What Does it Mean to Rejoice in the Lord Always?

Ed Jarrett

Three times in Paul’s letter to the church at Philippi, he told them to rejoice in the Lord - Philippians 3:1, Philippians 4:4- "Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!" This frequent repetition indicates its importance. But what did he mean by rejoicing in the Lord? And why is this something that we should do?

'Rejoice in the Lord' in the Bible

The word Paul uses for rejoice is the Greek word chairō. This word means to rejoice, be glad, or be delighted. It describes our reaction to something very positive happening in our lives. It goes beyond the notion of happiness. In the Bible, the term "rejoice" is used to express a deep sense of joy, happiness, and gladness, often in the context of celebrating God's goodness, salvation, or blessings. 

In Philippians 4:4 we see Paul issue a command to "rejoice!". We all struggle to maintain joy - even the Christians in Philippi did! Many things in life rob us from joy - loss of a loved one, sickness, relationship struggles, and a host of other problems can cause us to lose our daily joy. Paul is reminding the Christians in Philippi, and us today, to find our joy in Jesus - our constant, steadfast hope. 

Real joy is not getting what we want to be happy but in realizing that we receive salvation while we deserve judgement. 

What Does it Mean to Rejoice in the Lord Always?

Paul not only tells us to rejoice but commands that we do it always. Commentary from the Christ-Centered Exposition says it beautifully- "Certainly there will be occasions when we’re grieved and filled with sorrow, but even in those times the Christian can say with Paul, “as grieving yet always rejoicing” ( 2 Cor 6:10). Paul doesn’t teach that we should always be skipping around, totally detached from the real world. He teaches that even in hard times the Christian can drink deeply from the well of salvation that produces joy in the midst of struggle. You should always sing with joy because of the Savior, even in times when you have to sing with tears pouring down your face." 

Paul's message encourages us to find our joy not in our circumstances, but in our relationship with the Lord. Through gratitude, we as believers are able to shift in perspective can bring lasting happiness, even in the face of adversity.

Why Should We Rejoice in the Lord?

But why is it that I rejoice in the Lord? What is so special about him that I should find such joy?

One reason that I have for rejoicing in the Lord is because of who he is. He is the eternal, omnipotent, omniscient, transcendent creator of the whole universe.

There is no limit to his glory and greatness. If I find joy in other people, whom he created, how much more should I rejoice in God?

A second reason I rejoice in the Lord concerns what he has done for me.

I was lost, and he found me.

By his blood, I have been forgiven and redeemed.

I have been adopted into the family of God.

He is always with me wherever I go and whatever I do.

And I have an eternal future with him.

God was under no obligation to rescue me. I was the one who had turned my back on him. But, even when I was lost in my sin, God loved me and offered to rescue me from the destruction that awaited me.

And he did not just rescue me and then send me on my way. But he adopted me into his family. He has given me an inheritance as his child. Not because I deserve it. But because it pleased him to do so.

The new life he has given me will extend into eternity. A life lived in communion with my creator. The one who knows me best and who loves me beyond measure. A life both now and into the future.

I rejoice in other people who benefit me in some way. How much more should I rejoice in the one who surpasses them all?

How to Rejoice in the Lord 

When we think of rejoicing, it is tempting to think of happy times. Times when our hearts are full, and a smile is on our faces. But rejoicing should not happen just in the happy times. It should be ongoing, regardless of our circumstances and surroundings.

There were some breathtaking and memorable moments when I hiked the Pacific Crest Trail. Some portions of the trail are magical, and rejoicing was easy. But there were many more times when the trail was hard.

Times when it would have been easy to give up and go home. Times when I was hungry, bone-weary, and everything hurt. And times when the weather became a significant challenge.

But throughout the journey, I could rejoice. I was where I wanted to be. And no matter the circumstance and how I felt, I was happy to be out on the trail and experiencing all it had to offer. I rejoiced in the journey.

And that is true of my journey with Christ. It is much longer, over 50 years now. It has had its mountain-top experiences as well as plenty of times down in the valleys. I have been hurt, tired, and lost.

But throughout it all, I have been able to rejoice in the Lord. He has always walked beside me, even in the darkest valleys. And I can take joy in his presence and all he does as we walk together.

Benefits of Rejoicing in the Lord Always

Rejoicing in the Lord is more than just something that I can or should do. There are real benefits to doing so.

Rejoicing changes my attitude. It allows me to have a positive attitude as I go through this life. Rather than being grumpy or critical, I can be thankful because I am not facing this alone.

When rejoicing in the Lord, I am more inclined to have positive relationships with others. Especially with other believers in the body of Christ. Things that might otherwise bother me become no big deal.

When I rejoice in the Lord, I am much more inclined to follow where he leads. Because when I am with him, I can experience his presence and joy, regardless of where the path leads.

A Prayer to Rejoice in the Lord Always 

Dear Heavenly Father, I come before you with a heart filled with gratitude and a desire to rejoice in You always. Your Word reminds me that in every circumstance, I can find joy in knowing You and in the salvation You've provided through Jesus Christ.

Lord, I acknowledge that life can be challenging, and at times, it's easy to lose sight of Your goodness. But today, I choose to fix my gaze upon You, the source of all joy and hope. Help me to remember that my circumstances do not define my joy; my relationship with You does.

Fill me with Your Holy Spirit, Lord, so that I may bear the fruit of joy even in the midst of trials. Teach me to be grateful for all that You've done for me and to count my blessings daily. May my heart overflow with thanksgiving for Your love, grace, and mercy.

Father, grant me the strength to overcome challenges with faith and resilience, knowing that You are always by my side, guiding me through every storm. Help me to trust Your plan and to find joy in the knowledge that You work all things for good for those who love You.

Lord, unite me with fellow believers in a spirit of love and peace. May our collective worship and rejoicing bring glory to Your name and be a testimony to the world of Your transforming power.

I pray for the grace to rejoice not just when life is easy, but especially when it's difficult. Help me to find joy in Your presence and to reflect Your light to those around me. May my joy be a beacon of hope to others who are searching for meaning and purpose. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

For further reading:

How Can We Rejoice during Difficult Times?

7 Prayers for Hope - Pray for Strength and Rejoice in Hope

What Does it Mean to Praise God?

Can We Really Give Thanks in All Things Like 1 Thessalonians 5:18 Says?

Photo Credit: ©iStock/Getty Images Plus/LumiNola

Ed Jarrett is a long-time follower of Jesus and a member of Sylvan Way Baptist Church. He has been a Bible teacher for over 40 years and regularly blogs at A Clay Jar. You can also follow him on Twitter or Facebook. Ed is married, the father of two, and grandfather of three. He is retired and currently enjoys his gardens and backpacking.

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