Mother's Day is a day celebrated every year to honor our mothers. We celebrate Mother's Day because it is the one day of the year that we get to thank our mothers for all that they do.
While Mother's Day can be a day of great loss for many, for others, Mother's Day is a day they have the privilege of celebrating their mom and making her feel special and loved.
Celebrating Our Mothers
"What died didn't stay dead/you're alive, you're alive in my head" ("Marjorie," Taylor Swift).
My mom passed away many years ago, so my Mother's Day is normally spent at the graveyard where she is buried. My family and I leave her flowers each year, rain or shine. Even though my mom is no longer alive, it doesn't mean she doesn't live on in my memories.
While I won't see my mom again in this life, I can have the sure promise of seeing her again in heaven. Maybe you are going through a similar experience as I am, and your mother has also passed away.
It's hard to manage Mother's Day when your own mother has passed away. Instead of pretty decorations, special outings, and seeing smiles from your mom, you only have memories of her, photographs, and remnants of her dearest possessions.
It's a difficult holiday for many since a great number of people have lost their moms. Even though your mother isn't alive anymore doesn't mean you can't honor her memory.
Visit her grave, leave flowers, post a special memorial, post to her on social media, or talk about her over dinner with your family and friends. Her memory and legacy live on through you.
As I have mentioned many times throughout various writings, my mother passed away when I was 18 years old.
Maybe your mother passed away when you were young too. What I have found is that no matter how old you are when your mother passed away, the pain is still felt. Whether you are 18 or 60 years old, the pain of losing your mom is hard to endure.
As someone who has lost their mother, it is best not to take your mom for granted. Each day you have with her is a blessing. You never know the day or the time that she will pass on.
Sadly, our moms and dads won't be with us always, and it is important to honor them while they are still with us. If you still have your mom, go out of your way to celebrate her this Mother's Day.
Take her out for all of her favorite activities and remind her of how much she means to you. Your mother loves you, and she is so very thankful to have you as a child.
This is the whole reason we celebrate Mother's Day — to show our moms how much we love them. In a way, we are celebrating their lives and all they have done for us.
As for the case of my mom, she saved my older sister's life three times when she was a child, not to mention all of the times our mom treated our injuries and hurts. Our moms deeply care about us, and they want to protect us from hurt as much as they can.
A Bittersweet Day
I'm aware not all people have caring moms, and sometimes, even with moms who care about us, we can be at odds with them. We have to remember at these times that our moms are just human beings like us.
I remember that as a kid, I thought nothing bad could happen to my mom. I truly saw her as indestructible and fearless. It wasn't until I saw my mom in the ICU that I knew my mom was weak, fearful, and approaching the end of her life.
There won't be a day in my life when this memory won't flood my mind. My mom wasn't a superhero, nor was she going to live forever. My mom was just a woman who loved freely, cared deeply, and tried her best. All of us will one day pass on, including our strong moms.
It was sad to watch my mom die, and there is not a day that goes by that I don't miss her. Did we have our arguments and problems? Of course, but she was still my mom. The same is true for you and your mom.
Cherish the time you have with your mom because you aren't promised forever with your mom in this life. More likely than not, you will outlive your mom, and there will be a day that you will have to learn how to live with the grief of her no longer being around.
It is not an easy task, nor is it a short task. Grief can take a long time to walk through and can even take your entire life.
During the time you have with her, celebrate your mom, and tell her you love her. Moms never tire of hearing how much their children love them. My regret is that I didn't do all I could do for my mom.
There are so many memories of pain rather than memories of laughter, love, and bonding. I encourage you to spend these times with your mom and deepen your relationship with her.
You can start this Mother's Day, or you could start today. In reality, every day, we need to be celebrating our moms because they have done so much for us.
The Reason We Celebrate Our Mothers
Thus, we celebrate Mother's Day because we love our moms, and this is the one day out of the year that is specifically established to celebrate our moms. We can celebrate our moms whether they are still with us or not.
Mother's Day can be hard for many of us, yet for others, and it can be a day of happiness and smiles. Plan ahead and see what your mom would like to do on Mother's Day, or you could plan a surprise if she likes surprises.
As mentioned, even if your mom is not with you anymore, you can still celebrate her memory. Maybe going to the graveyard is too much for you. You can instead write your mom a poem or a song. Don't be afraid to feel your grief or spend the day alone if you can't handle seeing other families with their moms.
I found this to be true in my own life because it was a constant reminder that my own mom was no longer with me. In all honesty, I still shudder at the thought of someone saying something negative about their mom because I would love more than anything for my mom to be back with me.
Enjoy the time with your mom this Mother's Day, and make sure she knows she is loved. You only have one mother, and she won't be with you forever.
Ensure you have time to celebrate your mom and create some lasting memories. Our moms are precious to us, and we celebrate Mother's Day in order for them to know how much we love them.
For further reading:
5 Lessons I Learned from My Mom
What Does the Bible Say about Mothers?
What Does the Bible Say about Single Moms?
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