Oftentimes it can seem as if women can more easily connect with God rather than men. Across the world, women are seen to be more religious than men. Since women do tend to be more religious than men are, does it mean that women easier connect with God than men? Or is it more based on a person’s individual personality?
Connecting with God
The Bible is clear that God wants all people to know Him and accept His free gift of salvation (1 Timothy 2:4). Women and men alike are all in need of the Savior as all people fall short of God’s glory (Romans 3:23). Reports have shown that women tend to be more religious than men.
It is possible women more easily connect with God than men do because women are more willing to be vulnerable. Men have a difficult time displaying vulnerability as vulnerability is seen as “unmanly” or weak. Women were built for relationships, and they have an innate desire to form close, deep relationships.
Men, however, do not have this same innate desire to build relationships. Rather than choosing to be dependent on others, men normally choose to be self-sufficient. Nobody, whether female or male, is truly self-sufficient as we all rely on God for our entire existence.
God created males and females in His Image (Genesis 1:27) and He loves each of us dearly (Jeremiah 31:3). Despite men and women both being created in God’s Image, they each have distinct differences and different roles. Women tend to be more open with others and yearn for a deep relationship.
This is plausibly why women have an easier time connecting with God than men do. Understanding that you have a Heavenly Father who deeply cares for you provides women with the security of knowing they are loved, valued, and protected.
It can be easier for women to open up to God because women are relationship-oriented, and women strive to build strong relationships out of love, care, and compassion. Men do not tend to develop relationships in this manner and any form of relationship with God may seem foreign to a man.
In 21st-century America, there is a major downplay of Christianity as it is seen as simply an uneducated religion. If a man follows God, it could cause him to be looked down upon by his friends or seen as less academic than his atheistic acquaintances.
The idea of having to be dependent on God also threatens a man’s “manhood” in the sense of by acknowledging Jesus as Savior and Lord demonstrates a man cannot be self-sufficient. Placing faith in Christ could be seen as a weakness for a man. While it may be seen as more acceptable for a woman to believe in God, for a man, it could be seen as weak, unmanly, or vulnerable.
Avoid Absolute Statements
It is not advisable to use absolute statements when it comes to believing that women find it easier to connect with God than men do. Ultimately, it all comes down to the individual. Some men may actually find it easier to connect with God than some women do.
Each person has their own personality and temperament, which can affect their desire to seek out God. The Bible has multiple instances of women and men both searching out God and calling out to His Name. Hannah was a depressed, barren woman, who cried out to God day and night to help her conceive a son (1 Samuel 1:10-11).
God heard her prayer and He answered it by enabling her to give birth to her son, Samuel (1 Samuel 1:19-20). Likewise, there have been many men to cry out to God and search Him out. David is said to be a man after God’s own heart (1 Samuel 13:14). Moses was called God’s friend (Exodus 33:7-11).
The prophet Elijah cried out to God for His help and God answered his prayer by raising the widow’s dead son back to life (1 Kings 17:20-22). Adam and Eve were the first man and woman ever created and God desired a relationship with them. Prior to the Fall of Man, Adam and Eve walked with God in the Garden (Genesis 3:8).
The Lord values each person, whether male or female because we are all part of God’s creation. He uniquely made each of us with tender loving care (Psalm 139:13-16). While it might seem as if women connect easier with God than men do, it is not always the case. It all comes down to the individual person.
Some men are more open to God while some women are more open to God. What the Bible does tell us is that God has made Himself known to all people of the world (Romans 1:19). Any person can connect with God, whether male or female. The only condition is that the individual has to willingly come to Him.
As Paul tells us, God is close to each of us as he says, “He is not far from any one of us” (Acts 17:27). God has not made it difficult for us to know Him. He has revealed Himself in general revelation and special revelation. The former deals with God revealing Himself in His creation as all creation attests to God’s glory.
The latter deals with the Bible, as God reveals Himself in His Word. If a person wants to connect with God, they can. The Lord did not just die for a few select individuals, rather, He died for the sins of the entire world (John 3:16-17). Connecting with God is something all people need to do, despite gender.
There are great blessings to connecting with God and building a relationship with Him. Just like any relationship, you need to spend time with God in His Word and prayer in order for the friendship to grow, mature and flourish. Rather if you are a male or female, it is important to spend time in His Word and actively talk with Him.
Why Does This Matter?
Women may seem to connect with God more easily; however, this is not an absolute statement. Some women may intensely struggle with the idea of God as being their loving Father because of an abusive past, sexual abuse, or other related trauma. It might be common for women to more easily connect with God than men, but it is not absolutely true all the time.
It all comes down to the individual. The Lord wants all people to come to know Him as He does not only call women, nor does He only call men. We can help other men and women in our lives come to know Jesus by telling them the Good News of Jesus’ work on the cross, His death, burial, and resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:1-4).
Connecting with God does not have to be difficult as males and females can connect with God by simply talking with Him. You do not have to use lengthy prayers, eloquent words, or theological terms in order to connect with God. Women and men can connect with God by simply talking to Him in prayer and listening to Him through His Word.
For further reading:
What Does the Bible Say about the Value of Men and Women?
What Does the Bible Say about the Value of Women?
What Should Christians Know about Toxic Masculinity?
The Church Is the Bride of Christ — What Does that Mean?
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