In A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens, Scrooge experiences a change of heart and starts living with a spirit of charity.
Although I have argued in a previous article that the story of Scrooge does not clearly show him placing faith in Christ, the novella does leave the reader with a sense of excitement about showing generosity to others during Christmas. We walk away from the story with a desire to spread good cheer and joy to others.
The same is true of other literary works geared toward the holidays. “The Gift of the Magi” by O. Henry highlights sacrificial love that reminds us of the love of Christ.
Likewise, Louisa May Alcott’s short story “Tilly’s Christmas” shows readers the importance of loving their neighbor as themselves. Stories like these help us remember the spirit of the season and the need to show kindness and Christlike love to others.
Christmas should be a time when believers share the hope of Christ with others. However, we can get distracted with all the busyness of the holidays that sometimes we forget about those who are suffering and hopeless.
In the middle of hectic activities, how can we slow down and deliberately remember those in need during this time of year?
1. Remember the Reason for Christmas
Lots of us can get carried away in the whirlwind of presents and parties, forgetting what the Christmas season is all about.
The true meaning behind the holiday is that Jesus, God the Son, entered the world and became human: God with us. Our loving Lord came to save us from our sins.
The remedy to commercialization and materialism during the holidays is to remember the undeserved riches that the Lord has lavished on us. We have received such a wonderful gift and will want to share it with others.
Remembering the true meaning of Christmas changes our perspective of the holiday. While we can still enjoy the festive celebrations and gifts, we will find ourselves wanting to share the love of Christ with others.
As we take the time to reorient our focus on Christ by reading the gospels and Messianic prophecies, we will see Jesus’ heart for those who are spiritually and physically impoverished.
He came to seek and save the lost, as well as to minister to the poor, sick, and oppressed (Luke 19:10; see also Isaiah 61:1 and Luke 4:18).
Deliberately turning our eyes to Jesus, we will develop a heart for what He cares about and remember those in need locally and globally.
2. Include Generosity in Your Celebrations
As we go about our holiday celebrations, we can find ways to add generosity to our days. These acts do not have to be extravagant or complex. Truly, small acts done in love can make an impact.
We do not have to look far to find ways to show Christ’s love to those in need. There are lots of people in our neighborhoods and cities who are struggling spiritually and physically.
Also, if we extend our scope, we will discover a variety of ways to help those in other parts of the world while still being attentive to needs that are closer to home. The important thing is to be aware of needs and to meet them in a Christ-honoring way.
So, what are some ways you can do this? To start, consider a few of these ideas:
- Shop with your family, friends, or church group to buy presents for kids in need.
- Make a Christmas care kit for a widowed or shut-in elderly neighbor.
- Present them with the gift and take time to have a conversation with him or her.
- Purchase extra groceries and donate them to a local food bank or ministry.
- Volunteer at a soup kitchen, nursing home, shelter, or local ministry.
If you have a creative talent, such as the ability to sing or play an instrument, consider sharing your skills. For example, you could offer to perform for a nursing home or soup kitchen.
Give the gift of generosity by presenting loved ones with a charity gift card or donating in their honor.
Brainstorming ways to include generosity in your celebrations can be a fun task. However, do not forget about the blessing that is found in spontaneous, heartfelt giving of yourself and resources. Be open to the guidance of the Spirit in what He places on your heart to do (2 Corinthians 9:7).
3. Lift Others in Prayer
Another way to remember those in need during the holidays is to intentionally pray for them. Sometimes, we may assume that prayer is not as impactful as our actions, but our intercession for others is important. As Scripture teaches, “The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective” (James 5:16).
During the holiday season, we can commit to praying for those in need in our local communities and around the world. We can do so by making a list of people we know who are struggling or taking note of local and worldwide ministries that serve those in need.
Each day, we will pray for these individuals and organizations. As we lift them in prayer, we should remember to intercede about physical, emotional, and spiritual needs.
Since lots of us are prone to forget some people we intend to pray for while talking to God, we should keep the list in a place where we can see it daily.
To give an even stronger reminder, a person could get creative and incorporate the list into a decoration or write down each name on a Christmas card and display it in a visible place in their house.
Regardless of how a person will approach praying for those in need, the main thing is to be intentional. This is not just a box to check off from a large list of things to do this Christmas season.
Interceding for people who are struggling, poor, or suffering is a worthy investment of our time and a way to love others.
4. Cultivate Love for Your Neighbor on Christmas and Throughout the Year
Often, during the holidays, people make an increased effort to give to the poor or volunteer. We receive requests over email or through the mail encouraging us to give from our resources to bless others. Charitable acts add to the spirit of the season.
There are countless ways for us to impact the lives of others during the holidays. However, we should not limit our acts of service to the Christmas season.
Scripture encourages us to help the poor (Proverbs 14:31; 19:17), care for orphans and widows (James 1:27), and seek justice (Micah 6:8). These instructions do not come with a time limit and are not restricted to certain days or seasons.
People are always struggling with physical and spiritual needs. Thus, we should be diligent in serving those in need year-round, seeking to love our neighbor as ourselves. In doing so, we will bring glory to God and testify to Christ’s love.
Let us remember those in need at Christmas and all year long. By doing so, we will, like Ebenezer Scrooge from A Christmas Carol, honor Christmas in our hearts and keep it all year.
For further reading:
7 Ways Christians Can Keep Christmas Visitors
7 Things to Do for Those Spending Christmas Alone
Should Christians Really Celebrate Christmas?
Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/Anna Ostanina