesus Anchors Us in Confidence
Anchors don’t just hold boats in place; they also prevent them from drifting backward. Even when storms rage, an anchor maintains your progress. When life feels like you’re being pushed back by disappointment or fear, Jesus’ anchor helps you stay on course. Hebrews 10:35–36 reminds us,
“So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised.”
It’s easy to lose confidence when life feels overwhelming. But the truth is, Jesus understands our pain. He walked through suffering Himself. You’re not alone—and you don’t have to persevere alone.
We Are Anchored in Community through Christ
One of the first symbols of Christianity was the anchor. If you visit ancient catacombs in the Middle East, you’ll find anchors carved into the walls as a reminder of hope in Christ.
But notice something else about an anchor: it’s not just about the metal piece gripping the seabed. There’s also a rope connecting the anchor to the vessel. In the same way, Jesus is our anchor, but the church is the rope that helps us stay connected to Him and to each other.
Isolation is dangerous, especially when you’re in pain. When we went through our toughest moments, the prayers and presence of our church family anchored us. That’s why being part of a community matters. You need people who will remind you of God’s promises and hold you up when you’re too weak to stand.
Grace in the Storm
Our lives are a testimony of God’s sustaining grace. Grace means getting what we don’t deserve. We deserve to sink under the weight of our sin, but Jesus took our punishment and extends His mercy to us.
When LeeBeth was in rehab, she would look out over the ocean and imagine herself sailing toward healing. She longed to be with us, to be whole again. I painted her a picture of a boat named “Grace” to remind her that she was not lost at sea. She had an anchor of hope.
You have that same hope. God’s grace can meet you wherever you are. Whether you’re sitting in your room feeling alone or standing in the middle of a crowded room feeling unseen, Jesus’ anchor is for you. His grace is big enough to hold you, His love strong enough to carry you.
What’s Your Anchor?
So, what are you holding on to? Are you relying on your own strength? Are you chasing approval, money, or success, hoping it will keep you steady? If so, it’s time to let go of the “Clorox bottles” in your life and grab hold of the true anchor.
Jesus’ anchor is credible, compatible, and confidence-building. When life’s winds howl and the waves rise, you need more than good intentions or wishful thinking. You need the power of Jesus to hold you firm.
If you’ve been feeling like you’re about to be pulled under, remember this: God sees you. He’s inviting you to drop your anchor in Him.
Take the Next Step
Wherever you are in your journey, we want to invite you to experience the hope and healing that comes from anchoring your life in Jesus. One way to start is by taking a deeper dive into this truth. Sign up today and receive the first chapter of Pastor Ed’s book A Path Through Pain for free. This chapter will help you discover how to hold steady through life’s toughest storms.
Don’t wait until life’s waves overwhelm you. Anchor yourself in the unshakable hope of Christ today.
Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/Grant Faint
Through Ed Young Ministries, Ed extends his passion for helping people grow in their faith by providing inspirational content, online sermons, and practical resources for Christian living. With a heart for equipping church leaders, Ed launched C3 Global, CreativePastors.com, and the Creative Church Conference (C3)—initiatives that offer coaching, teaching, and resources to thousands of pastors and ministry leaders. He is also a prolific author, addressing topics such as leadership, marriage, and Christian living. His New York Times bestselling book, Sexperiment: 7 Days to Lasting Intimacy with Your Spouse, challenges couples to strengthen their relationships through biblical principles. Other popular titles include The Marriage Mirror, The Creative Leader, and Outrageous, Contagious Joy.
For powerful messages, life-changing resources, and ways to grow in your faith, visit Ed Young Ministries.