As Halloween rolls around, people begin to dress up, and one of the cliché costumes is the witch. Even one of the Peanuts gang dressed as a witch in their popular holiday special about the Great Pumpkin.
Halloween has been associated with witchcraft for ages. Many Christians may have general knowledge regarding witchcraft, how it’s evil, and how we should avoid it but otherwise don’t take it seriously. Other believers might reject anything to do with witchcraft, especially media and movies.
But what does the Bible say about witchcraft? Like any serious topic, the Bible has much to say.
What Is Witchcraft?
Generally, witchcraft refers to the practice of using and manipulating supernatural or magical powers, often with the intention of influencing events or people.
Witchcraft typically involves practices that are perceived as supernatural or beyond the realm of ordinary human abilities. These practices may include casting spells, performing rituals, divination, and communing with spirits or deities.
Witchcraft often revolves around the use of magic to achieve specific goals or outcomes. These goals can be both positive and negative, ranging from healing and protection to causing harm or seeking personal gain.
Various religious or spiritual frameworks can have witchcraft within their practice. Some practitioners view it as a religious belief system, while others see it as a form of spirituality. For example, Wicca is a modern pagan religion that incorporates witchcraft as a central element.
Many traditions of witchcraft incorporate knowledge of herbs, plants, and natural remedies for healing and other purposes. Herbalism and folk medicine are often intertwined with witchcraft practices. As such, witches in certain cultures were seen as healers due to this knowledge.
Modern witchcraft has made connections to social and gender dynamics. Historically, many accused witches were women and witch hunts were often linked to societal anxieties and power structures.
What Is the History of Witchcraft?
Witchcraft has ancient roots, dating back to prehistoric times when humans first sought to understand and harness the forces of nature.
Early forms of witchcraft were closely tied to agriculture, fertility rites, and the worship of natural elements. These practices were often intertwined with early religions and spiritual beliefs.
In classical antiquity, witchcraft existed in various forms across different cultures. In ancient Greece and Rome, individuals known as “magicians” or “sorcerers” practiced rituals and spells. Some were revered for their healing abilities, while others were feared for their perceived malevolent powers.
One of the most notorious periods in the history of witchcraft occurred during the late Middle Ages and the early modern period in Europe.
The witch hunts of the 15th to 18th centuries were marked by widespread accusations, trials, and persecutions of individuals, mostly women, accused of practicing witchcraft.
These persecutions were driven by a combination of religious, social, and political factors. Church authorities and secular governments viewed witchcraft as a heretical and dangerous threat to Christianity and social order. Thousands of individuals were subjected to torture and execution during this dark period.
Despite the persecution, witchcraft persisted in various forms. Folk healers, cunning folk, and midwives continued to practice healing and divination, often blending Christian prayers with traditional folk magic. Grimoires, books of magic and spells, became popular in the early modern period.
Different pagan practices have entered Christianity. When Christianity engages culture and begins to convert men and women to Jesus, most people groups have developed some supernatural traditions and polytheistic beliefs, and it is complex to filter dangerous ideas out of a culture through a new Christian lens.
This has had varying degrees of success, and we see some witchcraft or other versions of pagan beliefs encroaching upon the Church.
What Are Some Modern Expressions of Witchcraft?
Contemporary witchcraft, often referred to as modern witchcraft or neopaganism, encompasses a diverse and evolving array of spiritual and magical practices.
While it draws inspiration from historical witchcraft traditions, it is a distinct movement that has gained popularity since the mid-20th century.
One of the most well-known and influential branches of contemporary witchcraft is Wicca. Developed by Gerald Gardner in the mid-20th century, Wicca is a nature-based, polytheistic, and initiatory religious tradition.
Wiccans worship a goddess and god, celebrate seasonal festivals (such as Samhain and Beltane), and follow a moral code called the "Wiccan Rede," which emphasizes harm none. Rituals, spells, and magic are integral to Wiccan practice.
Many contemporary witches adopt an eclectic approach to their practice, drawing from a variety of sources, traditions, and belief systems.
Eclectic witches often create personalized rituals and spell work, combining elements of different paths that resonate with them. This flexibility allows for a highly individualized practice.
Some witches prefer to practice alone as solitary witches. They may develop their own rituals and work independently with deities, spirits, or natural forces. Solitary witchcraft can be highly introspective and focused on self-discovery.
Heathenry, also known as Ásatrú, is a revival of pre-Christian Norse and Germanic traditions. Some contemporary witches draw inspiration from these traditions, incorporating the worship of Norse deities like Odin, Thor, and Freyja into their practice. Norse witchcraft often involves rune magic, divination, and honoring the land and ancestors.
Celtic and Druidic-inspired witchcraft is rooted in the traditions of the Celtic-speaking peoples of Europe. These practices involve the worship of Celtic deities, reverence for nature, and an emphasis on connecting with ancient Celtic wisdom.
Modern Druidry is a related spiritual movement that focuses on nature spirituality and the study of Druidic traditions.
Many contemporary witches, particularly feminist witches, focus on the divine feminine and goddess worship. They view the goddess as a symbol of empowerment and reclaim feminine spirituality.
Goddess-centered witchcraft often explores themes of female empowerment, gender equality, and social justice.
Kitchen witchcraft centers on everyday activities such as cooking, gardening, and herbalism. Practitioners believe that these domestic activities can be infused with magical intent and spiritual significance. Kitchen witches often work with herbs, oils, and natural ingredients to create potions, teas, and spells.
The internet has played a significant role in connecting contemporary witches worldwide. Online communities, forums, and social media platforms provide spaces for sharing knowledge, experiences, and resources. Online witchcraft shops and marketplaces offer tools, supplies, and literature to support practitioners.
For Christians, we must be careful of any aspect of thought where we manipulate the supernatural, even under a Christian guise.
We have died to our own desires and wants, and we trust fully in the power and Spirit of God. He is the leader and singular focus, and we walk by his revelation. Modern movements like the faith “name it and claim it” doctrines are similar to witchcraft ideas.
These dangers are why the Bible speaks negatively about witchcraft.
What Bible Verses Address Witchcraft?
The Bible contains several verses that address witchcraft, sorcery, and the practice of magic. These verses take a negative view of such practices, considering them incompatible with the worship of God and often condemning them.
Do not turn to mediums or seek out spiritists, for you will be defiled by them. I am the Lord your God (Leviticus 19:31).
There is a clear contrast between turning to mediums or spiritualists and following God. When we turn to mediums, we are relying upon the wrong power to really change anything, and we become manipulators instead of disciples. Therefore, we become defiled.
If witchcraft isn’t following God, then it calls upon dark and evil spirits that seek to deceive and destroy us. We should avoid those at all costs.
I will set my face against anyone who turns to mediums and spiritists to prostitute themselves by following them, and I will cut them off from their people (Leviticus 20:6).
Connected with the previous Scripture, we are to resist spiritualists since they draw people from God and defile individuals.
For rebellion is like the sin of divination, and arrogance like the evil of idolatry (1 Samuel 15:23).
Here we have an interesting comparison. Divination is using external means to find information about the future, apart from God’s revelation. Divination and rebellion are seen as the same in God’s eyes.
The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity, and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions, and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God (Galatians 5:19-21).
Witchcraft isn’t only spoken against in the Old Testament. Here the Apostle Paul includes witchcraft among a list of sinful behaviors. He emphasizes that those who engage in such practices, along with other sinful behaviors, will not inherit the kingdom of God.
But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars — they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death (Revelation 21:8).
Also in the New Testament, witchcraft is mentioned among other sinful behaviors that will lead to condemnation. Those who practice magic arts are among those consigned to the “fiery lake of burning sulfur.”
These Bible verses collectively convey a negative perspective on witchcraft, sorcery, and related practices. They generally view these activities as contrary to the worship of God, often associating them with idolatry, rebellion, and spiritual impurity.
How Can Christians Today Stay Away from Witchcraft?
Clearly, the practice of manipulating the spiritual realm through witchcraft is completely against the worship of God. For Christians today, how are we to avoid these serious issues?
1. Ground yourself in Scripture. Let’s not be ignorant of what the Scripture says about witchcraft and idolatry. Regularly reading and studying the Scriptures will help you understand God’s will and identify teachings that align with His word.
2. Seek Christian fellowship. Surround yourself with fellow believers who share your commitment to Christian values. Engaging in a supportive Christian community can help strengthen your faith and provide guidance in making righteous choices.
3. Pray for discernment. Prayer is a powerful tool for seeking God’s guidance and discerning His will. Pray for wisdom and discernment of spirits to recognize when we are faced with ungodly ideas and practices.
4. Reject divination and occult practices. Avoid any form of divination, fortune-telling, or occult practices that claim to provide hidden knowledge or power.
Our prayers aren’t magic spells. We are appealing to God for him to work. Our actions and words have power only in obedience to His Spirit, not out of some formulaic system.
5. Be cautious of popular culture. Be mindful of cultural trends and media that promote occult themes or glamorize practices associated with witchcraft. Exercise discernment when choosing books, movies, or entertainment that may challenge your faith.
6. Educate yourself. Take the time to educate yourself about different belief systems and practices, including those related to witchcraft, contrasting them with the Truth of Christ.
Understanding the beliefs and motivations behind such practices can better equip you to recognize and avoid them.
7. Avoid syncretism. Be cautious about blending elements of other belief systems or religions with your Christian faith. Syncretism can dilute your beliefs and lead to spiritual confusion.
8. Seek guidance from church leaders. If you have questions or concerns about specific practices or beliefs, consult with trusted church leaders or spiritual mentors. They can provide guidance and help you navigate challenging spiritual issues.
9. Teach your children. If you are a parent, instill strong Christian values in your children from a young age. Educate them about the dangers of occult practices and the importance of a faith-centered life.
10. Embrace spiritual armor. The devil and his minions are real. Draw upon the spiritual armor described in Ephesians 6:10-18 to protect yourself from spiritual attacks.
Remember that prayer, discernment, and the support of your faith community are invaluable resources in this journey to stay clear of ideas and spiritual forces arrayed against us. Praise God he has already won and invites us to live in a victorious relationship with him.
For further reading:
What Should Christians Know about the Religion of Wicca?
What Is the Meaning and Beliefs of the Occult?
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