How Can We Learn to Travel Lightly through Life?

Like me, with my overpacking tendencies, many of us unintentionally carry extra weight and burdens we really don’t need.

Updated Mar 19, 2024
How Can We Learn to Travel Lightly through Life?

"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run the with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith." —Hebrews 12:1–2

I shoved the last of my T-shirts into the suitcase and tried to close it. With all the clothes I had stuffed inside, the suitcase was too full to close. I ended up having to sit on top to force the zipper all the way around. Unintentionally, I had overpacked. I had pulled out all my summer clothes and squeezed them into my suitcase.

When I got to the stairs to take the suitcase down, I noticed that my bag was incredibly heavy—probably over the fifty-pound limit.

I had to decide: Was I going to carry this heavy weight with me on my trip, potentially paying more just to check this bag? Or was I going to get rid of the weight and travel lightly?

Like me, with my overpacking tendencies, many of us unintentionally carry extra weight and burdens we really don’t need. We might not even recognize all the extra baggage until God uses the waiting to reveal the different areas of our lives where we are holding more weight than we should. We might be keeping relationships and friendships that seem nice but really take us down. We might be maintaining unhealthy patterns just because we’re used to them. We might be overextending ourselves to do for God instead of being with God. But all that weight starts to pile up after a while. And if we are to live this life with purpose, we can’t carry heavy baggage.

Did I enjoy taking out the extra clothes that I didn’t need? Nope. It was honestly kind of a hassle. (And what if I needed another over- size sweatshirt after I got bored with the first one?) But when I finally brought my suitcase up to the bag check, I was pleased that I had packed light. God might just want to take you to new heights this year. But in order to do so, you might have to get rid of the baggage weighing you down and trust Him to work with a lighter load. Surrendering it might be hard at first. But eventually, you’ll notice the freedom on the other side of letting go. And with that weight off your shoulders, you will be able to stride forward with great purpose and joy. Without all the heavyweight, who knows just how high you will soar!

God, I bring to You the weight I am carrying.
I am choosing to throw it off and run with purpose today. Help me to live a more purpose-filled life as I wait on You.
In Jesus’s name, amen.


Excerpt from The Joy of the in Between. Used with permission.
Photo Credit: ©iStock/Getty Images Plus/fcscafeine

Ashley HetheringtonAshley Hetherington, author of The Joy of the In-Between is a writer, speaker, content creator, Jesus lover, and founder of The Honey Scoop, a lifestyle blog that encourages and equips young women to grow their faith and reach their full potential in God. As someone with a passion for connecting with young women about the struggles of young adult life, Ashley is also the creator of a membership program, The Tree, an online community that helps young women connect with God and read the Bible. Through her writing and speaking, Ashley is a faith leader for those who want to know the Word of God and let truth transform their lives. She has a degree in journalism and interactive media studies from Miami University and resides in Nashville, Tennessee.


Christianity / Life / How to Be a Christian / How Can We Learn to Travel Lightly through Life?