Christmas is less than a month away, and it is during these times that we need to focus on Jesus. Despite Christmas being all about Jesus, mainstream culture has radically made Christmas a materialistic holiday.
Not only has the world turned Christmas into a materialistic holiday, it has also turned Christmas into a stressful holiday for many individuals. Christmas is not all about gifts nor is it about who can host the best family Christmas event.
Rather, Christmas is about focusing on Jesus. With all of the preparations and anxieties that can surround the Christmas season, many of us need help staying focused on Jesus. If you are someone who needs help staying focused on Jesus this year, know you are not alone.
Many of us struggle to stay focused on Jesus during the Christmas season because of everything that is expected of us during this time of year. Here are five ways to stay focused on Jesus this Christmas.
1. Be Active in Bible Reading
One way to stay focused on Jesus this Christmas is to be active in Bible Reading. Admittedly, I have often fallen out of the practice of reading my Bible during the holiday season because there are so many things to get done. Rather than this giving me more time, it only impairs my relationship with the Lord.
Maybe you have also felt this when you are away from the Lord and have neglected to read your Bible regularly. The Bible is the main way God communicates with us in the modern day; therefore, if we neglect reading the Bible, we will be neglecting hearing from Him.
Instead of continuing to neglect your Bible reading, try your best to keep active in reading your Bible daily during the Christmas season. By reading the Bible every day, you will be able to stay focused on Jesus.
The entire Bible points to the Lord, His coming, and His Second Coming. Through reading the Bible, you will keep the Lord always at the front of your mind. Even when times get difficult and the holiday season becomes overwhelming, you will still be able to focus on Jesus amidst the chaos.
2. Share the Gospel
A second way to stay focused on Jesus this Christmas is to share the gospel. It is true that we should be active in sharing the gospel year-round; however, most of us find it hard to do, including myself.
I have found it very difficult to share the gospel due to my fear of talking to people and social anxiety.
If you also struggle with sharing the gospel, the Christmas season could be a great time to start since Christmas is all about the Lord. You will not only be sharing the gospel, you will also be keeping your mind focused on Jesus.
It is impossible to share the gospel without having your mind focused on the Lord. When you are sharing the gospel, share your testimony as well. Going back to the time you placed faith in Jesus will help you set your mind on Jesus even more.
The Christmas season is the time to share the gospel because you can start the conversation by just asking if the person knows the true meaning of Christmas. If they don't, you have the perfect opener of sharing the gospel with them.
The gospel is beautiful and has the power to bring others together in unity. This is what the Lord wants. He does not want us to be angry towards each other, nor does He want us to be focused on futile things that amount to nothing, such as who bought the best holiday gift.
Instead, Jesus wants us to focus on Him and extend His love to others. The Lord’s love is ever-abounding and never ceases.
3. Host a Bible Study
A third way to stay focused on Jesus this Christmas is to host a Bible study. This will not be just any Bible study. Rather, this Bible study would be focused on how you have seen God working in your life over the course of the past year.
Not many of us think of this question until we are presented with it. It is a question that can truly bring our hearts back to Jesus, and when we answer this question in a Bible study environment, we will also be encouraged by the answers of others present at the Bible study.
This is a great way that we can reset our minds to focus on the Lord during the hectic holiday season. As you are reflecting on what the Lord has done this year, give Him thanks.
There have been many great things to happen to you this year, and even if there have been more struggles than victories, you can praise God for those as well.
God works all things out for our good, even the things that we would consider difficult, tiring, and hard (Romans 8:28). As we reflect on how He has worked in our lives, we keep our minds focused on Him.
4. Invest in Quality Time with the Lord
A fourth way to stay focused on Jesus this Christmas is to invest in quality time with the Lord. We all know the importance of spending quality time with our loved ones, but how are we doing that with God?
If we are rushing around buying presents, wrapping presents, and checking our bank accounts, we are not going to have much time to spend with the Lord. By not spending time with the Lord, we will quickly come to the conclusion that our minds are not focused on Him.
This is exactly what the devil wants. He wants us to take our eyes off Jesus and to focus on all the problems rather than the beauty of Christ. Instead of giving the devil satisfaction, turn away from him. Choose to invest in quality time with the Lord.
You can do this by talking with the Lord in prayer and telling Him about how you are really doing. No feeling or emotion is too big for God. He loves you, and He is always ready to hear the prayers of His children.
5. Don't Be Afraid to Go to God with Difficult Feelings
A fifth way to stay focused on Jesus this Christmas is not to be afraid to go to God with difficult feelings. Similar to the point above, it is important that we are not afraid to go to God with our hard feelings.
Going to God with our difficult feelings will help us stay focused on Him better. Just as we are focused on the person we are talking to when we are with someone physically, we will be focused on Jesus when we are talking with Him in prayer.
The holiday season can be draining for many of us and can bring up many bad memories. Bring all these concerns to God. Choose to focus on Him and stay focused on Him despite the whirlwind around you.
For those of us who are in stressful family situations, we might need to talk with God even more because we need His help with these hard feelings. Understand that the Lord knows how you are feeling, and you do not have to hide these feelings from Him.
Other people in our lives can plant the idea that our feelings don't matter and that our difficult feelings need to be eradicated right away. God does not work like this. Even though He can take away the pain, He chooses to sit with us through it instead.
Through this, He is able to help us grow as well as cultivate our character. It also helps us to stay focused on Jesus because we know that no matter what happens, the Lord is there with us, and He is not going anywhere.
For further reading:
5 Ways to Stay Focused on Jesus This Christmas
5 Creative Ways to Prepare Your Heart for Christmas
3 Ways to Keep Jesus at the Center of Your Christmas This Year
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