5 Misconceptions of Being a New Christian

Vivian Bricker

There are many misconceptions of being a new Christian out in the world today. Part of being a new Christian is being aware of these misconceptions.

By being aware of these misconceptions, you will be able to help inform other new believers as well as help yourself when you are believing these misconceptions. When I was a new Christian, I had many false views of what Christians were and what it meant to be a Christian.

If you have struggled with believing misconceptions, know you are not alone, but also know that you don’t have to believe these misconceptions any longer.

1. Everything Will Be Perfect

One misconception of being a new Christian is that everything will be perfect now. In fact, the opposite might happen. Jesus doesn’t promise us an easy life. Rather, we will face a life of hardships, struggles against the flesh, and persecution.

Despite all this, as Elisabeth Elliot has said, our suffering is never for nothing. Every hard time and struggle that we endure is working out something for our good. Not only this, but God also works everything out for our good (Romans 8:28).

When I was a new believer, I thought that everything would be perfect. In other words, I thought that nothing bad would happen anymore, that my family would always be protected from any threats, and that my life would be “blessed.”

After all, isn’t that what people have on their shirts — “too blessed to be stressed.” This is false at best and heresy at worst.

We are blessed by God, but that doesn’t mean we won’t ever be stressed. We will still all face trouble, difficulties, and hardships with things concerning our faith as well as our everyday lives.

If you are a new Christian, don’t believe the misconception that everything will be perfect now. Nowhere in the Bible does God promise you a perfect life.

However, what God does promise us is forgiveness of sins, redemption, and eternal life through placing faith in His Son, Jesus (John 3:16-17).

There will be a perfect life in the future, but that won’t be until the New Heaven and New Earth (Revelation 21-22). You can eagerly look forward to this day.

2. You Already Know Everything in the Bible

A second misconception of being a new Christian is that you already know everything in the Bible. While you might know some things in the Bible, you don’t know everything there is to be known about the Bible.

Even if you grew up in church and recently became a believer, it does not mean you know everything there is to know about the Bible. Throughout your life, you will constantly be learning more about the Bible and understanding things you didn’t understand.

Reading the Bible is a lifelong process, and it is a beautiful experience. Many people read the Bible thinking that it is a one-time read when it is actually a book you will continue to read throughout your life.

Keep reading the Bible and lean on what God is teaching you through His Word. You don’t have to have all the answers now concerning every aspect of theology. Take your time and soak up the Word of God in your daily life. Never neglect your time with God in the Bible and in prayer.

3. You Don’t Know Anything about the Bible

On the other hand, a third misconception of being a new Christian is that you don’t know anything about the Bible. Several people think that if you’re a new believer, you know nothing about the Bible, but that isn’t true.

To think a new believer knows everything about the Bible or nothing about the Bible are two extremes. Neither of these should be seen as absolute statements. Normally, new believers are somewhere in between.

If you are a new believer and others have said you know nothing about the Bible because you are a new believer, don’t take it to heart. Sadly, even among Christian circles, there are critical people who look down on new believers.

This shouldn’t be because all people deserve respect. You probably do know some of the Bible, and you can build your knowledge of the Bible off what you already know.

Also, you could try to take a few theology courses or a free online course, which is offered by many Christian organizations.

4. You Have to Wait Before You Can Share the Gospel

A fourth misconception of being a new Christian is you have to wait until you are more “mature” before you can share the gospel.

While I do encourage you to be knowledgeable and know who you are talking to before you share the gospel, I also share the truth that you can still share the gospel even as a new believer.

Often, as a new Christian, you have the most zeal and desire to share the gospel. Use this to your advantage and share the gospel, but be smart.

When I say be smart, I mean know who you are talking with and build a relationship with them before you share the gospel. Building a solid friendship with the person needs to be done before you share the gospel with them.

If you don’t, the individual will only think you are trying to convert them and then leave. Build a friendship with them and continue to be their friend even if they don’t become a Christian. Continue to show up for them and continue to share Christ with them.

5. Things Will Become Easier

A fifth misconception of being a new Christian is that things will become easier. This is not true because, from personal experience, my life got more difficult after becoming a Christian. This shouldn’t deter you, but it should give you an idea of the Christian walk.

It is not easy, nor is it something that you are passive about. Once you are a believer, your entire life is focused on Jesus and living for Him. This means going against what the sinful flesh tells you to do, which is really hard.

The Holy Spirit can help you in all these areas, and you can ask for His help in prayer. He will be able to guide, instruct, and direct you in the way you should go. Life won’t ever become easier, but you will be able to manage things better.

By knowing God, you will have the lasting peace of knowing Jesus is with you. Even though things won’t be easy, and you won’t be happy all the time, you will have the lasting joy of knowing Jesus. This joy always stays with you, and it will never go away.

Again, don’t let this discourage you. Just because following Jesus is hard doesn’t mean it’s not rewarding. There will be times of great joy in your life, and you will be able to give all the praise to the Lord.

The beautiful thing about joy in the Lord is that even in your darkest days, you will still have the joy of Christ in your heart.

You might not feel happy, but you will know He is with you and is filling your heart with love. No matter how old you get or how many years pass from the time you were deemed a new Christian, know God is always walking beside you and giving you joy.

For further reading:

3 Things New Believers Should Know about Christianity

5 Pieces of Advice for New Believers

What Should New Christians Know about the Bible?

Photo Credit: ©iStock/Getty Images Plus/Wirestock

Vivian Bricker loves Jesus, studying the Word of God, and helping others in their walk with Christ. She has earned a Bachelor of Arts and Master's degree in Christian Ministry with a deep academic emphasis in theology. Her favorite things to do are spending time with her family and friends, reading, and spending time outside. When she is not writing, she is embarking on other adventures.

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