From joy in celebrating the birth of Christ to remembering His death on the cross and rising from the grave to local and national holidays, personal milestones, and more, there are many days of remembrance filled with special meaning. Why should Christians celebrate Pastor Appreciation Month?
When Is Pastor Appreciation Month?
Pastor Appreciation Day better is celebrated on the second Sunday in October. The entire month of October is Clergy Appreciation Month (alternately called Pastor Appreciation Month). During the month, pastors, reverends, ministers, and other spiritual leaders are recognized for their service to the ministry.
Focus on the Family began celebrating Pastor Appreciation Month in 1994. The organization encouraged everyone to show their regard and respect for leaders in the church. Pastors are recognized for their contributions, such as time, talents, and the other gifts God has given them.
Although celebrations for pastors began in the 1990s, there is an earlier precedent. In biblical times, the Apostle Paul spoke about honoring and respecting leaders in the church while he was establishing churches.
“The elders who direct the affairs of the church well are worthy of double honor, especially those whose work is preaching and teaching.” (1 Timothy 5:17 NIV)
Why Do We Have Pastor Appreciation Month?
Every person who serves in the church knows there are joyful and sorrowful times. A congregation relies on spiritual leaders for wisdom, discernment, and revelation. Parishioners and strangers contact the church to find answers, seek guidance, and share joys and concerns with pastors and other leaders.
Pastors are called to minister to the sick and dying, counsel people in difficult situations, preside over funerals, share messages in worship that encourage, teach God’s Word, and be a reliable support when needed. Some pastors are contacted at all hours of the day and night. A call or text to the pastor may bring peace and comfort when assistance is needed.
As church members, we can show the love of God by caring for the church’s leaders. We are not called to worship those people, but we can show respect for them.
“Now we ask you, brothers and sisters, to acknowledge those who work hard among you, who care for you in the Lord and who admonish you.” (1 Thessalonians 5:12 NIV)
Families of pastors need to be appreciated. Those families are often in the spotlight and under scrutiny as the congregation watches their actions and responses to events in the church and the world. Although we are not supposed to judge others, there are times when pastors and their families are judged for their behavior.
In some churches, a pastor nominating committee meets to choose a new leader for the congregation. Numerous applicants apply for the position and go through tedious interviews in hopes of being called to a particular church. The families are sometimes interviewed in hopes of learning more about the applicant.
Continuing education is important for pastors to keep learning and sharing the message of God. Support groups enable pastors to share concerns and joys with other clergy. Some pastors teach Sunday School classes and lead book clubs. Being called as a pastor involves more than just having a title.
How to Celebrate Pastors During Pastor Appreciation Month
Celebrating pastors may come in a variety of ways. Personal messages are spoken face-to-face, and phone calls, texts, cards, letters, and more, are avenues for showing how much pastors are valued and respected.
Sometimes children’s Sunday School classes create cards and drawings to show love and thanksgiving.
Have you ever heard a sermon and wondered how the pastor knew that was what you needed to hear that day? They may not have known your circumstances, but God knew. Did you pause after service and tell the pastor your thoughts about the message?
Have you shared a conversation with a pastor and felt uplifted and encouraged by their words?
Perhaps you have faced a difficult situation or medical diagnosis and asked for prayer and comfort. These special people are equipped to share the love of God.
A pastor’s salary is sometimes below the national employment pay average. Therefore, tangible ways like helping with meals, gasoline, and childcare benefit the family. Offers to babysit, wash the car, mow the lawn, and pray for the individual and their family, are special ways to show gratitude.
Some churches begin the special recognition month with a meal after service. Other churches organize a fund to assist the pastor and their family. Others offer to answer the phone and take messages.
From simple things to more elaborate ways, letting a pastor know they are cared for and respected can uplift and encourage everyone.
Congregations need to recognize that pastors need rest and renewal, too. Some pastors choose a sabbatical to have quiet time with God and other clergy, to refresh and be ready to serve the people.
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28 NIV)
10 Prayers for Pastor Appreciation Month
One of the most powerful ways to serve pastors is to pray for them and their families. God hears our prayers, and He will answer.
1. Father, thank You for calling our pastor to serve the church. Help us to remember to show love, compassion, and patience. In the name of Jesus, Amen.
2. Dear God, thank You for the pastor nominating committee. Guide us as we continue to learn about the new pastor. Guide us to be a welcoming congregation. Amen.
3. Heavenly Father, our pastor is overwhelmed with the to-do list every day. Help us to remember that time with their family is vital to an honest connection with the congregation. Thank You. In the name of Jesus, Amen.
4. Lord, thank You for bringing a new pastor to the congregation. Please help us to welcome the pastor and family and to make them feel comfortable and secure in their new church home. Amen.
5. Abba Father, Your love and mercy are never-ending. We give thanks to our pastor. We ask You to cover them and their family with the love, comfort, and peace only You can provide. Amen.
6. Father, help us to remember to thank our pastors for their dedication to the church and for sharing Your love and glory with others. Amen.
7. Lord, we thank You for our pastor. Help us to remember that our pastor is a human and has sins and faults. Guide us to the path of forgiveness and love as we forgive as You forgive. In the name of Your Son Jesus, Amen.
8. God, thank You for equipping people to serve You. We give thanks for pastors who share Your Word and dedicate their lives to You. Amen.
9. Lord God, although a separate month has been set aside for appreciating pastors, please help us to remember to acknowledge their efforts all year and not just one special day. Give us the words to uplift and encourage. Thank You. Amen.
10. Father, thank you to the pastors and their families. Help us to learn from their example. Amen.
Let your pastor know you appreciate them. Pastors experience good days and bad days. Spiritual leaders need to be acknowledged and, at times, helped.
“He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” (Micah 6:8 NIV)
Melissa Henderson
Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/Boonchai Wedmakawand
Melissa is the author of Licky the Lizard and Grumpy the Gator. Her passions are helping in the community and church. Melissa is an Elder, Deacon, and Stephen Minister.
Follow Melissa on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and at http://www.melissaghenderson.