The 24 elders in Revelation 4:4 is a mystery to most people. Since they only briefly occur in Revelation 4:4, most of us want to know who these 24 elders are. The events of Revelation 4:4 have not yet happened; therefore, this event will happen in the future times of eschatology.
Through this article, an examination of the 24 elders will be done, and we will answer who they most likely are. Are they symbolic of something, are they angels, or are they the church?
There are multiple theories held by various scholars, yet we always need to weigh every theory against what the Bible says to be true.
Who Are the 24 Elders?
Revelation 4:4 says, “Surrounding the throne were twenty-four other thrones, and seated on them were twenty-four elders. They were dressed in white and had crowns of gold on their heads.” From this passage, we see the truth that the 24 elders are surrounding the throne of Jesus.
Each of the 24 elders has their own throne, yet they are surrounding Jesus’ throne. This shows us their worship and their love for Jesus.
Jesus is in the center while the 24 elders surround the throne. These 24 elders would have to have an important role within eschatology to be able to sit around the throne of Jesus.
There are many theories as to who the 24 elders are. Some scholars believe the 24 elders are angels, while other scholars believe the 24 elders are people. However, the main theory and most supported by Scripture is that the 24 elders are representations of the church.
Revelation never tells us directly who the elders are; however, the most plausible answer is that the 24 elders represent the church. This is the view that is most plausible with the information we have been given in the Bible.
It is important to see all theories before making a decision, yet after viewing each theory, this conclusion fits best with what the Bible says.
We are told the 24 elders are dressed in white and that they are wearing crowns of gold on their heads (Revelation 4:4). The church is normally identified as being dressed in white. This is to signify the church's purity and cleanliness, which is only possible because of the Lord.
The crowns of gold are also a hint at the theory the church is the 24 elders. Throughout the New Testament, different crowns are spoken of by the Apostles. There are different crowns depending on how well an individual served Christ.
The crowns referenced as being on the 24 elders’ heads could most likely be referring to these same crowns that believers will inherit.
Even though all believers will place their crowns at the feet of Jesus, it could be that the crowns mentioned here on the 24 elders’ heads could be the crowns mentioned elsewhere in the New Testament in connection with the crowns a believer will receive during the Bema Seat of Christ.
While angels are a popular theory for the 24 elders, there is not much to back up this idea. The Greek word for elder/elders does not trace back to the same Greek word for angel/angels.
Moreover, if the elders were angels, the Bible translators would have translated the word to angels. Thus, it would have been the “24 angels.”
What Does the Bible Say?
As it is, the Bible tells us there are 24 elders, not 24 angels. In the same way, there is another theory that the 24 elders are the 12 tribes of Israel. This theory also does not agree with what the Bible says.
It is important when we look at any theory that we weigh it against Scripture. If it does not align with Scripture, then the theory is most likely wrong.
Yet there is another theory that claims the 24 elders consist of the 12 tribes of Israel and the 12 disciples of Christ. While this is a compelling theory, the Bible doesn’t tell us this. Since the Bible doesn’t tell us directly who the 24 elders are, we are left to connect the dots on our own.
However, the Bible tells us enough to help us gather the right information and start to learn more about who the 24 elders might be. In the same way, the 24 elders are not just random 24 individuals.
Rather, the 24 elders are most likely representing the church. This view is the view that is most in agreement with Scripture. The church plays a major role in the future. In fact, the church reigns with Christ and will be with Christ during the time of the tribulation.
Only unbelievers will have to undergo the Tribulation. All believers (the church) will be taken up in the rapture before the start of the seven-year tribulation. The tribulation will be a scary event in the future, but believers have nothing to fear because all believers will be safe with Christ in heaven.
The church also has the major role of returning with Christ for His Second Coming. Jesus returns for His Second Coming at the Battle of Armageddon. He brings the church with Him to battle in this terrible End Times battle.
Jesus will reign victorious, and He will defeat His enemies, yet it is important to remember that the church will also be fighting alongside our King and Savior. The church has an extremely important role in the future as well as in the present.
Our present responsibilities include sharing the gospel, disciplining other believers, and living for Jesus. In the future, we will have more responsibilities of serving the Lord. While we don’t know the full extent of our service, we do know we will be serving the Lord for all eternity.
What Does This Mean?
The 24 elders in Revelation are most likely the church. We can tell the 24 elders are a representation of the church because they are dressed in white, they are wearing crowns, and they are with Christ, surrounded around His throne (Revelation 4:4).
While the Bible doesn’t tell us directly who the 24 elders are, this is the most compelling view and the view that most aligns with the Bible.
It should be noted that if you have a different view, such as the 24 elders could refer to the 12 tribes of Israel and the 12 disciples of Christ, you might not be wrong either.
Since the Bible doesn’t tell us directly, there is no way of knowing with 100% accuracy. Therefore, it is important not to condemn others if they have a different view from you concerning the 24 elders in Revelation.
Much in Revelation can be complicated and hard to understand, yet with careful study and research, and you can better understand it. There are allegories in Revelation, but there are also real prophecies that will be fulfilled in the future.
The 24 elders are an important part of eschatology that will happen sometime in the future. While we don’t know exactly what year or what century this will occur in, we know it will come in God’s timing.
The aspect of the 24 elders is one of many beautiful truths that will come, and it is good for us to wait for it patiently.
For further reading:
What Do the Seven Stars in Revelation Symbolize?
What Does it Mean That No One Knows the Day or Hour?
What Do We Know about the Second Coming of Jesus?
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