How Your Nativity Decorations Are Biblically Inaccurate

Vivian Bricker

Similar to many people, my family had a Nativity scene growing up. There would be Mary, Joseph, baby Jesus, animals, angels, shepherds, and the three Wise Men. Most Nativity decorations are something similar to this.

While this is nice and looks decorative for the holiday, it is not biblical. It is not heresy to have a nativity in your yard for the Christmas holiday; however, it is important to be aware that it is not biblically accurate.

It is good to be aware of this because there are many who oppose the faith, and they will point out this contradiction. Therefore, when we are setting up Nativity scenes or purchasing them, it is best to know what actually happened at the Nativity in order for it to be most biblical.

Even if you choose to keep a regular traditional Nativity, it is good to know the truth behind the nativity. If you are not familiar with the true story of the nativity, read on.

What Happened at the Nativity?

It is important to know what happened at the Nativity in order to know the falsehood behind our own decorations. As mentioned, Nativity scene decorations normally display Mary, Joseph, Jesus, the angels, animals, the three Wise Men, and shepherds.

The truth is that only Mary, Joseph, and Jesus were present at the Nativity. In fact, they would not have even been in a stable. Many scholars argue that Jesus would have been born in a cave.

Even though Jesus deserved to be born into a grand palace, He lowered Himself and took on form as a baby in order to save us from our sins. This is what true humbleness, mercy, and love look like.

Nowhere else do we see this happening in all of history. God Himself descends from heaven in order to save His creation. This is a beautiful thing for us to display for the Christmas season, but it is crucial that we do it right.

While it is understandable that a cave is not glamorous, it is the most likely explanation for where Jesus was born.

Moreover, we have established Jesus was not born in a stable, nor were there so many people present at the birth of the Lord. Many nativity scenes display Jesus as being surrounded by animals and angels.

Neither of these things are told to us in the Bible. Angels are mentioned, but they are mentioned as the ones telling the shepherds in the field that the Messiah had been born. Nowhere does the Bible tell us that the angels were present at the birth of Jesus.

In the same way, many nativity scenes show the three Wise Men as surrounding Jesus and presenting Him with gifts at the time of His birth. This is not accurate for two reasons. For one, the Bible never tells us that there were three Wise Men.

Rather, we are just told that Wise Men came to visit Jesus from the East. The idea that there were three Wise Men developed over time since they presented Jesus with three gifts — frankincense, gold, and myrrh. Despite three gifts being presented, most likely, there would have been many more wisemen.

The second reason for having three Wise Men present at the nativity is because they also are not mentioned as being present at the nativity scene at the time of Jesus’s birth. Instead, we are told that Jesus, Mary, and Joseph were visited by the Wise Men when they were living in a house.

This would have happened many years after Jesus’ birth into the world. It is a beautiful thought to believe so many people and animals were present at Jesus' birth, but it is not true nor is it biblical.

A Biblical Approach to the Nativity

With this being said, it is best to approach the nativity scene in a biblical way. We can do this by setting up a Nativity scene that is true to the Bible. Instead of including the angels, Wise Men, shepherds, and animals — just include Jesus, Mary, and Joseph.

They were the three present at the nativity. The main focus needs to be on Jesus because He is the Savior who was born into the world. Even though Jesus didn't have the welcome into the world that He deserved, it is still beautiful in our eyes.

Try to include a Bible verse with your nativity scene, maybe something that is related to Luke 2:10-11. This will help portray the true meaning behind the nativity scene.

If you have old decorations of a nativity scene that are not accurate, it is okay if you want to keep putting it out, but just be aware that it is not biblically accurate. If you felt up to it, you could be creative and recreate the true nativity with the supplies you already have.

If you already have Mary, Joseph, and Jesus, just put them on display in your front yard. Even though this might not be as glamorous as other people’s Nativities, you can be assured it is biblical and presents the true message of the nativity.

The Lord came into the world as a humble baby. He did not come into the world with special pomp. Rather, He loved us so much that He became like one of us.

This is something that we need to remember throughout the Christmas season, and by setting up our Nativity scene in a biblical way, we will be able to help others see this beautiful truth.

Glorifying God

In everything, we need to remember the truth that we need to glorify God in everything we do, and this includes in our decorations. After we have come to the knowledge that our nativity decorations are not biblical, it can cause us to feel disappointed and crestfallen.

Don't allow yourself to dwell on these feelings. You did not sin against God by setting up a nativity scene that you thought was accurate. However, it is highly possible that you will not feel comfortable setting out the same nativity scene again.

This is when it would be great to be creative and make your own Nativity, as mentioned above. The Lord will see your hard work and appreciate the lengths you go to in order for others to know the truth behind the nativity scene.

There were no angels, shepherds, Wise Men, or animals at the Lord’s birth. These are things that have been added on by tradition, but they are not true.

It could be that all of these extra people were added in order to make the Nativity scene pop. This should not be our end goal as Christians. The true nativity scene is already more than good enough because it shows us Jesus being born into the world to save us from our sins.

Jesus is the main event and He is the One we need to be praising — not special lights, decorations, or brightly colored ornaments. Christmas is all about Jesus, which is why we need to get the nativity right.

Despite years upon years of the nativity being falsely presented, we can make the change today. We do not have to allow the nativity scene to be presented in the wrong way any longer.

Rather, we can start sharing the true story behind the nativity and present the true nativity in our yards. We might get backlash from select individuals, but we should be more concerned about pleasing God than man.

At the end of the day, it is ultimately your decision to set up your nativity in any way you choose; however, it is best to remember that we need to glorify God in everything we do.

For further reading:

4 Hidden Symbols in the Nativity Story You Never Noticed

The Significance of Angelic Echoes and the Nativity

Can the Word ‘Nativity’ Be Found in the Bible?

Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/manaemedia

Vivian Bricker loves Jesus, studying the Word of God, and helping others in their walk with Christ. She has earned a Bachelor of Arts and Master's degree in Christian Ministry with a deep academic emphasis in theology. Her favorite things to do are spending time with her family and friends, reading, and spending time outside. When she is not writing, she is embarking on other adventures.

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