Advent calendars are special calendars leading up to Christmas. In these special calendars, we open a door or a flap each day to find a surprise. There are many different types of Advent calendars out there. With the variety of Advent calendars, it can make us wonder if the Advent calendars are distracting from their true meaning.
The True Meaning of Advent Calendars
The true meaning of Advent calendars is to count down the days to the birth of Christ. The first coming of Christ is known as the advent of Christ to the world. Upon Jesus’ advent to the earth, He came as a baby to enlighten the dark world.
The Lord grew up and became the Savior of mankind. During Jesus’ earthly life, He was still fully God and fully man. This is known as the hypostatic union within theology.
By Jesus being fully man and fully God at the same time, He was able to save us from our sins. He died for us on the cross in order for us to be able to have salvation.
The Lord tells us, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him” (John 3:16-17).
The original advent of Christ happened in order for Jesus to complete the work the Father had given Him.
This is the true meaning of Advent calendars — to count down the days leading up to the anniversary of the birth of Christ. Even though this is the true meaning behind Advent calendars, many of us forget this because of all of the different varieties of Advent calendars.
Growing up, my mother used to purchase an Advent calendar each year. As a child, I was easily distracted by all of the glitz and glimmer of the calendar instead of focusing on celebrating the upcoming anniversary of the Lord’s birth. Maybe this has happened to you too.
While it is more common for us to become distracted by the variety of Advent calendars during childhood, we can still become distracted by the variety as adults.
We may become more focused on selecting the “right” or “our favorite” Advent calendars that we overlook the true meaning of the Advent calendar.
The ultimate answer to this question comes down to each of us personally. For many of us, the variety of Advent calendars can distract us from their true meaning including myself. However, for many individuals, the variety of Advent calendars may not distract them from their true meaning.
Ultimately, this all goes down to our hearts and through personal prayer with the Lord. There are many varieties of Advent calendars out there, including LEGO Advent calendars, chocolate Advent calendars, and other Advent calendars filled with toys or other gifts.
It is important to remember that if we use any Advent calendar, we need to remember its true meaning. The Advent calendar is to point us in the direction of Christ and to celebrate the days leading up to the anniversary of Jesus’ birth.
As previously mentioned, my family used to have an Advent calendar each year when we were children. I vividly remember a LEGO Advent calendar that we had when I was around seven or eight years old. Instead of focusing on the true meaning of advent, I was more focused on seeing what LEGO toy would be behind each of the numbered doors.
Whether someone explained the true meaning of the Advent calendar to me or not, I don’t remember, but I remember vividly being excited to open the door to see the toy. From my own personal experience as a child, I am aware that Advent calendars can distract us from the true meaning of advent.
This is true not only for the Advent calendar but also for most parts of Christmas today. Instead of celebrating it as a holiday of the anniversary of our Savior’s birth, we have turned it into a holiday of materialism.
The Reason for the Season
While we should be rejoicing in the season simply because we are reminded of the Lord’s birth, we instead focus on all the shopping that has to be done, the cooking that has to be done, and the events that have to be planned.
In this way, we are losing sight of the true meaning of Christmas in many ways, including Advent calendars.
I’m not saying we should completely throw out Advent calendars because I’m not. Instead, we need to exercise our own free will and personally decide in our hearts if the variety of Advent calendars distracts us from God.
Different people will come to different conclusions concerning this matter. In these types of questions, there is truly no right or wrong answer. It all comes down to the Lord and us. There are a variety of Advent calendars, but it does not mean that everyone will be distracted from their true meaning.
Personally, I know I have been distracted by the variety of Advent calendars in the past, yet if I bought one as an adult, it might be different. As children, we are prone to be fascinated with the materialism and the “wants” of Christmas instead of its true meaning.
Advent calendars can be wonderful reminders of the birth of Christ into the world. Within the days leading up to Christmas, we can reflect on how we are one more day closer to the anniversary of Jesus’ birth.
The original Advent calendars were created to cause excitement and anticipation to celebrate the anniversary of Jesus’ advent to the earth.
The first advent of Christ happened over 2,000 years ago, yet Jesus will return a second time. While we mainly focus on the first advent of Christ, He will return a second time to destroy His enemies.
During Jesus’ second coming to the earth, many events of eschatology would have already been fulfilled, and we will be looking forward to the New Heaven and New Earth (Revelation 21). The first advent of Christ changed history, and His second advent will once again change the world.
Thus, even though the variety of Advent calendars can distract us from its true meaning, it doesn’t have to. It all comes down to the individual person.
While many of us will find the variety of Advent calendars to be distracting, others may not find it distracting at all. The important thing is to remember that we shouldn’t judge a person if they use an Advent calendar, nor should we judge someone if they don’t use an Advent calendar.
Why Does This Matter?
The important thing to remember at the end of the day is our hearts’ position and the importance of focusing on celebrating the anniversary of the Lord’s birth into the world. Jesus’ birth is what Christmas is all about — not toys, gifts, or fancy feasts.
The reason for the season is truly Jesus. The Advent calendar can help keep our focus on the Lord during the holiday season if we intentionally celebrate each day to the glory of God.
There is nothing wrong with an Advent calendar because it was created to cause excitement to fill our hearts in anticipation of our Savior. If you choose to use an Advent calendar or not this year is ultimately up to you and God.
For further reading:
How the Four Candles of Advent Prepare Us for the Holiday Season
What Is the Origin of Beloved Christmas Traditions?
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