Lent is traditionally known to be 40 days in duration; however, Lent is technically 46 days in total when you add in each Sunday. The purpose of Lent is supposed to resemble the 40 day and 40-night fast of Jesus in the desert (Matthew 4:1-11).
Christians today honor Lent by fasting from something for 40 days in order to better focus on God. Some people fast from food; however, it is best to choose something else to fast from, such as social media or television.
For many people, fasting from food can cause life-threatening situations such as diabetes or those with a past of eating disorders. The duration of Lent can be hard to distinguish at times; however, this article will be able to help clear up any misunderstandings.
How Long is Lent?
The duration and exact length of days are dependent upon the denomination to which you belong. As previously mentioned, Lent is normally celebrated for 40 days; however, the exact length of Lent is 46 days if you factor in each Sunday of the week.
Some denominations keep the extra Sundays in; however, others do not include the extra Sundays. This explains why Lent can either be 40 or 46 days depending on the Christian denomination that you belong to.
Whether you celebrate Lent for 40 days or 46 days, in the overall spectrum of things, it doesn’t matter. What does matter is that you are honoring God through the duration of Lent. Originally, the duration of a 40-day fast was to resemble Jesus, which was instituted by the Council of Nicaea.
The beginning of Lent occurs on Ash Wednesday. Lent will continue until the Thursday before Easter, commonly known among Christians as Holy Thursday.
In the modern-day, individuals can still fast from food; however, it would be more beneficial to fast from something else in your life that is causing you to lose focus on Christ.
Fasting or Giving Up Something for Lent
You can pick anything to fast from for the days of Lent. Whether you choose to fast from social media, alcohol, or arguing, it is entirely up to you. Choose something that you know takes up a considerable amount of your time and replace it with praying to God and reading the Bible.
While 40 days or 46 days is a long time to fast from anything, it will get easier over time. The first 48 hours may be difficult, but normally by the third day, it will get easier to fast from something, such as social media or television.
Even though the early church would have fasted from food for the duration of Lent, it is not recommended to fast from food and water for that duration of time. It can be quite dangerous to your mental and physical well-being.
If you want to choose to fast from a specific food, that could be plausible because you are not completely cutting out all forms of food. Maybe you could choose to fast from meat or sugar. A meat fast or a sugar fast could be safe as long as it would not affect your overall mental and physical health.
If you are beginning a fast for Lent and it consists of fasting from a specific food or even if you decide you are mentally and physically able to fast for 40 days, if you start to feel poor during Lent, you will not be a quitter if you have to stop the fast.
If you ever start to feel extremely lightheaded or feel you are going to pass out, you need to eat or drink something. Jesus’ fast was a divine fast, which means He was able to fast from food and water all the while at the same time being tested by the devil and still resisting Satan’s temptations.
Jesus was able to do this because He is God in the flesh. A mere man could not have done what Jesus did and survive, although he did feel and suffer the same effects as a human. We need to take this into mind when we are choosing to fast from something this Lent season.
While fasting from food has become traditional, there are many other things you can fast from for the days of Lent. Giving up meat for the days of Lent can be difficult for some; however, there are many vegetarian and vegan alternatives to meat.
In the same way, if a person is deciding to give up sugar for Lent, they could buy sugar alternatives or no-sugar sweeteners. The big thing to remember is that Lent is not a “diet,” or a way to appear more religious than someone else.
Whether your church denomination chooses to adhere to the 40-day fast or the 46-day fast, your heart needs to be in the right place. God sees your heart and He knows the motives of your heart. He knows if you are doing something out of a selfish reason or out of a selfless reason.
As Christians, we need to make sure we are participating in Lent for the right reasons. The duration of Lent is anywhere between 40 days to 46 days depending on your denomination; however, it is up to you as to how you are going to utilize these days of Lent.
Choosing something that distracts you from God to give up during Lent is a good idea. Social media, television, and obsessing over ourselves are just a few ways of how we get distracted from God.
Lent Practices
Beyond fasting, Lent also emphasizes almsgiving, which involves donating money, goods, or time to those in need. Almsgiving during Lent is more than just a financial or material contribution—it is an act of love and solidarity with those who are struggling. Many believers take this opportunity to donate to food banks, homeless shelters, or international relief organizations, ensuring that those in need receive essential resources.
Others choose to set aside a portion of their income each week, redirecting it to local charities or church initiatives that assist the poor. This practice is deeply rooted in the Christian call to serve others, reflecting Jesus’ teachings about caring for the marginalized and demonstrating compassion to the less fortunate. By willingly sharing one’s blessings, individuals not only provide for others but also cultivate a spirit of gratitude and humility in their own lives.
Beyond monetary donations, Lent is also a time for hands-on acts of charity, such as volunteering at soup kitchens, visiting nursing homes, or offering support to those experiencing hardship. Many churches organize community service projects during this season, encouraging believers to actively engage in helping others.
Small gestures, such as writing letters to the elderly, mentoring a struggling student, or simply lending an empathetic ear to someone in distress, can have a profound impact. These acts of kindness reinforce the Lenten spirit of selflessness, reminding individuals that true sacrifice is not just about giving up comforts but also about giving of oneself. By prioritizing the needs of others, Lent becomes a time of spiritual renewal, fostering a deeper connection with God and a greater commitment to living out the values of faith, love, and compassion.
Why Does This Matter?
Fasting from one of these ways can help us better focus on God not only during Lent but also for the rest of our lives. During the days of Lent, challenge yourself to grow deeper in your relationship with God.
Add in extra time for Bible reading or Bible study to your daily schedule. Be sure to also add in extra time to pray and talk to God. He is always ready to hear from you — not only during the days of Lent but during every day of the year.
Whether you honor Lent to be 40 days or 46 days, make the intentional decision that you will serve God and focus on Him truly.
Make sure also that you do not fast from something just to appear more religious than someone else. Check your heart motives and make sure they are in the right place before you embark on Lent this year.
For further reading:
Why Did Jesus Fast for So Long?
What Should I Give Up for Lent This Year?
Photo Credit: ©iStock/Getty Images Plus/nambitomo
Learn more about the meaning and significance behind the Easter holiday and Holy Week celebrations:
What is Lent? and When Does Lent Start?
What is Ash Wednesday? and When is Ash Wednesday?
What is Palm Sunday?
What is Maundy Thursday?
What is Good Friday? and When is Good Friday?
What is Holy Saturday?
What is Easter? and When is Easter Sunday?
Easter Bible Verses
The Resurrection of Jesus
Easter Prayers