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Will I Go to Hell if I Lust?

Lust is a sin, but it in and of itself will not send us to hell. The only thing that will send us to hell is if we fail to place faith in Christ during our lives. The Lord loves you, and He will help you with all of your struggles, including lust.

Contributing Writer
Published Oct 27, 2022
Will I Go to Hell if I Lust?

The question “will I go to hell if I lust?” is a common question for many individuals across the globe. With erroneous beliefs floating around the world, it is not surprising to discover that many individuals believe they will go to hell if they lust. If you have wondered if you will go to hell if you lust, this article is for you.

The Reality of Hell

Hell is a real place, and many individuals will go there. Despite the teachings of pop culture, a person would not go to hell if they were “a bad person.”

The Bible tells us we are all bad people. We all fall short of the glory of God because we all sin (Romans 3:23). There are no “perfect” people because all of us are sinners.

Therefore, within the confines of lust, many of us believe that we will go to hell if we lust. Lust is a sin, but it in and of itself will not send us to hell. The only thing that will send us to hell is if we fail to place faith in Christ during our life.

The only way to salvation and eternity with God is to place faith in Jesus by believing that He died for your sins, was buried, and rose again (Romans 10; 1 Corinthians 15:1-4). If you believe this, you are eternally saved.

A person cannot be saved apart from placing faith in Christ. Just as there was nothing we could do to earn salvation, there is nothing we can do to lose salvation. Once you have accepted Christ, the Holy Spirit permanently lives inside the believer, and He will never leave.

Thus, if you lust, you will not go to hell. Lust is wrong, and it is a sin, but it will not send you to hell. Lusting is a common sin in this day and age, yet if you struggle with this sin, there are many things you can do to help in your battle against the sinful flesh.

It can be hard to stop the practice of lust, yet it is completely possible with God’s help. The Lord doesn’t want us to lust as the Bible tells us, “For everything in the world — the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life — comes not from the Father but from the world” (1 John 2:16).

As this Bible passage tells us, lust comes from the world. As Christians, we know the world is under the control of the devil, and the devil is known as the “god” of this world (2 Corinthians 4:4).

Since Satan is the “god” of this world, we can know for certain that it is filled with sin and temptations, such as lust.

A quick look at Hollywood can attest to the emphasis on lust, especially aimed at women. Thus, lust is all around us, yet we can fight against this temptation with the help of God.

Leaving Lust Behind

Jesus gives clear instructions on lust, “But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart” (Matthew 5:28).

From this passage of Scripture, we are told by the Lord that if we simply look at someone lustfully, we have already committed adultery in our hearts.

Instead of giving in to temptation, we need to be intentional about going against the flesh. Each time we are tempted to lust, we need to turn to the Lord in prayer. We should ask Him to help us in our struggles. He will help us if we ask Him.

God answers our prayers in accordance with His will; therefore, by praying for God to help us in our struggle with lust, He will help us.

In addition to praying and asking for God's help, we need to also be actively reading our Bible to hear from God. As nice as it would be for God to speak to us through prophets or from a loud voice in the sky, these things don't happen today.

Instead, the Lord speaks to us through His Word — the Bible. The Bible can help us understand what God is trying to tell us. The Holy Spirit inside of us can help convict us and point out important aspects to relate to our daily life.

God doesn't want us to lust after others. His Word gives all the information we need to know about lust, the dangers of lust, and the outcomes of lust.

While lust alone will not send you to hell, it is still a sin, and it has consequences. God forgives us when we ask for His forgiveness, but we still have to live with the consequences of our actions.

As an example, an individual who struggles with lust could put a strain on their marriage, their children, and their relationship with God.

All sin, including lust, will impair our walk with God. When we are walking in a way consistent with sin, it causes us to distance ourselves from the One who loves us more than anyone else, the Lord.

Lusting after another man or woman can strain a marriage and even result in divorce. Lust can quickly turn into action, such as cheating and infidelity. If you personally struggle, weigh the consequences and the costs of continuing to live in lust.

If you continue to live a life of lust, it could result in the end of your marriage or your relationship. Most individuals who are cheated on are not willing to open their hearts again to the one who broke it.

If you are married or are in a serious relationship, ask God to help you in your struggle and do everything you can to remove yourself from any situations that could cause you to lust after someone else.

You can even ask a friend or your spouse to be your accountability partner. Make sure you choose someone you trust to be your accountability partner and someone who will not give you “passes” or “free days.”

Lust is extremely dangerous for all individuals, whether married or not. As believers, we need to follow Jesus' instructions to not lust and ask God to help create a pure heart within us.

The Truth

Lust will not send you to hell, just as any sin will not send you to hell. Only not accepting Jesus as your Savior and Lord will send someone to hell. This does not give us a free pass to do whatever sin we want because that is not what God wants for us.

Once we know Christ, we should naturally want to do the things that make God happy, such as following His commands. Even though lust won't send us to hell, it is still a sin, and it comes with consequences.

If this is a sin you struggle with, ask God for help and be honest about your struggles. He understands the temptation, and He can help you overcome the temptation to sin. Also, seeking out other trusted believers to help you in your struggle can help greatly.

Lastly but not least important, is to ensure you are active in your Bible reading daily. The Lord loves you, and He will help you with all of your struggles, including lust.

For further reading:

What Is the Difference Between Love and Lust?

What Does the Bible Say about the Lust of the Flesh?

Why Does the Lust of the Eyes Come from the World?

Photo Credit: ©iStock/Getty Images Plus/Jovanmandic

Vivian Bricker author bio photoVivian Bricker obtained a Bachelor of Arts in Ministry, followed by a Master of Arts with an emphasis in theology. She loves all things theology, mission work, and helping others learn about Jesus. Find more of her content at Cultivate:


Christianity / Theology / Heaven and Hell / Will I Go to Hell if I Lust?