Most Christians place a nativity set in their house somewhere, complete with a wise, older Joseph as the adoptive father of baby Jesus. But how old was Joseph when he married Mary?
Joseph is something of a mystery in the Christmas story. He often gets overlooked in the narrative, simply sitting there as a supporting cast member in the nativity scene. We can understand how Mary garners more attention as Jesus’ mother. Yet Joseph was crucial enough for the plan that God sent an angel to change the man’s mind.
With the minimal information about Joseph in the Gospels, scholars have developed several theories about Joseph’s life. Was he a young man when he got engaged to Mary? An older man?
Let’s explore the Scripture to find some clues about how old Joseph was when he and Mary were married.
Does the Bible Say How Old Joseph Was When He Married Mary?
The Gospels of Matthew and Luke offer different perspectives on the events surrounding the birth of Jesus. Neither explicitly states Joseph’s age at the time of his marriage.
In the Gospel of Matthew, Joseph is introduced as a righteous man betrothed to Mary. In ancient Judaism, “betrothal” was a formal stage akin to engagement but more binding. The Gospel mentions that when Joseph discovered Mary was pregnant, he initially planned to divorce her quietly to spare her public shame. Under Old Testament law, he could either divorce Mary quietly, or the community would host a public event where they stoned her to death for being unfaithful to her fiancee (Deuteronomy 22:21). So, breaking the betrothal would hurt, but at least Mary would be alive.
However, before Joseph could formally break the betrothal, an angel appeared to him in a dream. The angel revealed that the Holy Spirit conceived the child. Joseph chose to proceed with the marriage.
Matthew does not provide a specific age for Joseph, focusing more on the events and Joseph’s response to the angelic message. He emphasizes Joseph’s obedience to the divine directive rather than his age or personal background.
The Gospel of Luke presents a more detailed narrative about Mary’s conception and the events leading up to Jesus’ birth. Luke provides a genealogy of Jesus, tracing his lineage through both Mary and Joseph. While this genealogy offers insights into the familial history of Jesus, it does not specify Joseph’s age at the time of marriage.
Why Doesn’t the Bible Say How Old Joseph Was When He Married Mary?
The silence in the biblical text regarding Joseph’s age has led to various interpretations and speculations among scholars and theologians. Some argue that the absence of age details is intentional, as the primary focus of the Gospels is to convey the significance of Jesus’ birth rather than providing exhaustive details about peripheral characters.
Despite the lack of explicit information about Joseph’s age in the Bible, the narrative underscores his faithfulness, obedience, and role as the earthly father of Jesus. The focus remains on the divine intervention in the lives of Mary and Joseph, emphasizing the miraculous nature of Jesus’ conception and the fulfillment of prophecies.
How Old Was Joseph Most Likely When He Married Mary?
Determining Joseph’s likely age when he married involves considering historical and cultural contexts and interpreting clues within the biblical narrative. Scholars and theologians have explored various perspectives to estimate how old he might have been during this significant event.
Ancient Jewish marriage customs differed from today’s practice. Marrying young was not uncommon. Men often married at a relatively early stage in their lives. Additionally, life expectancy was generally shorter, so marrying younger often made practical sense.
One common assumption is that Joseph may have been a young man when he married Mary. Given the cultural norms, Joseph might have been in his late teens or early twenties. By that age, Joseph would have finished his apprenticeship and established his own business, allowing him to support a family.
Considering the context, Joseph’s response to Mary’s pregnancy indicates maturity and righteousness. Even his initial intention to divorce Mary quietly and avoid public humiliation and death shows he may have felt betrayed but wouldn’t be vindictive. His subsequent obedience to the angelic message in a dream further shows his moral character. While these qualities are not exclusive to any age group, they indicate that if Joseph was a young man, he was not a below-average young man. He was a mature and devout individual.
Other scholars argue that Joseph could have been older, perhaps in his thirties or forties. As discussed later, an age gap between Mary and Joseph would not be unusual for the time. Some scholars, particularly Roman Catholic scholars, support the idea Joseph was older because it means he could have been a widower with children from a previous marriage. Joseph having several children already would explain why the New Testament refers to Jesus having brothers and sisters (). However, this perspective relies more on conjecture than direct support from the biblical text. It also owes a lot to traditions that emphasize Mary’s virginity to the point they argue she never had children other than Jesus.
In the end, estimating Joseph’s likely age when he married Mary involves a degree of imagination and inference. While rich in spiritual and theological content, the Gospels do not provide a comprehensive biography of Joseph. Many aspects of his life are open to interpretation.
How Much Older Was Joseph than Mary?
One common assumption is that Joseph was likely older than Mary. In ancient Jewish culture, marriages were often arranged, and age differences between spouses were not uncommon. Men were customarily older than their brides for several reasons.
First, older men were often considered more established and capable of providing for a family. May’s family may have seen an older, more financially secure man as the best option to provide for their daughter.
Second, life expectancy was starkly different for women than for men. Many women died younger than most men, particularly from childbirth. Since having a legacy (many grandchildren to care for the older generation) mattered deeply in ancient cultures, the cultures often expected women to marry young to have the best chance of having many children. Therefore, while Joseph might have been in his twenties or thirties, most scholars guess Mary was in her early or late teens.
However, these are general estimations. The lack of specific information in the biblical text makes it challenging to pinpoint their ages accurately.
Cultural and historical contexts further complicate efforts to gauge the age difference. In ancient times, societal expectations and marriage customs varied widely. While some cultures emphasized age similarities between spouses, others saw age differences as a norm. Jewish traditions might have accepted a notable age gap between Mary and Joseph without considering it unusual.
Despite the lack of explicit information, exploring the potential age difference between Joseph and Mary adds layers to the narrative. Some scholars argue that an older Joseph may have brought a sense of stability and guidance to the family. He would have played a protective role in Mary and Jesus’ lives—important, particularly if Nazareth had gossiped about Mary’s pregnancy before they left for Bethlehem. Returning to Nazareth from Egypt may have been awkward if Joseph wasn’t an established figure who could silence the gossip.
How Old Was Joseph When Jesus Began His Ministry?
The Bible remains silent about Joseph’s age when Jesus began his ministry. The Gospels Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John primarily focus on the life, teachings, and events surrounding Jesus. They don’t provide comprehensive details about his immediate family.
The absence of any mention of Joseph during Jesus’ ministry has led scholars and theologians to infer that Joseph likely passed away before this period. One key piece of evidence supporting the claim that Joseph had died comes from the Gospel of John. While on the cross, Jesus entrusted his mother Mary’s care to the disciple he loved.
In John 19:26-27, it is written: “When Jesus saw his mother there, and the disciple whom he loved standing nearby, he said to her, ‘Woman, here is your son,’ and to the disciple, ‘Here is your mother.’ From that time on, this disciple took her into his home.” (NIV)
This exchange between Jesus and the beloved disciple strongly implies that Joseph, who traditionally would have been responsible for Mary’s care, was no longer alive. Otherwise, it would be expected that Jesus would entrust the care of his mother to her husband rather than a disciple.
If we take an age of around 16 for Mary when Jesus was born, Jesus died at 33, which means Mary would have been around 49 when Jesus died.
While the Gospels mention Joseph in Jesus’ early life, the narrative becomes noticeably silent about him as Jesus grows older and embarks on his ministry. Given the life expectancy of the time, it’s plausible to infer that Joseph might have died between Jesus’ childhood and the commencement of his public ministry. Scholars estimate Jesus was 30 when he started his ministry. So, a father in his thirties or forties when Jesus was born would have been in his sixties or seventies when Jesus started preaching. Even with today’s modern medicine, it’s not unusual for people to die around this time. On the other hand, a young father could easily die in his fifties: illness and harsh living conditions made premature death common in ancient times.
We could surmise the possibility he left or divorced Mary, but the Bible calling Joseph a righteous and compassionate man make that possibility unlikely.
While the Bible does not offer a precise answer to Joseph’s age when Jesus began his ministry, the indirect evidence suggests that Joseph likely passed away before this period in Jesus’ life.
Regardless of his age, Joseph’s part of the Christmas story teaches us important lessons on how to be compassionate and obedient to the plan of God.
Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/Boonyachoat
This article is part of our larger Christmas and Advent resource library centered around the events leading up to the birth of Jesus Christ. We hope these articles help you understand the meaning and story behind important Christian holidays and dates and encourage you as you take time to reflect on all that God has done for us through His Son, Jesus Christ!
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